I imagine a terrible, awful future Forest Gump remake.
“They had these camps that helped folks with their concentration or something like that. They said I was a shine-ning example, so I got to meet the president of the United States, again.”
“They tell me this guy is the best example. Got treated, got rich in shrimp. What a guy! Our camps are great, the best camps in all the world.”
Camera pans to Trump shaking hands with Kim Jong Un.
“In Korea, everybody got these pic-tures of their leader on the wall. We got those in Alabama too.”
I fucking HATE these clickbait headlines. Read the dang article and look at the quotes:
"I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it— to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities," he said during the broadcast. (emphasis added)
RFK is a total whackjob, but it's pretty clear he's talking about some kind of voluntary "farm therapy" (which probably isn't demonstrably effective anyway) and not a concentration camp.
PLEASE we got enough bombastic language and clickbait over the Biden years. There are PLENTY of things wrong with the actual quote above without taking us into clickbait territory.
Let's criticize him on the grounds of being scientific but proposing very un-scientific actions. Let's criticize him for proposing ineffective solutions, but please, focus on his ACTUAL statement instead of trying to fluff it into some goddamn headline.
They are part of the death of journalism. Inaccurate, hyped headlines that disagree with the body of the article. Designed to get "engagement" and not to inform. Fuck them.
I've never seen a futurist community online that isn't just an attention-span-bankrupt group of headline-whores and hype-addicts, desperately trying to escape reality by embracing futurist ideas and sensational new stories without critical thought.
Although these wellness farms might seem like a worthwhile idea on paper, there are plenty of ways these kinds of systems could be rife with abuse. It's also unclear how different they would really be from the rehabilitation facilities that already exist across the country, and RFK's claims that most of the issues come down to not eating organic food also don't seem to be based on hard science.
Doesn't seem ominous at all from a guy with a brainworm in a government that's being jizzed on by the whole for-profit-prison industry. I'm sure they'll have no interest in these "wellness farms".
I have read the history of Nazi era labor camps. I do not believe every outcome that occurred in Nazi Germany will occur here. Since neither Trump, nor RFK, is in charge yet, you and I can only conjecture about what they will do once they are in charge. I prefer to restrict my criticism to their stated plans instead of these hyperbolic statements, but you do you.
I guess under the same reasoning that this will be Nazi Germany, we will also be doing a land invasion of Mexico and/or Canada for more "living space". If you don't believe that to be true, then the best I can say is we will have a partial overlap with Nazi Germany. Assuming you do not believe there will be a land-invasion of our closest neighboring countries, can you explain what parts of Nazi Germany I can expect and what I cannot?
So far, I understand your reasoning to be that Trump and Co. have identical goals to Nazi Germany. I am curious how this meshes with Trump's broad support of Israel, which would probably be in conflict with the antisemitism of Nazi Germany.
Assuming this is government funded, I'd be more than happy to spend a couple of years at such a place. I need to take a break from reality and not worry about bills for a bit.
Some additional context: RFK proposed these farms will be funded by sales tax on cannabis products. Whether you consider that government funded or not is up to you.
I got into great shape mentally and physically with a limited diet and constant farm chores. Of course, I was alone and not surrounded by brain worms piloting human hosts so maybe that was what worked.
Assuming it is implemented as RFK says, I agree. I can see some people choosing to take some time on a farm to try to address their drug addictions.
Since neither Trump (nor RFK) have a track record of delivering, I will believe it when I see it. If people in the USA wrestling with drug addiction had a choice to work at a wellness farm it seems like a positive development to me. Since Team Trump is big on words and short on action, I won't give them the benefit of the doubt here. I suspect it's just another entry in the long list of stuff they talk about and then don't actually do.
MAGAs are not some strange species of subhuman. They're humans like us, genetically identical almost, same with nazis and Jim Jones cultists and everyone else who has ever done anything inexplicable. They have the same vulnerabilities and the same biases and the same reactions. If they're dumber, then the stories their brains will tell them to explain their feelings will also be dumber, but your brain does the same thing every time you feel a thing.
We're all going to have to confront this unpleasant fact about just how much free-will we actually have in the coming decade as more and more of reality becomes compromised in our daily scrolling rituals, as more bots and scammers and influencers become far more sophisticated and intelligent in their schemes.
I hope that after some period of hardship and confusion we all look at information in a different way, as the internet becomes consumed by the AI slop engine and nobody can prove what's real anymore and anyone can manipulate anyone else's image and voice perfectly and we all have to embrace new attitudes towards ourselves and our ego.
We're all subhuman because humanity is a myth we invented for ourselves. We're still just dumb fucking apes, slinging our shit at apes that look different and mimicking the apes we think look like us. As a species we won't grow or reflect upon anything. We're just trying to filter out our civilization.
"I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities," he said during the broadcast.
Isn’t it neat how he mixes in prescribed medical treatments? Neato.
I once thought it might be an idea to try and back off from 100mg sertraline to 50mg sertraline and on day two I wanted to strangle people. You can take my SSRIs from my cold dead hands.
Yeah, getting on and off medications is no easy task sometimes. And we already have mental health facilities you can go to for med adjustments. It's just not free.
He's a big believer in the whole "keeping people on drugs isn't the fix" kind of thinking. It's short-sighted and ignorant of the fact that a lot of people on them have a net benefit to function in society.
What he is proposing is something far more stupid akin to "Well look at me. I've never needed these drugs, and I'm totally fine. WTF, people?"
If you want a country that is doing the proper work to stop jumping to long-term prescriptions as problem solvers, I'm all for that. DO NOT confuse that with these dumb shit he's suggesting though.
Yeah, you want to start with making it so I can live a full life without Adderall? Awesome, I’m all for it, start by building a robust and accessible public transportation network that allows for intercity and intracity transportation conveniently at all times of day, because trust me you do not want be driving unmedicated. Then you’re gonna need to solve the unable to maintain employment without meds problem. And even if you do all that I’ll fight you taking my meds tooth and nail because I feel seriously disabled without them and would much rather go without hearing aids than without adderall.
I agree with the principal sentiment. Except for schizophrenia and other illnesses involving acute psychosis, drugs shouldnt be the permanent solution.
But this requires access to proper psychotherapy, which needs to be part of a consistent concept of slowly reducing the drugs as the condition gets better.
Also this requires a society, where people have enough agency to remove the causes of psychological distress from their life. People getting anxieties is perfectly normal, if they are in constant fear to not be able to pay their bills. People getting depressed is perfectly normal, if they are expected to work a dead end job for the rest of their lifes, etc.
I see none of that coming from the direction of any politician.
EDIT: Wow. People get offended by the idea not to pump people full of drugs for the rest of their lifes, when therapy is a viable alternative. Seriously why do you want people to suffer instead of providing proper healthcare including proper access to therapy and creating life conditions that aren't designed to make people sick? I never thought this to be controversial.
It's all the same when you believe in conspiracy theories, are not a Dr., and had a brain worm die in your head.
Also, how in the hell do we not have at least a medical degree as the very 1st requirement for a position that controls/shapes medical care for the country?!
... to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities ...
Is this paid time/leave? Who does he envision paying for his "wellness farms"? Or is this him envisioning everyone creating some commune farm where everyone is eating mushrooms and killing bears?
You hope he is just being clever and indirectly talking about legalizing cannabis, but you know that in reality he is just so incompetent that he has no idea what he is talking about.
but you know that in reality he is just so incompetent that he has no idea what he is talking about.
The reality is he's very well educated and an overall intelligent person. His views are pure malice, not stupidity. Don't be a dunce and underestimate him
The war on drugs is bullshit, but the fact is that the US government still considers it a schedule 1 drug. My point is that they shouldn't be able to tax it while still pretending that it should be illegal.
There was reports on how the white house apothecary was pushing a lot of prescription drugs during his last presidency, so I'll expect RFK to jail all of those.
Yeah, I already started weaning myself off my depression meds. Went cold turkey once, and that was a nightmare. They're planning to kill the VA, so fuck our service. I'm never getting cut off again. I'll switch to natural alternatives, thank you.
True, and I'll consider that for certain things, but I'm not taking that particular risk again. Mental health is nothing to toy with, and cold turkey is not an option. I can function generally depressed, no problem. I can't risk memory lapses and emotional whatever the fuck those were.
I strongly dislike how the argument hinges on the very movable goalpost of "illegal" drugs. It has this awful moralizing "protect the kids while we destroy privacy", vibe to it.
At first I though this would require an end-run on HIPAA, but all they really need to do is re-schedule a bunch of therapeutic drugs. Or ignore the FDA entirely and just enforce a ban by edict (somehow) through a different agency. I don't think we've ever seen federal agencies openly disagree like that before, but I think it's possible. Also: big pharma may have something to say about all this.
Like a lot of the nonsense coming from this cabinet, it'll test the crap out of state's rights.
Big pharma will love it. All the drugs they made with expired patents are now illegal. Good thing they've got a very, very, very similar drug that meets all the necessary criteria, all lined up and ready to replace it (with a brand new patent, of course).
There has been some controversy about AstraZeneca's behaviour in creating, patenting, and marketing the drug. Esomeprazole's successful predecessor, omeprazole, is a mixture of two mirror-imaged molecules (esomeprazole which is the S-enantiomer, and R-omeprazole); critics said the company was trying to "evergreen" its omeprazole patent by patenting the pure esomeprazole and aggressively marketing to doctors that it is more effective than the mixture.[50]
While the impact of CFCs from inhalers on the ozone layer had been minuscule (dwarfed by industrial processes using CFCs), the FDA in its interpretation of the Montreal Protocol mandated the switch in propellants.[17] Patients expressed concern about the high price of the HFA inhalers as there were initially no generic versions, whereas generic CFC inhalers had been available.[18]
Wow, I'm so glad this dipshit who's never had to work a day in his life could give this paternal wisdom to the plebs who might need this medication to retain employment and not die destitute in the streets.
Who knew they just needed to be sent to a farm upstate so they could run free forever and ever?
Just sounds like torture camps people voluntarily go to. Why would they remain voluntary? These people think public facilities that give out small doses to prevent people from dying from withdrawal and needle dispenseries to prevent STIs are immoral, so we all know it's torture. This is obvious whether you read the article or not for all of the nuance trolls.
I think this is how they plan on making up for immigrant labor.
But lol if you want systemic food shortages this is a great way to go. Farm labor isn’t easy, it can’t be carried out by someone who is addicted enough to the point that they need this farm to get better. Farm labor needs to be reliant and self-directed, and drug addicts are not reliable and can barely direct their lives.
People on depression or adhd meds are not necessarily drug addicts. I can’t believe we have such incompetent people in charge now.
The plan to make up for immigrant labor is prison labor. Tank the economy, further criminalize homelessness. Wouldn't be shocked if debters prisons make a big comeback.
Seems the country is being run by lunatics, not sure how America is going to survive this. There’s no such thing as a planned and controlled economic collapse, wonder what happens if another country pounces on America while it’s trying to recover. All of this seems like a bad idea for national security too. What a mess.
My therapist encourages me to reparent myself, by which they mean that when I remember something fucked up from my childhood I should try and imagine what would have happened in a loving and supportive environment. Also, they also encourage me to give myself experiences I missed out on as a child. Yes, I sleep with a plushie and it's awesome.
I have no idea what RFK, Jr means. Sounds like brainwashing.
When it comes to the brainworm guy - if he really plans on banning vaccines - is he trying to kill off all the old people? Is he trying to kill off all the children?
Technically people do owe taxes on revenue from illegal activity. You certainly could put a tax on something that's illegal, I just don't think it would bring in much revenue I'd you're still prosecuting people for that same thing you are taxing.
This sounds like the exact place drug addicts will go to find drugs. Someone who doesn't respect the Healthcare industry won't know how to run an organization like this. It will grow too fast and will use questionable methods so abhorrent it will be an obvious front for something sinister. I'm guessing it will get co-opted for the drug trade, either that or they will full on be replacements for all the immigrants being "exported."
I'd bet money on opium den before forced labor. Suburban whites are not a force they ought to trifle with.
Edit: Adding this to the top because people probably aren't reading; I said this was bad.
Honestly, from what I've read in the article, if this was said by a reasonable person I'd agree with it. Optional retreats provided for free (paid for by taxes obviously) where people can go and disconnect from a potentially harmful environment? That could actually do wonders for many people, especially if therepy and counciling are provided, and ways to create plans to get away from that environment are created.
Obviously RFK Jr. is not a reasonable man though. I don't think this will be the good possibility I'm thinking of.
I am not fan of RFK or any of this incoming administration, but I have to admit....those are going to be the most productive camps in the entire world! 🤣
I wonder if commenters here went beyond the headline, or bothered to read the quote in the comments.
The actual quote is not remotely as sinister. He said that he will start these community farms (which is not a labour camp for f sake) where addicts (which is not everyone who takes meds, it’s those who do but shouldn’t, of which there are thousands) can voluntarily choose to go, which is a far cry from “I’ll shove anybody who takes antidepressants into a labour camp” as the title suggests.
There are a lot of people who take meds from dealers instead of doctors, who may have started recreationally but are now addicted to them. This is what he is lumping together with other kinds of drug addicts. It’s not even that stupid, it has been shown in studies that addiction is more effectively addressed by giving the person meaningful things to do.
Now you can have your opinion on this idea and you can be skeptical of his implementation and you really should, the guy is a nut job who shouldn’t be allowed within ten kilometres from a government office - but sending regular joes to concentration camps because they take meds is not what he said.
Yeah honestly it sounds like a government program I'd support if it was proposed by someone like Barack Obama. So 🤷. I hope it's successful and that they look at introducing more government-led programs and initiatives for people in need (I'm not holding my breath)
Yep, this sounds like the harm reduction approach that the left has been advocating for. It sounds like these are alternatives to prison for people with addictions. Not saying he'll be able to make it work, but "tax cannabis + harm reduction" is much better than what a lot of Republicans' drug policies are.
RFK wants to ban legal medications and his multiple other statements make it clear he thinks organic food can replace them. That’s creating clear harms for people.
He may envision this as a voluntary commune but in reality once he has government backing these could be something non consensual. We already have NYPD forcing people into homeless shelters involuntarily. It’s worrisome coming from an openly authoritarian administration.