Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stressed that no country or world leader has the right to negotiate with Russia on behalf of Ukraine. He noted that any dialogue with the Kremlin must be held according to an agreed action plan and only from a position of strength.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asserted that no world leader has the right to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin on behalf of Ukraine.
Speaking to Le Parisien readers, Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine alone determines its future and any dialogue with Russia must follow a peace plan based on strength and international support.
He warned against negotiating without clear guarantees of security, highlighting the risks of Putin resuming aggression after a ceasefire.
Zelenskyy called for a strategy ensuring Ukraine's long-term stability and security, beyond NATO or EU membership timelines.
Tbh a lot of people in the states are under the impression that we CAN do precisely that, because we absolutely have done in the past. But this is also kind of a whole different ballgame, in a ton of pretty crucial ways.
this is why our teachers taught us the difference between can and may (one implies ability, the other permission) because all of south america is looking at this like "fucking right dude"
Of course no one can negotiate on behalf of Ukraine. Ukraine is holding on thanks to the support of several parties, and those parties do have the right to continue or end that support depending on the conditions they see. I hope this never happens, but If the US says they’re okay with letting Russia keep the territory its gained as long as hostilities end, then they are within their rights to withhold further arms aid on those conditions. Is that the US negotiating as if they are themselves Ukraine? No. Zelensky understands that he is existentially dependent on others. He’s just reminding them not to abuse that.
The West should have been an overwhelming power against Russian imperialism. Ukraine should have been given everything from the beginning, no strings attached, with no self-imposed red lines.
They will swallow another democracy in 10-20 years and the cycle repeats.
Tactically, the plan is to make Russia bleed to death rather than temporarily paralyse it.
Maximizing the loss of russian life and draining the russian economy to the point that the population won't tolerate any further war is the goal. It's unfortunate that this is at the cost of ongoing war in Ukraine.
This is a solid take, but the other side of the issue is the question of how long will it take the brainwashed Russian population to realize the economy has passed a point of no return? Outside of major cities much of Russia lives in 3rd world poverty. Will they even notice if the ruble falls to zero?
they'll give a shit once all other options have been exhausted, and people realize the next step is actual shooting war, with the bombs falling on Warsaw, Helsinki, Berlin, etc. When they realize they're on their last legs before the big one, then they'll take it seriously.
America is a write off, Regulatory captured by the Russian Federation / Russian Mob, Same thing At the very least until 2026 midterms.
Europe is still in denial that its time to switch from butter, to guns. Literally
For Ukraine yes, but as far as Ukraine's allies go? Only in principle. In reality we help Ukraine because it fucks up Russia, but we don't give Ukraine the support it really needs or asks for because of [insert litany of excuses for years of delay on new weapons systems].
Proxy wars are nasty business, and Ukraine has precious little say in any of the macro decisions. Russia and Russia's ennemies collectively hold all the negociation leverage.
Zelenskyy's only hope is that domestic pressure will force the West to make a genuine effort at preserving as much of Ukraine's sovereignty as possible, hence this media intervention.
And he's right to be worried, because the situation in Palestine shows, again, that most Western governments only stick to their stated principles when it's politically convenient and shrug at literal genocide when it's not. And the Russian propaganda machine is going to work overtime to make us think that any Russian concession to Ukraine would be against European interests.
I think it's worse than that. I think the building red tape was intentional to drag out the war as long as possible so Russia as always will continue to dump resources into it until it bankrupts them both militarily and economically.
Given the Russian pushes since Trump won the election, I'm guessing the deal is "stop fighting (for a bit), but any land you're currently on is yours to keep".
This obviously will not apply to the bits of Russia currently under Ukrainian control.
Europe needs to up it's munitions manufacture. Can't rely on the US for that shit any more. They've gone mad.
America can tell Russia Ukraine formally surrenders, and that the moon is made of cheese, it isnt going to stop anyone from fighting to protect themselves.
The fact that even western countries seem to think that there can be negotiations about the fate of Ukraine and its people, without the Ukrainian voice present, is laughable and directley supports Putin and the Russian Mafia's fantasy-narrative.
If America and NATO pull back support, Putin will just say "fuck it" and take all of Ukraine and then do whatever he wants. Putin wants every territory that used to be Russia.
You'd think this would be a fairly cut and dry issue - the countries helping Ukraine wouldn't like it either if another country started negotiating terms on their behalf (especially not with a monster like Putin).
Ukraine and its people should be the ones to decide their own fate.
I swear people who think otherwise must've read David vs. Goliath and sided with the Goliath.
Hey Goliath was clearly in the right. David brought a gun to a fist fight, bastard never should have been allowed to walk free after that level of cheating.
On one hand, I get it; it's their business and they should be at any negotiating tables that involve them. On the other, if, say, Germany made a deal with Putin to leave Ukraine alone that didn't promise something of Ukraine's to Russia, would that be bad? It's one thing to negotiate with shit that doesn't belong to you, like promising Russia can keep Donsk or some shit, but if they just sold them something of theirs to get them to fuck off, that would be helpful would it not?
Except that they can't, especially Europe. While EU has drastically reduced oil and gas from Russia it's still like 20%. I've heard Hungary and Austria don't have access to gas from other countries other than Russia. (If someone has a source that says otherwise I'd be open to it).
A few years ago, didn't the British prime minister threaten to cut Ukraine out of economic relations if Zelenskyy negotiated with Russia? Kinda seams like that's already happened.
Hungary attempted to negotiate a christmas ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine. The ceasefire would end up wasting Ukraine's last chance to win the war with Biden's support. After Christmas, Trump becomes president and cuts support to Ukraine. Hungary's ceasefire would have resulted in Ukraine losing their best chance and many dead civilians. Zelenskyy is here explaining his decision to reject the ceasefire without pointing fingers at anyone in particular.
Yes, because it sends a clear message that retractions of aid will not cause them to negotiate, and thus removes a domestic political incentive to do so.
They could negotiate Russia's end to the war using their own resources (ie. Mostly the embargos) but anything Ukraine forfeits would have to be negotiated by them. The US can't just cede another nation's land.
The effect would be exactly that. Actually the US ending support for Ukraine would result in not just ceding current borders, but huge additional losses.
Yet, all other countries are supposed to send unlimited amounts of money and weapons? This is the same bullshit with everyone else... you want all our money, and that's it.
And that's the US's problem right? We're the World Police only when it's convenient for some, but not others? If it that's the case, I really wish people would stop hating on our government when we're doing things like financing small proxy wars...
And that's the problem I have with how "some" of the government is selling this thing... "if we don't send UNLIMITED funds to Russia, they'll keep taking over everything!" And I just don't buy it. Putin doesn't want to be surrounded by NATO, that's the sole reason he's going after Ukraine. He's not going to "keep going" like some are proclaiming, because he knows that will be a death sentence.
Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine alone determines its future and any dialogue with Russia must follow a peace plan based on strength and international support.
Support [outside of the racist countries' unilateral support for Israel] will always be based on agreements. It doesn't matter how much Ukraine supports Israel or sends its mercenaries to Gaza. How many countries will help out another for no return?
In principle I agree, but he doesn't really have a choice. Other world leaders are providing the funds to continue the war in the first place. If Zelensky does something they don't like, they can just stop the funding and end the war on Russian terms.
You need to educate yourself on the geographical foothold that Ukraine is. It is a very important part of land with mobilisation consequences. Without it, at least for now, it leaves very drastic measures as the only option.
If Ukraine loses we will have war with Russia (now able to use their resources and people) and we will have to send our soldiers.
Military analyst Anders Puck Nielsen, who was spot on with predictions when covering this war says that is we allow cease fire without security guarantees for Ukraine this ultimately will be victory for Russia.
I don't see how any of this takes away from what I said. Ukraine can't continue the war themselves, so they have no choice but to do what their benefactors wish.
If Ukrainians want to they can make this another Afghanistan, or even worse given their much better infrastructure and manufacturing capacity. Their will to continue fighting is the only variable.
Not sure why he’s downvoted. None of us want it, but he’s right, if Trump is as stupid as we think and actually pulls Ukraine funding, they may have no choice but to negotiate. That would be a bad outcome, but a likely outcome if the US, UK or EU dropped support.
It's terribly ironic to watch people who support US interventionism pretend that Ukraine gets to have any real say in their own destiny at this point. Hundreds of billions of US taxpayer dollars do not go into your coffers without strings.
I suppose they all just slept through Iraq and Afghanistan, but it's common historical practice for the US to install puppets and meddle in the destinies of countries we're supposedly helping.
Unfortunately yes in practice. Ukraine can't sutain their defense from Russia without all the external support they are getting, in particular from the USA (and NATO in general). So in practice, the USA can absolutely negotiate with Russia and then force Ukraine to accept whatever they negotiate. And given that the Americans picked Trump as president this has a good chance of happening.
Not saying this is right or anything like that. It sucks for the Ukranians and of course I would like for this to be different, this should be up to the Ukranians. But this is the reality of the situation, turns out that puting a traitor in charge of the biggest super power in the world has world reaching consequences even if americans didn't think about that when voting.
A lot of us were responsible for them handing back their nukes on the principal Russia couldn't invade. So it's not a they should fend for themselves we pulled their teeth