Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I've spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don't ask who what's in the pattern buffer.
I'll die on this hill.
Janeway made the practical call, the one that maximized survival for the entire crew.
As one entity on a starship with limited manpower and no resupply guaranteed, they need all the people they can get.
Yes, neelix and kess weren't going to be on board originally. That is irrelevant at the time of his Tuvixation. He's there, and they can't afford to lose him, regardless of how atrocious his leeola root stew is.
Not to mention that tuvok played a very important role for Janeway, one that I don't believe tuvix could handle. He was the one who reminded her of the "proper" thing to do that follows protocol. He's the cool head. The logical one who remains calm when everyone else loses their shit. Chakotay isn't on that level. Tuvix was too emotional.
Janeway made the right call.
Because mom would be sad and my dogs wouldn't understand.
Daily reminder that the moral high road is filled with corpses.
And throw it around to the side, not over the shoulder.
Up-and-over can drip all kinds of flaming liquid over you should the container not be sealed properly.
Out-and-around/sidearm flings it to the side.
Make sure you have the clearance to the side and nobody is in the literal line of fire, and you're good to lob your cocktail at the spot you intend to hit.
Super lpt: get a lacrosse stick, become proficient with it.
It's a youtube link:
Pete Kelly is fantastic and spends so much time researching his topics.
I am genuinely confused now.
I took the comic to mean "these male caterpillars see a female-presenting butterfly and wanted to be butterflies so they could look like a curvy butterfly-babe"
Rather than "these male caterpillars want to be male butterflies to butter-bang"
I am unsure why someone down voted, I am just confused how my comment is "innocence"
This one. Sorry for the confusion.
I am fully aware and believe there are people who can no longer exist/function in society today, and they absolutely should be reassesed with massive amounts of therapy and everything to try and reintegrate them, but not released after some arbitrary deadline.
I was simply pointing out a straw man when I saw it.
Why exclude “somewhat positive”?
Because they're making their argument in bad faith, or they stopped after getting the part they wanted and didn't bother looking any further.
Yes, it is.
That's also not really relevant to my comment.
I took this as "they want to look like her" rather than "they want to be butterflies to hook up with her".
As I like to say when movie makes a modern day celebrity or TV reference, "hahaaaaaa that's a pop culture reference that will definitely stand the test of time."
Still funny, though.
Don't even get me started on the cultures that figured out a equivalent of indoor plumbing...
And then some douche bag stomps in, bulldozing everything in the way, calling the people who dont toss shit in the same street they live on and will be walking in soon.... "savages"
Lmao get bent
the sea calms my soul
As long as you don't look under the surface.
Oceans be scary. (but still great, that's why I joined the navy once)
Mountain House if solar/wind are feasible and I have sufficient clearing to grow my own food.
Otherwise, regular house.
I like mountains, hiking, biking, and I want to become self-sufficient where possible. And my wife wants cows and chickens, I don't think they would do well on a beach, especially when sea levels start noticeably rising.
Woah, that straw man came outta fuckin nowhere.
They should just adopt the zip 22.
Hands down the most reliable, and powerful small caliber platform ever conceived.
What a coincidence, I'm actually in the middle of a 6 hour Mycenaean Greek documentary.
Acient human history is fascinating.
Don't worry, someone will be along to claim it's always been a CIA front.