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Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • why kick that beehive before it's ACTUALLY necessary?

    Because by the time it's actually necessary, you're fucked. Case in point, if Sotomayor had resigned last year, her replacement would have sailed through, and there could be a 40 year old solidly liberal justice in her place, penning equally liberal opinions and poised to continue doing so for decades.

    But she didn't, so if she acts now, her replacement would get caught up in "senate can't nominate in election years for reasons" BS. Big political fight, but one that's winnable since Dems ultimately hold the Senate.

    If she puts it off yet further, she would have to continue for the next 4, possibly 8+ years. And maybe by that time the democrats don't have both the presidency and senate anymore, so her replacement is a less liberal consensus candidate.

    Failing to think strategically is an extremely bad idea when it comes to institutions like the Supreme Court.

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • You haven't put any thought into the situation.

    SC justices are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Both are currently held by the democrats, the latter narrowly. Both are likely to flip next year. Sotomayor is over 70, diabetic, and travels with a medic.

    If she wanted to do the right thing for the causes she believes in, she should have resigned during the past one or two years. Biden would have been able to replace her with a younger, equally liberal justice. But she didn't and probably won't, so if she dies anytime in the next 4 years (or 8 years if the Rs win the presidential election after that) then the court goes 7-2 and will remain conservative-dominated for decades.

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • To look virtuous without contributing anything substantive towards your cause.

    At this point, the one substantive thing Sotomayor can do is resign and make way for an ideologically aligned replacement. And this, she doesn't do.

  • Sotomayor Offers a Preview of What Trump Could Do as President
  • If she's so concerned, she should resign. Let Biden nominate her replacement.

    By staying on, she's basically signalling she doesn't care about the court going 7-2 after she drops dead during Trump's second term. No lessons learned from the RBG fiasco. What's the point of writing these long eloquent dissents that never end up swaying anything?

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • Polling of hypotheticals is notoriously flaky. If a fresh D comes in as nominee, all the "have to beat Trump" talking points will still be there, and all the "this guy has dementia" talking points will be wiped away. It's hard to imagine any other nominee having negatives that could be worse than credible accusations of dementia.

    Edit: except for Harris.

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • According to Biden,

    • Trump is a once in a generation threat to democracy that must be defeated at any cost.
    • He, Biden, an 81 year old guy with even lower approval ratings than Trump, should be the guy who goes up against Trump. Nobody else on the D bench should be allowed to try.

    Great logic.

    Oh by the way, there are no signs that Sotomayor is planning to retire either...

  • Nate Silver's 2024 election model is out. Currently assigning Trump a 65% chance. The presidential election isn't a toss-up

    As our model launches, either Biden or Trump could easily win — but the odds are in the ex-president’s favor.

    The presidential election isn't a toss-up
    Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election
  • From the individual consumer's point of view, it totally makes sense to keep guzzling gasoline. US gas prices are far cheaper than elsewhere in the developed world, even after inflation. US carmakers have priced EVs at premium price points, and the charging infrastructure is mediocre. Add to this Biden's lock-out of EV imports and efforts to keep gas prices down ahead of the elections.

    Anyway, it's a difficult set of problems, but I would not characterize Biden administration's climate record as being "full of wins". They're like a startup that brags about receiving lots of VC funding (big wins!), but flailing about when it comes to delivering an actual product.

  • Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election
  • The Biden admin's main selling point on climate is bragging about how much funding they've gotten from Congress. That's a legislative achievement, but the execution part -- which is the point of their branch of government -- has been incredibly rocky. You got $7.5B in funding for EV charging yielding 8 EV chargers nationwide. And Biden has slapped big tariffs on Chinese solar panels and EVs, so that renewables will get more expensive and American carmakers who are skeptical about the EV transition will get to drag their feet even more.

  • South Korean and Japanese universities under pressure to lift tuition fees South Korean and Japanese universities under pressure to lift tuition fees | East Asia Forum

    Financial and competitive challenges to universities in Japan and South Korea have put tuition fee hikes on the horizon.

    South Korean and Japanese universities under pressure to lift tuition fees | East Asia Forum

    In the US, skyrocketing tuition fees are a major political issue, with pressure for student loan forgiveness, etc.

    So it's interesting to see two East Asian countries having the opposite problem: tuition fees are too LOW, straining university finances and hindering the objective of delivering a good education.

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    America’s assassination attempt on Huawei is backfiring

    Archive link:


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    Biden hikes tariffs on Chinese EVs, solar cells, steel, aluminum — and snipes at Trump

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    Sonia Sotomayor's retirement is a political IQ test

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    Almost anything regarding Singapore cyd

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    Singapore to deliver third tranche of humanitarian aid for Gaza

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    The twilight of US trade leadership | East Asia Forum
    Almost anything regarding Singapore cyd

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    Foreign interference law invoked for the first time against naturalised S’porean businessman

    Guess which country is doing the alleged interference...

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    S’pore congratulates Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te on his victory

    I'm somewhat surprised that Singapore chose to stick its neck out with a statement, since you-know-who won't like this...

    2 What the journey of a pair of shoes reveals about capitalism

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    What the journey of a pair of shoes reveals about capitalism

    This is a great article about how online shopping, logistics, and infrastructure are improving lives in Indonesia.

    For those without a sub:


    China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent.

    These laws will ban rewards for spending money within a game for the first time, ban rewards for buying consecutive microtransactions, and ban rewards for daily log-ins.
