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Tech nerd from Sweden

Posts 6
Comments 729
‘The Movement to Convince Biden to Not Run Is Real’
  • Ah that makes sense. I guess any time you elect a single person, it ends up being a binary choice. Here in Sweden we have parliamentary PR, but the parties are divided into a social-liberal block and a conservative block, so voting for a party is either a vote for the socialdemokrat prime minister or the moderat prime minister.

  • US soldier charged in Okinawa for rape of minor
  • Glad to see that the US military seems to be cooperating with the investigation, at least.

    The US military's refusals in the past to hand over one of their own hurts their credibility and their soft power. No one is above the law, not even the military.

  • Tern's latest cargo ebike has a premium heart but entry level pricing
  • Those back seats with railings feel like a broken leg waiting to happen if the bike tips over. Long johns seem so much safer for kids. Bikes shouldn't restrict leg movement. Even standard child seats have better fall protection since they have those high backs.

  • Cloudflare is bad. Youre right.
  • Coops are still about the money. They're about saving money by sharing resources with fellow workers/consumers, and maintaining democratic control over the company. You're not going to get rich from a coop (without embezzlement), but you and your coowners will be cutting out the middle man. Obviously, it only makes sense for industries that you're heavily invested in.

  • Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?
  • Self hosting can save a lot of money compared to Google or aws. Also, self hosting doesn't make you vulnerable to DDOS, you can be DDOSed even without a home server.

    You don't need VLANs to keep your network secure, but you should make sure than any self hosted service isn't unnecessarily opens up tot he internet, and make sure that all your services are up to date.

    What services are you planning to run? I could help suggest a threat model and security policy.

  • Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with it
  • humidity shouldnt be a problem with modern ventilation and such large cooling surfaces.

    I'm honestly shocked how much of a fuss the participants are making over 22-26° rooms. My apartment is almost never below 25°, even in the winter. Are they somehow going to perform better if it's 20° and they freeze? Not to mention fucking loud portable air conditioners are. There's a heatwave going through Sweden right now, and my apartment was up to 30° this afternoon.

    Also really defeats the point about not using air-conditioning when all the participants just bring in super-inefficient portable units and then immediately throw them in the trash. I guess it's good for energy efficiency in the long run though for when these buildings become normal apartments.

  • Basically the extent of my IPv6 knowledge
  • I'm using IPv6 on Kubernetes and it's amazing. Every Pod has its own global IP address. There is no NAT and no giant ARP routing table slowing down the other computers on my network. Each of my nodes announces a /112 for itself to my router, allowing it to give addresses to over 65k pods. There is no feasible limit to the amount of IP addresses I could assign to my containers and load balancers, and no routing overhead. I have no need for port forwarding on my router or worrying about dynamic IPs, since I just have a /80 block with no firewall that I assign to my public facing load balancers.

    Of course, I only have around 300 pods on my cluster, and realistically, it's not really possible for there to be over 1 million containers in current kubernetes clusters, due to other limitations. But it is still a huge upgrade in reducing overhead and complexity, and increasing scale.

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • Ah fair enough, I figured that since the registers are 512 bit, that they'd support 512 bit math.

    It does look like you can load/store and do binary operations on 512-bit numbers, at least.

    Not much difference between 8x64 and 512 when it comes to integer math, anyways. Add and subtract are completely identical.

  • Security News Justin Leaky Vessels flaws allow hackers to escape Docker, runc containers

    Four vulnerabilities collectively called "Leaky Vessels" allow hackers to escape containers and access data on the underlying host operating system.

    Leaky Vessels flaws allow hackers to escape Docker, runc containers

    Runc vulnerability CVE-2024-21626 allowing container escape in all Docker and Kubernetes environments Docker Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in runc, BuildKit, and Moby

    Docker security advisory about multiple vulnerabilities in runc, BuildKit, and Moby: We will publish patched versions of runc, BuildKit, and Moby on January 31 and release an update for Docker Desktop on February 1 to address these vulnerabilities.  Additionally, our latest Moby and BuildKit re...

    Docker Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in runc, BuildKit, and Moby

    Seems like a really serious vulnerability, any container attack or malicious image could take over a container host if there's no hardening on the containers.


    Bit of a weird observation: "Seeing a new computing paradigm coming out of Data Science / Observability"

    I wanted to share an observation I've seen on the way the latest computer systems work. I swear this isn't an AI hype train post 😅

    I'm seeing more and more computer systems these days use usage data or internal metrics to be able to automatically adapt how they run, and I get the feeling that this is a sort of new computing paradigm that has been enabled by the increased modularity of modern computer systems.

    First off, I would classify us being in a sort of "second-generation" of computing. The first computers in the 80s and 90s were fairly basic, user programs were often written in C/Assembly, and often ran directly in ring 0 of CPUs. Leading up to the year 2000, there were a lot of advancements and technology adoption in creating more modular computers. Stuff like microkernels, MMUs, higher-level languages with memory management runtimes, and the rise of modular programming in languages like Java and Python. This allowed computer systems to become much more advanced, as the new abstractions available allowed computer programs to reuse code and be a lot more ambitious. We are well into this era now, with VMs and Docker containers taking over computer infrastructure, and modern programming depending on software packages, like you see with NPM and Cargo.

    So we're still in this "modularity" era of computing, where you can reuse code and even have microservices sharing data with each other, but often the amount of data individual computer systems have access to is relatively limited.

    More recently, I think we're seeing the beginning of "data-driven" computing, which uses observability and control loops to run better and self-manage.

    I see a lot of recent examples of this:

    • Service orchestrators like Linux-systemd and Kubernetes that monitor the status and performance of services they own, and use that data for self-healing and to optimize how and where those services run.
    • Centralized data collection systems for microservices, which often include automated alerts and control loops. You see a lot of new systems like this, including Splunk, OpenTelemetry, and Pyroscope, as well as internal data collection systems in all of the big cloud vendors. These systems are all trying to centralize as much data as possible about how services run, not just including logs and metrics, but also more low-level data like execution-traces and CPU/RAM profiling data.
    • Hardware metrics in a lot of modern hardware. Before 2010, you were lucky if your hardware reported clock speeds and temperature for hardware components. Nowadays, it seems like hardware components are overflowing with data. Every CPU core now not only reports temperature, but also power usage. You see similar things on GPUs too, and tools like nvitop are critical for modern GPGPU operations. Nowadays, even individual RAM DIMMs report temperature data. The most impressive thing is that now CPUs even use their own internal metrics, like temperature, silicon quality, and power usage, in order to run more efficiently, like you see with AMD's CPPC system.
    • Of source, I said this wasn't an AI hype post, but I think the use of neural networks to enhance user interfaces is definitely a part of this. The way that social media uses neural networks to change what is shown to the user, the upcoming "AI search" in Windows, and the way that all this usage data is fed back into neural networks makes me think that even user-facing computer systems will start to adapt to changing conditions using data science.

    I have been kind of thinking about this "trend" for a while, but this announcement that ACPI is now adding hardware health telemetry inspired me to finally write up a bit of a description of this idea.

    What do people think? Have other people seen the trend for self-adapting systems like this? Is this an oversimplification on computer engineering?


    Heads up Linux users: Patch 13.23 is currently crashing in game

    The latest patch today, 13.23 makes the game instacrash after champ select, be warned. Don't start a match on Linux until it's fixed.


    Facebook and Instagram users in the European Union will be charged up to €12.99 a month for ad-free versions of the social networks as a way to comply with the bloc’s data privacy rules Facebook and Instagram users in Europe can pay for ad-free versions

    Charges of €12.99 a month smartphone users for and €9.99 for desktop introduced to comply with EU data privacy rules

    Facebook and Instagram users in Europe can pay for ad-free versions

    Awful to see our personal privacy and social lives being ransomed like this. €10 seems like a price gouge for a social media site, and I'm even seeing a price tag of 150SEK (~€15) In Sweden.
