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Zier Zier
Posts 4
Comments 775
  • Damn son! That's a footlong!!

  • Putin death.
  • Can that Holiday start today? Asking for a friend.

  • Do you think another civil war can happen in the US?
  • You do know they had guns right? The FBI tracked at least 2 shipments crossing the river by white supremacist groups.

  • Donald Trump's wallpaper is a picture of himself
  • C) All of the above.

  • Pretending to do real work for 15 minutes
  • He did this because he loves McD's and was enraged that the "colored woman" worked there. It ruined it for him because he is a shallow, thin skinned racist. This is his priority. Not affordable healthcare for all Americans, of which he has a "concept of a plan". A plan he had _4 years as President _to do something about.

  • Winning the debate after the fact?
  • New caption: "This is my mcdonalds now! I am now the president of mcdonalds! We're going to be huuuuge!!"

  • Do you think another civil war can happen in the US?
  • Could it happen? Yes. There is a lot of anger in America. Will it happen in the near (10-15 years) future? No. Why? Watch any and all of the January 6th 2021 videos of the Capitol Riots. That looked like a bunch of alcoholic, mentally ill tailgate partiers tried to take over a nation. It got out of hand and went very, very bad. The only reason they did as much damage as they did, was because actual law enforcement reinforcements were not called in on time. They are just violent idiots who are old, out of shape, delusional about their abilities, and they did not have an actual plan. Civil war is not the immediate threat we face in the USA, it's the fascism of christianity from within our government that needs to be destroyed. We need a return back to sanity, back to a secular government.

  • Donald Trump's wallpaper is a picture of himself
  • That's because no one else on the planet matters more to him than... him. Donald Psycho McTrump.

  • Humanity is on the verge of ‘shattering Earth’s natural limits’, say experts in biodiversity warning
  • Not that we have ever found, but I did say... "without proof". And Science is about gathering information on concepts that we have yet to answer.

  • Should the minimum wage be lower for workers who get tipped? Two states are set to decide
  • Just to clarify, since people are confused. No one should ever have to live off sub standard wages and hope to hell they make enough tips to survive. This is an exhausting daily hustle that detracts from your quality of life. A livable minimum wage, enforced in all states and industries for every employee, regardless of age, should exist, no exceptions. $20/hr would be a good start. And if people also earned tip money, that went directly to that employee, no sharing with the employer or other employees, that would be fine. Employers need to pay employees proper wages, not your customers.

  • McPresident
  • You forgot my McCovfefe! And why is there a bite in my Hamberder? I need a manager up in this bitch right now!!

  • This child wanted to be a Transformer for Halloween
  • Is that why I have been unable to call out all day? Shit! Damn kids!!

  • Should the minimum wage be lower for workers who get tipped? Two states are set to decide
  • No one should ever have to work for tips. A living wage should be minimum for all workers, no exceptions. If you get tipped beyond that, great, otherwise, fuck off employers exploiting people.

  • Beans
  • Heinz Beanz!

  • Snail
  • Snail jokes are the slowest to get. Laughing in 10, 9, 8, 7... 6, 5... 4... 3... ... 2... ... ... ..., ... ... ..., 1... ... ... ... ... ... ... haha

  • The ice cream machine is broken again
  • The man whose Manhattan home looks like a gold-gilded trashy brothel, does a photo op in a McDonalds to entice you to elect him as an incompetent President again. I specifically don't do drugs so shit like this does not happen. FUCK!

  • It was a different time
  • No one mentions how most of the bored housewives used drugs back then. This recipe is missing jello!!

  • It was a different time
  • You watch, Dunkin' Donuts will feature this next month as "healthy".

  • It was a different time
  • Are you shitting me?????

  • Do I Bus or Limousine? Rule Both!

    Sleeper bus.


    Mona Kalina - Big Dick

    A fun dance song.


    Android 14 Apps Run Forever, why?

    So I noticed that when you close an app, most apps, they never actually quit. Is this a new behavior? Or am I missing a setting to terminate, completely, an app when I actually close it without using Force Stop on everything.

    80's Music Zier

    Re-Flex - The Politics Of Dancing (1983)

    The whole album is worth a listen.
