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Republican attacks on Kamala Harris to get ‘as ugly and bigoted as they can’
  • You're wrong. Some wisdom for you: If you're always wrong about something, and only people who hold precisely the exact same viewpoints as you agree, you should consider looking into it yourself. Because the question is no longer whether you're right, it becomes about who is the most correct, and whether you personally care enough and are brave enough to challenge your own viewpoint.

    Yeah, we are a bit of a microcosm here. However, when it comes to people on the left you can at least trust that most of us will go around correcting one another, often to our own detriment.

  • The Obamas Endorse Harris: 'This Is Going to Be Historic'
  • Fascism exists to first justify and in the endgame solidify the tyrannical desire of the elite. Choosing to displace our fears and concerns by undermining, even indirectly, the person we ultimately must support, we do damage to that cause. So while we are not a true Democracy, we have in our laps a chance to stop a slide into something worse.

    I feel strongly that despite the many differences we all have, and the discourse those differences often bring, we should seek to put them aside for now. Not forever. Just for now, to work for a better country and a government that exists more for us all. It is optimistic, though I know deep down that those of us not worshipping Trump want for a better life and outnumber the brainwashed and poorly educated red masses by a magnitude. We just have to come together.

  • The Obamas Endorse Harris: 'This Is Going to Be Historic'
  • You know these things about Harris and yet can't supply us with a single potential alternative? Now I am aware you're likely no expert. Though to have a fair opinion one must be able to account at least somewhat for both sides of the equation.

    Please stop dismissing Harris if you can't make even the smallest argument for why someone else may be better. It's potentially damaging and right now, as much as I wish we could debate about it for hours, we need to stop fascism first.

    edit: By the way, thank you for admitting you don't know. That alone is something we should all respect.

  • 'cause I'm the best there's ever been
  • I wonder if it's pride when you are legitimately the best and are simply aware of it, and whether the fiddle truly meant anything.

    I argue the only pride Johnny showed was the need to prove his prowess to a challenger.

    There's a wide swath of grey here.

  • Harris pushes cease-fire after Netanyahu meets with her, Biden separately
  • Thing is: We don't believe you. Moreover, you comparing anyone to how Trump speaks and acts is laughable. You also appear to think Bernie is a bad choice.

    I'm honestly rather impressed by how far up your own ass you've ended up. Shame too, under policies I suspect you've supported, getting medical help to get out of there is gonna cost a fortune.

  • Voter registration up over 35% in Virginia with VP Harris now leading Democratic ticket
  • I think it's important to point out that Harris isn't the typical ticket:

    1. Not a man
    2. Lacks that natural charisma, her's is more learned
    3. Not purely focused on politics
    4. Not white

    Here's the thing though:

    1. The Left no longer gives a flying fuck about gender. Who can do the job? Her? Let's fucking go!

    2. Her team is playing this correctly. I said when Harris was first brought forward that she needs to focus in her strengths as an ex-prosecutor and use words to turn around every significant past and present statement made by Trump and his cronies. Verbally drag them down using their own skeletons.

    3. Far as I'm aware her Mom/Dad/Grandparents/Great Uncle Thrice Removed, and the family dog, weren't politicians. I might be mistaken, though we've seen some of the best Presidents and leaders come out from places that weren't establishment political families.

    4. AND coherent. Biden was okay, though I think many of us have forgotten what it's like to listen to someone that can string words together without stumbling over every fourth syllable.

    The true key is whether she can hold this image. Excitement now means little. Apathy and fear can still set it.

  • Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future
  • Important to remind everyone that a LOT of your negative memories and feelings surrounding OW1 and 6v6 were due to the migraine magnets called 2cp. Literally a stand in the choke for 9 years and see who correctly uses every Q under the sun correctly first.

  • Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • Smoke and mirrors. Right now we need the clearest path to victory, not a path. The Right has their strengths and one of them is throwing wrenches into things. Can't throw a stick into my spokes if my bike doesn't have any.

  • ‘I Approve This Message’: Kamala Harris Instantly Uses Trump’s Own Words Against Him
  • Her and the team need to go hard and fast. She's not charisma 101, though she has some. Her real strength is her ability to disseminate and spread information as someone whose career was to become an expert on any information presented, when used alongside existing resources. What does this mean?

    She will continue to tarnish Trump's image in the eyes of all the doubtful while increasing her own standing across the board with the exception of the staunch Republican and MAGA supporters. This means hop in the truck and proceed at ramming speed. Every single historically idiotic thing Trump has said. Every piece of racism his team puts out. All the sexism and all the calls to violence against certain groups. Call them out. We can all agree that bipartisanship was the game for a long time, back when the Republicans still had some spine and integrity left here and there. What the Nation needs right now is exactly what she can almost uniquely bring, and we are seeing what I suspect is just the beginning of this little war.

  • Harris pushes cease-fire after Netanyahu meets with her, Biden separately
  • Living up to your name, Snowflake? Little baby wants to sound tough? I hope your little Trumpypoo gets stomped so hard he full tilts into a meltdown in front of you all. I'd like to see a few of those fragile glass demeanors crack.

    For people like this fine fellow, stop being kind and reasonable. Enough is enough. Call their shit out. The literal only thing they are capable of doing is responding with attacks on your character, and weak pitiful attempts at Harris, who can defend herself.

  • Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy
  • Your track record seems to be personal attacks whenever someone asks you to provide substantial proof that can be fact checked and cross-referenced. You'll submit articles that agree specifically with your take and call anyone who challenges it with information liars or claim they don't know what they're talking about. You don't challenge people with logic, you challenge them with emotion, and chances are you're angry because it feels as if everyone else is wrong and no one listens.

    Man, that must be stressful.

  • Biden calls his decision to step aside from 2024 race a matter of defending democracy
  • So, serious question: Do you only step up to defend other countries, or are the people in the U.S., where I assume you live, also on the agenda for the evening? Cause yeah, Genocide is pretty shit. Evil even.

    What about the black communities?


    Native American?




    And the larger issue of fucking fascism that leads to precisely what you're so stuck yelling about blindly?

    Here's what I think: Most of you are parrots. Actual sentient wagons transformed into people. Many of you don't have many details, you kneejerk on issues that cannot be approached from any other angle than "Yeah, of course I agree" and challenge everyone who doesn't immediately bow with "YOU SUPPORT GENOCIDE?!" as if you're the seagulls from Finding Nemo. Now maybe I'm wrong. Maybe YOU stand more often. If so, why stand with the crowd who will move on when the next big thing happens?

    Never, EVER, remove support for the greater good when the greater evil guarantees more suffering. Otherwise all you're doing is becoming a part of the problem.

  • Too spicy?
  • Funny. How many times have you overlooked the the trick when someone puts too much of a commonly seen word in a sentence?

    Or did you miss that I put 2 "the" words in the sentence above?

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps you're taking what I said literally. Using fake in the sense of "does not exist", as opposed to "no longer appearing real". So, when the human mind looks at our world it perceives patterns in every environment we're in. Eyes. Seeing and perceiving. For most of us this is the most prevalent and important sense.

    The processing of information is, however, not perfect. Because we are so good at identifying patterns, we quite literally trick ourselves. Sometimes it's because we can ignore a part of our environment safely, other times it's because there is something we identify and can't comprehend visually without more context. In the case of a repeating word, this is reactive inhibition, or to put into context: The brain recognizes that the same process is repeating over and over. It seeks to combat this stimuli by making the reactions from the neurons less responsive. It suppresses the usual reaction.

    Thus a word, while real because it's a word, begins to feel as if it's somehow lost its meaning.

  • Too spicy?
  • No.

    You're so fucking hard stuck on the idea that people must either always accept or deny it, and expect denial when there isn't a form of obvious, clear acceptance, that you immediately jump to the worst conclusions. Literally, as in LITERALLY: Word seen often. Word looks fake. Haha, funny thing, oop Ender Game reference.

    This is why we fucking lose elections, I swear. Spending too much time playing smarter than thou to just accept the word of someone else. Better to attack and argue because your opinion is the only correct one.

    Fucking of course the ACTUAL GOD DAMN GENOCIDE is bad, you sentient dildo. Oversaturation of a word when seen too much is a grossly common thing. By god your arms must be long for you to stretch reasoning that far.

    "On Lemmy, genocide word seen a lot. Oh gosh, the oversaturation! Word look fake cause constantly used."


    Fucking correction: The only thing further down the list of shit I'm tired of dealing with than the enemy gate are people who make assumptions and twist logic to fit their narrative. Fuck. We deal with this enough from the MAGA idiots. Dealing with you is like having to wake up on a Monday in a society run into the ground by capitalism.