"I became rich, so everyone else can do it to. They're just too lazy."
Lady, people aren't poor because they go out to eat and go to the movies. 1 trip to the hospital costs more than an entire year of that shit.
I loathe the folks that are vastly financially successful and think that same path is possible for everyone. As if the opportunities you're born into and luck aren't very large factors... Also this bitch raised a monster.
So many people my age or slightly older have no clue how much things have changed for people entering adulthood in thst past 20 to 30 years.
We could go to university and pay for it by ourselves with a part time job and maybe max out a GSL at $2500/year for four years.
And that's not all. They didn't have all the bullshit they do today where you can't (easily) declare financial independence until 25.
Once I was financially independent I got Pell grants and lots more work study. I ended up not using the work study for my senior year because I was paid more for an internship and they asked me to keep working through the school year.
I graduated with a whopping $10k or so in loans and paid $108/mo for 10 years. My interest rate was quite high at 9%. My starting salary was out of school was about $28k (1986). That works out to about $80k today.
I wish she had gone on a show where the interviewer asked her that. “Given your failure to raise an even somewhat decent human being, why should anyone take your advice on parenthood?”
She's a nazi and rasied a nazi. Look into how they made their money. Literally, got rich owning slaves in South Africa. Forced them to work in unsafe Ruby mines. Anything she says is to be ignored
Using MOVIES as an example is hilarious...ticket sales haven't come close to rebounding after COVID. Seems there are a lot of people who already took it out of their budget to make room for groceries!
It's also deeply clueless. The movies and the dinners, the nice cars and the comfortable homes, the very ability to afford raising kids without turning into a burned-out piece of shit are what give you enthusiastic compliance from your staff.
The Musks are extremely racist, in no small part because they have seen how ground down people became under centuries of colonial subjugation and decided "I guess Africans are just like that". Then they want to inflict the same abysmal standard of living on their American peers.
"you should have children and have them live a terrible life of destitution and hopelessness. That way the human rights abuse, that the musk Family are famous for, will come as a blessed relief"
I would LOVE to have kids one day. It is something my wife and I are looking forward to. We are just wanting to save up a few more moneys and it's a situation I realize we are fortunate to be in.
But we have waited so long and are waiting a little bit longer because of money because kids deserve experiences in life.
I'm sure it's incredibly easy for this lady to say "kids don't need nice things" while coming from a household that could afford everything this world has to offer.
Growing up I was lucky my dad worked extra hours so I could play sports. Up until 3 years ago (I am 29 now) I never was able to travel and never left my own state. Up until 1 and a half year ago I have never left the Country. All that to say there was a lot of anxiety and trauma I had to live with growing up. And I realize even still that some folks might consider me lucky.
In today's world, kids should never have to worry about where their food is coming from. What a detached worldview these assholes have if they're genuine.
Only if you are lazy. That might actually be millennials real problem, all that needless sleeping.
Remember those days when everyone lounged around talking about how bad millenials are and how smart and mature we all are? Like.. 12 years ago. Those were the days. Now everyone seems to be a clown of one sort or another.
I feel like Americans are just spiteful enough to just start breaking shit. Like I know for a fact that when I was working at Amazon someone shit on the conveyor belt, my bet is they denied them going to the restroom.