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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 6
Comments 331
Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
  • I love how I can be called every single name in the book on Lemmy and Reddit for having a different opinion, but for some reason, when I retaliate, I'm banned, threatened, or warned... funny how ultra Liberal these sites have become...

  • How white victimhood is shaping a second Trump term
  • Well, as someone who's half white, it's getting fucking old being told I'm too blame for everything, and that I can't have any pride in my own heritage. And that I MUST support BLM, I MUST support the liberal movement, I MUST support the Trans movement... etc...

  • Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Court
  • Because it's a stupid idea. Some Democrats and Liberals want to completely change our political system, judicial system, and Constitution, because thy're not getting their way? It's fucking stupid. Trump was in office and was able to appoint who he's pure luck that things worked out in his favor during his Presidency... t's a cycle that will continue when he's long gone and some hardcore liberal President does the same... we don't change everything because one side is upset. STFU Democrats.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • This is silly. If this was Obama or Clinton that pushed for this, Democrats would not care. The Left is doing anything and everything to make it sound like Trump is some evil human who does NOT deserve some kind of immunity. They're doing this simply to scare people into voting for them (which both sides are guilty of despite what the Left will tell you...) .For fucks sake, we're talking about the POTUS, what's the purpose of holding the most important job in the world, if you constantly have to worry about going to prison? Ridiculous.

  • ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • Interesting reading all the comments about how you can understand those who don't want to fight.. yet, most of you support financing this war...the Democrats are sending BILLIONS of dollars, and god forbid we question where all the money is going... right?

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • How did Trump destroy democracy when he was president? How horrible was your life? What freedoms did you lose when Trump was President? Again, scare tactics from the Left that we've been hearing for years now... I'm old enough to remember when they said the same shit about Bush Jr...

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • Neofascism an overrated word thrown around by the Left. That's like me saying that the Democrats are going to turn our country into socialism, when we know that's not true. We heard all these things before, how horrible the country would be if Trump got elected, the "end of democracy"...and yet, under Trump none of those things happened. Both sides use scare tactics, the Democrats are no better.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • I find it ironic when the Left says "I don't care if Biden is senile and incoherent, I'll still vote for him!" no one cares... But, when the Right says "I don't care that Trump is being charged with all these different things, I'll still vote for him!" they're idiots... funny how that works on Lemmy and Reddit...

  • America is still haunted by the ghost of Ronald Reagan's corruption
  • So, when are you getting involved into politics and changing things? I swear, some of you make it sound like you know better than all of our political leaders throughout history... it makes you wonder, with all these leaders making these "horrible" decisions, why is the US still one of the strongest countries in the world, and people are risking their lives to get here?

  • If you want to understand Trump’s appeal, look at John Gotti
  • I'm just trying to offer a different opinion. This site (like Reddit) is 99% Left leaning. I like to voice my opinion as someone who leans more Right. Or, should Lemmy only be for people on the Left? Should Lemmy only be for people who vote Democrat, have liberal views, and support Biden?

  • Biden’s $30m weekend fundraising blitz breaks Democratic Party records.
  • It's funny how the Left looks at the rich and power as the enemy... when in fact, the vast majority of them in this country are Democrats.. all of Hollywood and the entertainment industry like to say "we're just like you!" and the Left eats it up..

  • Mexico’s president says he won’t fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a ‘Mexico First’ policy Mexico's president says he won't fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a 'Mexico First' policy

    Mexico’s president says he won’t fight drug cartels on U.S. orders, in the clearest explanation yet of his refusal to confront the gangs.

    Mexico's president says he won't fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a 'Mexico First' policy

    Remember when Trump said "America First" and everyone cried? Pepperidge Farms remembers..

    35 Husband of American killed by Mexico cartel says they fled Los Angeles over crime

    The widower of a Los Angeles woman shot and killed in cartel crossfire at a beach club in Tulum, Mexico, said they had fled crime in California.

    Husband of American killed by Mexico cartel says they fled Los Angeles over crime

    How come only Fox News has articles like this? Border Patrol has arrested 6,400 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions, 178 gang members in FY24

    U.S. Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens has revealed that more than 6,400 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions have been arrested in FY24, including 178 gang members.

    Border Patrol has arrested 6,400 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions, 178 gang members in FY24

    Fox News has a bad rap on sites like Lemmy and Reddit for being "fake" and "too conservative." However, they're always reporting stuff that's actually happening, that other news outlets seem to ignore. Like this article for example, which talks about criminals being arrested at the border, yet ignored by other news outlets. I never see news like this anywhere else, when in fact it's actually happening. Why is that? Do news stations like CNN and MSNBC just think it's not a big deal? Or, do they only pander to the Left, which seems to think there's no border issues?


    How do I change my layout back to white background?

    Not sure why it changed, but I don't like this black background on Lemmy...any way to change it back?

    3 10 indicted for roles in MS-13 reign of terror in California town. All face life in prison

    The members and associates of the gang engaged in murder, extortion, kidnapping and assault among other crimes, prosecutors said.

    10 indicted for roles in MS-13 reign of terror in California town. All face life in prison