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Damn, I want cool secrets too
  • I was refering to the patina effect not the metal. But yeah.

  • ‘I Approve This Message’: Kamala Harris Instantly Uses Trump’s Own Words Against Him
  • Plus Harris is from California and we have a pretty good vicious streak on a cultural level. Its just not really highlighted cause it usually manifests in weird or quiet ways. A good example is that in my area quite a few people became anti-anti-gay marriage because the Mormons bussed in folks from out of state for some rally which was pro prop 8(?). The insult came about because fuck folks who dont even live in California affecting our internal politics, Californian pseudo nationalism at its finest.

  • Damn, I want cool secrets too
  • Heres a concept, imagine some corrupting evil sword gets picked up by someone who incorruptible by the sword. The trick is they are immune to the swords corruption cause they are working off of a fundamentally different internal morality.

  • Damn, I want cool secrets too
  • This is also why the statue of liberty is green. Also the colossus of Rhodes would've been the same color by the time of its fall, and especially by the time some MOTHERFUCKER SCRAPPED IT!

  • Death Valley heat melts skin off a man's feet after he lost his flip-flops in the dunes
  • Id go in November minimum. Id prefer winter though, I want to watch the boulders migrate.

  • Death Valley heat melts skin off a man's feet after he lost his flip-flops in the dunes
  • Also it took over a decade to find their remains if memory serves me right, because all of the initial search and rescue attempts were done be folks who would know what to do in that situation. It took a dude putting his mind in "ignorant European" mode to find the skeletons, because basically no one from the south west would think to cross a desert to go to an old military base. Half those things are abandoned why would you try that, but that aint how it works in much of Europe.

  • JD Vance is the least liked VP nominee in decades, according to polls
  • Is it horrible for me to say I hope this backfires on Thiel specifically and he gets sent to the reaper? Cause everytime I find out more about Thiel the more he reminds me of the nobles and clans my ancestors killed off in the past for being dangerous.

  • Sundresses and rugged self-sufficiency: ‘tradwives’ tout a conservative American past ... that didn’t exist
  • Lets not degrade folks from looking backwards. You can gain a lot of data through historical analysis and maybe even some ideas that can be dug back up and modernized. The problem occurs when folks get blinded by the past. Old World Blues and all that.

  • Sundresses and rugged self-sufficiency: ‘tradwives’ tout a conservative American past ... that didn’t exist
  • Reminder they are Republicans. These years also roughly coincide with Republican presidents, the exception being 1965 since that was Johnson. But Johnson is also looked back pretty fondly nowadays so yeah.

  • Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore
  • For her it was probably her heart stopping from not eating. They noticed that her pulse was low a couple days ago. She basically did what old animals will do and just kinda stopped eating.

  • Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore
  • My 2x great aunt just died from dementia yesterday. And well Trump is showing the same traits she had a couple months ago.

  • Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore
  • Give me some 1940s German Tanker chocolate, a bottle of Kentucky bourbon, and a trash bag full of cocaine. I can garuntee you he will gain enough lucidity to recognize that fact, he will also most certainly die while feeling real fucken good.

  • 23 July 2024
  • I think one of the characters said ain't. Its a completely pointless line that juat kinda glued to my memory for no reason. Hell it may have been part of a mod for all I know. I havent touched the game since like 2009.

  • 23 July 2024
  • Cant remember the name but it was an old city builder where ya had to build luxury space resorts. Weird fucking game, still have it somewhere.

    Edit: Found the box, its called Space Colony. Firefly and gathering are on the box no clue which is the publisher and which is the dev.

  • 23 July 2024
  • Wat. I qouting an old game.

  • 23 July 2024
  • Take ye "proper" gramma an' shove et.

  • Clerics…you have to like them..right?
  • I thought it was a game about how one dwarf killed way too many tall ones by throwing goblin corpses.

  • J.D. Vance Spends Weird, Low-Energy Speech Praising Diet Mountain Dew
  • Counter point Mt Dew gewd. Ill stop drinking when my organs hurt... again.

  • J.D. Vance Spends Weird, Low-Energy Speech Praising Diet Mountain Dew
  • Diet Mountain Dew tastes like shit. Either drink classic, Code Red, or Baja Blast. Fucking tasteless profligate. I already hated him but now I wanf to feed him battery acid.