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TimLovesTech TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

Hi I'm Tim.

I'm AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

Posts 15
Comments 541
The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
  • I personally couldn't imagine trying to overcome telling a court room of people what I can only imagine is PTSD inducing memories, and then on top of that receiving death threats from Trumps cult. I'm not sure one could have enough years of trauma therapy to overcome that.

  • The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
  • It might also be the allegations are 100% true, but the death threats and people trying to destroy your life and those around you might not be worth it. Look how Stormy has been treated when the Cult is out to get you.

  • Trump could legally sell pardons under 'blueprint for totalitarianism' from Supreme Court
  • He has stated that he wants to pardon everyone for Jan 6th, and will likely pardon anyone willing to be his militia against the Left/immigrants. The Supreme Court has thrown gas on how fast they are going to be able to go through the whole Project 2025 playbook.

  • Trump could legally sell pardons under 'blueprint for totalitarianism' from Supreme Court
  • Yes, but now he could do it legally (well full immunity making legality mute).

  • Happy 4th of July, everyone. Things are dire, but please remember not all is lost yet
  • The issue this time is that one party still flies at least two of those flags still.

  • BBC: UK Election 2024: Exit poll results
  • I"m sure the irony is intend on an election on the same day as the US celebration of Independence. =) I watched the John Oliver episode about this election though, and congrats on what looks like Labor being the big winner over the Conservative party.

  • Whether It’s Biden or Someone Else, Gaza Remains Top Priority for “Uncommitted” Voters
  • It blows my mind that people can argue that Trump is the worst possible outcome for our country and the world, and then follow that up with "we need a candidate that can beat Trump". If everyone knows what is at stake (democracy), how is Biden not capable of beating Trump? Do people think that not voting, or voting 3rd party is going to somehow keep Trump out of the white house? Anything but a vote for Biden (or whoever ends up on the ticket opposite Trump) is who everyone needs to vote for, or they have chosen Trump and doomed us all.

  • It's cool how they decide what's "official"
  • The Chief Justice did give two examples, as a kind of playbook for Trump and the people behind Project 2025. The two things he mentions that for sure fall within the absolute can't investigate/question/use as evidence/prosecute "official" acts are:

    1. pardons (they may pardon anyone for anything for any price)
    2. command their Attorney General (DOJ) - which they can then use #1 to cover them for any illegal requests they carry out
  • Biden says he 'screwed up' debate but vows to stay in election
  • Except that it would be against the law, and it's hard to contrast yourself with Trump if you are also now committing crimes (even if those crimes are for the bettering of the US). Immunity doesn't blank your crimes from the public's minds, and forcefully removing even bad faith Justices from the Supreme Court is not a great look when he has been campaigning on knowing "right from wrong" and respecting the rule of law.

  • 'There Are No Kings in America': Biden Blasts Supreme Court, Issues Dire Warning After Immunity Ruling
  • If he isn't going to, someone on the Left needs to start explaining from the rooftops to everyday people, "here is what this really means" with some crazy examples. And they should also be targeting Trumps own people as well, explaining that this is the power Biden has now, but if Biden is replaced that next (and likely more "radical left") individual will now have all that power should they win in November. See how they feel about Harris being able to lock any of them up, without due process or even having to charge them, then being able to pardon her DOJ, and all of it would be untouchable.

    Or since they love conspiracies, tell them Harris can wait and see who wins the election, and if they lose she could exercise the 25th on Biden, grab the power for herself, and declare Trump and his campaign all be rounded up and it would all be within her new powers and completely untouchable.

  • 'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers | Common Dreams
  • He won't though, because he's basically a moderate Republican that wants to both sides everything. He's afraid to offend the same people stabbing him in the back.

  • The DNC is the only reason you're not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.
  • So Trump, but with Trump you also knew he was going to bring racism out of the shadow and put it on a pedestal. He also turned the misogyny up to 11. Hillary was 100% the lesser of 2 evils, but that message was lost to all the "drinking baby blood" and other complete horseshit.

  • Friends Are Fundraising for a Stormy Daniels Safe House
  • It's not easy to have the whole internet locked up, and I'm sure Trumps trial only increased his cults attacks against her. Also nice victim shaming.

  • ‘Grounds for their immediate dissolution’: Complaint says Trump-related nonprofits have been violating federal law to maintain legal defense slush fund for Mark Meadows
  • What a wild timeline we are in. He is only in trouble because he went along with the man that is now a 34 count felon. They then use the felons nonprofits to act as a slush fund to pay his legal bills, thus committing more crime! Brilliant!

  • House Democrat is proposing a constitutional amendment to reverse Supreme Court's immunity decision
  • I think the Democrats need to do a much larger PSA about what exactly this means. I'm not sure 100% of Trumps cult, or many moderates, would be cool with knowing that Biden right now could have his DOJ lock up basically anyone in the US, with no reason needed, and then pardon them (his DOJ). This would all be actions that cannot be questioned, or used against the President as he has full immunity to:

    1. pardon anyone for anything
    2. command his DOJ

    Those are the 2 examples that the Supreme Court majority gave as examples in their "ruling", and they gave both a completely made up unconstitutional condition of immunity that cannot be used against the President, or questioned/debated in any way. These 2 items are a gift to Trump in their hope that he takes the white house and will allow him to round up everyone he wants and put them in death camps if he wanted. He orders his DOJ to do it, pardons them all, and it's all above the law with no possible oversight available. But I think if more people on the right knew that Biden has this power right now, BUT!, if some on the left get their way and they replace Biden on the ballot, and they win, that person would now wield this absolute power.

    Edit - Extra words =(

  • The DNC is the only reason you're not currently enjoying a second-term Sanders and a sane Supreme Court.
  • The amount of disinformation funneled into the US social media platforms was also on a whole different level than ever seen before. Facebook itself spread enough disinformation and propaganda that it single-handedly helped disenfranchise a large number of people. It's really what helped create Trumps cult, and divided everyone else.

  • Biden Told Ally That He Is Weighing Whether to Continue in the Race
  • Yep, I had checked her age the other day because I knew she was close. I don't think all the right of center Dems like Biden and Pelosi would get behind someone that progressive. They want someone that is going to play the both sides game, and play everything safe and like it's 1990 and we don't know that in 2024/2025 Republicans are going to try to burn the whole thing to the ground.

  • 'Screaming the Quiet Part': Trump Advisers Say He's Ready to Embrace King-Like Powers | Common Dreams
  • Yep, the Court did this all to set the stage for Trump knowing that Biden (or Dems) wouldn't abuse the new power.

    But since they aren't going to abuse it they should be on every news station every night till the election explaining the danger of the Court. Hold press conferences everyday, make the Republicans have to take a stance on a Supreme Court writing new law instead of adjudicating cases like they are supposed to be doing. Make it so everyone that doesn't normally follow the news finds out they just set the stage for Trump (or the next even further right fascist) winning.

  • What is the functional difference between the President having immunity for “official acts” and the powers granted to the German President under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution?
  • My understanding is that a President from founding until now has been afforded immunity from civil lawsuits for official duties, but it was never intended to shield a President against criminal prosecution. That is why Nixon stepped down, because he had crossed that line and was going to be criminally charged/prosecuted.

    The court has now taken and re-written the law for Trump, knowing that Biden (or any Dem) President will not abuse this new King power that the Court put themselves in charge of determining what applies and what doesn't. They have opened Pandora's box thinking they can control this new power, but if a dictator wants to be a dictator, they will find a way around the Court. This is going to have long term major repercussions for generations.

  • What is the functional difference between the President having immunity for “official acts” and the powers granted to the German President under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution?
  • You aren't missing anything. Our Supreme Court is supposed to look at each case and make sure that the law was applied correctly according to the constitution and case law, but has now become an extension of Trump's legal counsel doing backflips to bend (and inow seems also rewrite) the law to his benefit.

  • Lemmy 0.19.5 Release v0.19.5 Release · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Release notes Full Changelog: 0.19.4...0.19.5

    Release v0.19.5 Release · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Upgraded the instance to 0.19.5 and all seems well. As usual, let me know if you see otherwise.


    Upgrading to Lemmy 0.19.4 Release v0.19.4 Release · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Release notes Full Changelog : 0.19.3...0.19.4

    Release v0.19.4 Release  · LemmyNet/lemmy

    Upgrading the site to Lemmy 0.19.4 so expect roughly an hour of downtime. I'll update this post right before I take the site down, and again once the site is back up.

    Edit #1: OK, site will be going down now 11:31am EST. Edit #2: Site is back up - upgrade complete @ 10:46 pm EST.

    A lot of things broke I didn't expect, so please let me know if you find something not work as you believe it should be and I'll see what I can do about fix it (hopefully quicker). Again, sorry about the downtime!


    Lemmy 0.19.3 Update

    The server has now been updated to Lemmy 0.19.3 release. Let me know if you see anything that seems broken, and enjoy!


    Lemmy 0.19.2 Update

    I have updated the site to Lemmy 0.19.2 so let me know if you notice anything ... wonky. =)


    The Holidays

    I just wanted to wish anyone like myself, that struggles with the sheer amount of stimulation and hustle bustle of this time of year, the best of luck. You got this! I know it's not easy, but we will make it out the other side and hopefully not be to mentally drained (fingers crossed).


    Lemmy 0.19.1 Update - Incoming

    This is just a heads up that I'm readying the server for the new 0.19.1 update so there will be a little downtime for the site once it begins. I'm hopeful that I can do it without buggering the whole thing up and needing to do any restores. =)

    See you on the other side!


    Updated the instance to Lemmy 0.19.0 Lemmy v0.19.0 Release - Instance blocking, Scaled sort, and Federation Queue - Bad at being social

    cross-posted from: [] > ## What is Lemmy? > > Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or se...

    As the title states, the instance is now running Lemmy 0.19.0 release. Overall I think it's running good, and some good quality of life features added.

    You can read more about it here.


    Updated the instance to the newest lemmy 0.19.0 builds

    I just update the instance to the newest lemmy-ui:0.19.0-beta.1 and lemmy:0.19.0-rc.1 builds, and as far as I can tell nothing blew up. =)

    Oh and the site should work with logins now as well that was broken by an in between build that changed the database but not the front end to talk to it.


    I broke all the things!

    My constant quest for the new shiny caused me to bork the site for a short time until I could grok what I did wrong and fix it.

    Sorry if anyone was inconvenienced!!


    I understand.

    This is just a post to validate anyone who doesn't feel seen. If you think you might be autistic or have ADHD (or both), your feelings are valid, and I understand.



    Maybe it's just me, but hopefully not, but the thing I love about music is when it's able to express and/or make me feel emotions I personally would never be able to articulate.

    I listen to alot of "Jam Bands", and I think the greatest draw for me is when you get a band passionate about making music for ppl to enjoy and they can just go all out for 20+ minutes ... It's like your just someplace else and I feel it. It's almost like a comfortable weight (I like pressure/weight on me). If the lyrics are amazing even better!

    I also enjoy music that has some amazingly expressive lyrics, but with music that's "raw" (full of emotion).

    I just got done watching this [NSFW] video of The Carasmatic Voice watching Rage Against The Machine for the first time. The emotional weight of the song is pretty high for me, and then watching her reactions and break down is just wow. She gives a description and can explain why I feel the way the music makes me feel that way and it's just ... amazing and I love it. Like I feel the rollercoaster and anger and her ability to process and describe it adds like another satisfying layer on top of the music for me.

    Sorry for the wall of text! Noted the video is NSFW because Rage is more often than not going to be something corporate overlords are NOT going to be excited to hear employees listening to at work.


    Sometimes ...

    I hate the days (like today) that I spend all my free time doing something I find interesting instead of doing all the stuff I know needs to be done, just because my brain finds it more interesting.

    (the interesting thing was this site btw)


    Instance Updated

    Updated the instance to the bleeding edge, because I can't NOT if I know that I can. I do hope that it will help with some federation/community stuff that I am seeing.


    Welcome to Autistic with ADHD

    I hope that this can become the Lemmy version of /r/AutisticWithADHD and be a safe place for all. Creating this community, and instance, has been my hyperfocus since Reddit announced the API changes. It has been a lot of hours in the works, but if I can use it to give back to the community and provide a safe space for anyone with Autism or ADHD, or both, then yay!
