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TimLovesTech TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

Hi I'm Tim.

I'm AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

Posts 15
Comments 608
Trump Allies Warn Him: Underestimate Kamala at Your Peril
  • How does she feel about protecting the "Hispanic and Black jobs" from the "illegals"? With messaging not even trying to hide the dog whistle anymore I don't see how he stands a chance outside of uneducated white poor people like Vance talked about before kissing the ring of his Führer.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • Under Schedule F of Project 2025 Trump (and his horrible fascist administration) will look to replace possibly hundreds of thousands of career civil servants in all branches of the government and fill them with pro-fascist bodies ready to rubber stamp everything. And part of 2025 is also making it so non-fascist friendly media loses their licenses and basically be forced to conform to the US version of RT, or fold.

    He is going to demand loyalty or he will shut it down. They aren't going to get any tax breaks or deregulation, he doesn't see them as people (unless they write BS positive "news" about him his people can print out for him).

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • Well listening to all the conspiracies coming from the Right prior to the debate they expected the Biden we saw at the State of the Union. And afterwards they accused him of being on performance enhancing drugs (because he could make whole logical sentences that Trump is struggling with these days).

    Trump had a plan of just spewing a bunch of shit and calling Joe names, full stop. He got lucky that Joe made that easier for him, although he still made more sense than Trump. The Right has been running on the following since Trump announced:

    1. The immigrants that our economy depends on are out to replace white people/kill and rape white women/bring crime.

    2. Joe is old/sleepy (and sometimes responsible for things Trump did).

    3. Bury any mention of Project 2025 because nobody but elite Christofascists will benefit from it, and thus wildly unpopular even with the right.

    4. Keep Trump out of jail.

    Edit ugh spell check

  • Johnson warns of arrests over Netanyahu speech disruptions
  • I "heard" anyone disrupting his visit were FBI plants and the arrested ones would be political prisoners (even when video/photographic evidence says otherwise).

  • Trump demands equal airtime before Biden's address from the Oval Office | Eulerpool News
  • And the whole reason he announced so early was because he knew the indictments were coming and wanted to play the "election interference" angle to try and shield himself from being held accountable.

  • Trump demands equal airtime before Biden's address from the Oval Office | Eulerpool News
  • Well all he cares about is optics and being in the news (good or bad) more than anything else. Any "policy" he word salads about is just a vehicle to get attention. At the RNC he couldn't even help himself and had to mention his crowd size and how they cared so much about him when recounting his assassination attempt (even went on about how nobody even moved when they heard the shots because they needed to know he was ok - I saw video showing otherwise).

    Edit autocorrect is my nemesis

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • I think it was the perfect storm of sickness/tiredness/anger/and his speech issues that become magnified with any of the above. And he was never a spring chicken, but he has been doing the job just fine, but the media suddenly saw a way to cash in on their constant both sides bullshit and jumped on the "Biden old" train along with the fascists.

    Is he old, yes. And he should have long since retired, but he is still alert enough to have a conversation with people and make decisions, both of which have been glaring issues for Trump.

    If anything the media should worry about their constantly giving a platform to fascist talking points and fear of losing revenue because they are "taking sides". I think reporting on the real issues surrounding Trump and Project 2025 is perfectly valid without needing to "balance" their reporting with something negative about the democratic candidate. It's actually the job of the press to report the facts, not to always both sides everything to maintain a fake neutrality.

  • Trump Demands Changes for Next Debate, Prompting Claims He’s “Afraid” to Debate Kamala Harris
  • It's not that he needs to do the debate, but he did the first because it fed his ego of being a strong man. So, him having to back out of the debate without having a scapegoat will eat at his ego of a strong man. So this word salad he spews setting the stage to duck the debate is as about rationalizing it to his ego far more than any real campaign reasoning. Trump does everything for Trump, and this whole campaign is largely about getting in the White House so he can stay out of the big house (prison).

    Edit victim of autocorrect

  • Donald Trump doubles down on plans to dodge next presidential debate
  • Terrified Trump is scared to face another prosecutor.

    He has lost to an alarming amount of them already.

  • Would be cool
  • They'll all buy credits, problem solved!

  • Stop panicking. Replacing Biden on ballots isn't a problem.
  • The right is in a panic and pushing this "questionable legality" and "it's too late to change their candidate" nonsense. They are publicly running on the issues of banning abortion, putting tariffs on everything coming into the country, and mass deportation of "illegals" that are taking "Hispanic, Black, and union" jobs at record rates. That last part of which I don't know how the media hasn't called it out for being overtly racist and complete bullshit. Yet they let it slide at the debate, because they were all racing to write about Biden, and then again at the RNC.

  • GOP called for unity as it continued to feature far-right figures, ideas
  • The whole title. They had no talk of unity, and repeating it even to later denounce it only aids the ring wing talking points, and is completely missed by people only reading headlines.

    I read that title as, the GOP calling for unity even amongst its growing hard right faction, but not a bit of that is true.

  • GOP called for unity as it continued to feature far-right figures, ideas
  • All these "journalist" need to stop with these "both sides" headline bullshit. The RNC contained nothing about unity, and they continued their calls for violence. The media needs to wise up at some point and realize that a Trump win means that Project 2025 will allow him to turn all media into state sponsored propaganda machines, else lose their license and be out of business. So unless they all want to be the next RT (which Trump really only needs one), they better stop this whole "balanced" nonsense and start reporting on these monsters for the danger that they are. Continuing to treat them like they have "turned a corner" just continues to normalize their destruction of norms and disdain for the law.

    This title should read more like, "During an unhinged RNC, GOP nominate Trump and call on MAGA to 'fight, fight, fight' against democracy".

  • Pornhub Pulls Out of Nebraska
  • Its much like turning their seasonal "cheap labor" into "illegals", once you make it so they cannot report you, then these monsters feel emboldened to exploit them. It also probably doesn't make much difference to a lot of these monsters as they are interested in girls (not women) to young to legally do porn to begin with.

  • Sounds familiar...
  • 45mins into this talk about a guy that was a private investigator that did cult information gathering. Very interesting, able to give real examples of stuff he had to do to stay undercover. It's pretty wild!

  • Sounds familiar...
  • I also find the stories of people that have attempted to go undercover to document and eventually report out the inner works of a cult, only to be sucked in and disavow their prior life.

  • DNC moving forward with Biden virtual nomination; voting to begin no sooner than August 1
  • Well, the for sure way he doesn't win is if those wanting to stop a fascist continue to put all our energy into this diversion. It doesn't matter who the candidate is opposite the fascist, it should be a clear vote, and I just have trouble grokking otherwise. Is Biden the best candidate, nope not even close, but between him and an end to democracy I just don't see how it's a hard choice for anyone not part of the cult.

  • DNC moving forward with Biden virtual nomination; voting to begin no sooner than August 1
  • It's a vote for or against fascism. Would anyone else but Biden be a better choice, almost certainly, but currently that's not an option yet. And Biden is currently doing the job, so he seems at least somewhat capable right now.

    So the worst case scenario is Biden doesn't step aside and we all need to vote Biden and just have Harris try the 25th down the road, but that can all be handled outside the urgency of a fascist coming to power.

  • DNC moving forward with Biden virtual nomination; voting to begin no sooner than August 1
  • Getting people out is commendable. However, if everyone in a non-swing state forgoes voting, that just lowers turnout and will help fuel Trump's election denial plan the Right will launch if they don't crown him king on election night.

    And I don't mean to be shitting on someone doing a good thing for a vulnerable group, but we need to win with numbers that are outside any reasonable margin of error.

  • Sounds familiar...
  • It's very much like how people have created cults, slowly pushing the boundaries people will accept, while also claiming to be the authority of everything and accept no blame. And people crave a sense of belonging, and community. By the time people find out they are following a monster they are so far down the wrong path they feel trapped and it's the path of least resistance to just go with it. Also an example is made of anyone trying to rock the boat.

    Was an episode of The Dollop (podcast) about a teacher that created a cult of his students to show them this exact scenario (how everyday Germans got behind Hitler). I'll look it up later if nobody beats me to it before then.

    Edit - nevermind found it faster than I thought I would.

  • Lemmy 0.19.5 Release v0.19.5 Release · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Release notes Full Changelog: 0.19.4...0.19.5

    Release v0.19.5 Release · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Upgraded the instance to 0.19.5 and all seems well. As usual, let me know if you see otherwise.


    Upgrading to Lemmy 0.19.4 Release v0.19.4 Release · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Release notes Full Changelog : 0.19.3...0.19.4

    Release v0.19.4 Release  · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Upgrading the site to Lemmy 0.19.4 so expect roughly an hour of downtime. I'll update this post right before I take the site down, and again once the site is back up.

    Edit #1: OK, site will be going down now 11:31am EST. Edit #2: Site is back up - upgrade complete @ 10:46 pm EST.

    A lot of things broke I didn't expect, so please let me know if you find something not work as you believe it should be and I'll see what I can do about fix it (hopefully quicker). Again, sorry about the downtime!


    Lemmy 0.19.3 Update

    The server has now been updated to Lemmy 0.19.3 release. Let me know if you see anything that seems broken, and enjoy!


    Lemmy 0.19.2 Update

    I have updated the site to Lemmy 0.19.2 so let me know if you notice anything ... wonky. =)


    The Holidays

    I just wanted to wish anyone like myself, that struggles with the sheer amount of stimulation and hustle bustle of this time of year, the best of luck. You got this! I know it's not easy, but we will make it out the other side and hopefully not be to mentally drained (fingers crossed).


    Lemmy 0.19.1 Update - Incoming

    This is just a heads up that I'm readying the server for the new 0.19.1 update so there will be a little downtime for the site once it begins. I'm hopeful that I can do it without buggering the whole thing up and needing to do any restores. =)

    See you on the other side!


    Updated the instance to Lemmy 0.19.0 Lemmy v0.19.0 Release - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue - Bad at being social

    cross-posted from: [] > ## What is Lemmy? > > Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or se...

    As the title states, the instance is now running Lemmy 0.19.0 release. Overall I think it's running good, and some good quality of life features added.

    You can read more about it here.


    Updated the instance to the newest lemmy 0.19.0 builds

    I just update the instance to the newest lemmy-ui:0.19.0-beta.1 and lemmy:0.19.0-rc.1 builds, and as far as I can tell nothing blew up. =)

    Oh and the site should work with logins now as well that was broken by an in between build that changed the database but not the front end to talk to it.


    I broke all the things!

    My constant quest for the new shiny caused me to bork the site for a short time until I could grok what I did wrong and fix it.

    Sorry if anyone was inconvenienced!!


    I understand.

    This is just a post to validate anyone who doesn't feel seen. If you think you might be autistic or have ADHD (or both), your feelings are valid, and I understand.



    Maybe it's just me, but hopefully not, but the thing I love about music is when it's able to express and/or make me feel emotions I personally would never be able to articulate.

    I listen to alot of "Jam Bands", and I think the greatest draw for me is when you get a band passionate about making music for ppl to enjoy and they can just go all out for 20+ minutes ... It's like your just someplace else and I feel it. It's almost like a comfortable weight (I like pressure/weight on me). If the lyrics are amazing even better!

    I also enjoy music that has some amazingly expressive lyrics, but with music that's "raw" (full of emotion).

    I just got done watching this [NSFW] video of The Carasmatic Voice watching Rage Against The Machine for the first time. The emotional weight of the song is pretty high for me, and then watching her reactions and break down is just wow. She gives a description and can explain why I feel the way the music makes me feel that way and it's just ... amazing and I love it. Like I feel the rollercoaster and anger and her ability to process and describe it adds like another satisfying layer on top of the music for me.

    Sorry for the wall of text! Noted the video is NSFW because Rage is more often than not going to be something corporate overlords are NOT going to be excited to hear employees listening to at work.


    Sometimes ...

    I hate the days (like today) that I spend all my free time doing something I find interesting instead of doing all the stuff I know needs to be done, just because my brain finds it more interesting.

    (the interesting thing was this site btw)


    Instance Updated

    Updated the instance to the bleeding edge, because I can't NOT if I know that I can. I do hope that it will help with some federation/community stuff that I am seeing.


    Welcome to Autistic with ADHD

    I hope that this can become the Lemmy version of /r/AutisticWithADHD and be a safe place for all. Creating this community, and instance, has been my hyperfocus since Reddit announced the API changes. It has been a lot of hours in the works, but if I can use it to give back to the community and provide a safe space for anyone with Autism or ADHD, or both, then yay!
