Concerns are mounting over Trump’s pick to lead the Pentagon, Fox News host and military veteran Pete Hegseth. CBS News reports that Hegseth was one of 12 National Guard members who were removed as guards for President Biden’s 2021 inauguration over possible extremist ties. Hegseth has tattoos assoc...
I'm a gun nut. I have an AR-15 and love it. Finest multi-purpose rifle on Earth.
Forget the rest of the tats. Having a tattoo of an AR-15 is so goddamned toxic I want to puke. FWIW, I'd punch him for the Iron Cross tats before I noticed the others.
Mine is cheap as hell and will cycle anything, including steel case ammo of dubious origin and quality. If you have one that is jamming, there might be a defect that requires your attention.
It literally seems like he's just picking a mix of Republicans who are most notorious on social media and people who would make Putin the most happy, so you're not wrong but I don't think it's the actual criterion he's using.
my theory is that this is all one big power move from trump, to show people what he can get away with. i don’t think he cares that much about the individual people he’s nominating, he more so cares about showing people that he can pick literally anyone he wants and no one will stop him.
I had to check if this was a bad freeze frame or what and nope she fires that hand out straight as a goddamn arrow and leaves it like that. She wasn’t caught mid-wave, just straight up doing the ol’ nazi salute.
It’s wild that these people are using the same imagery as the nazis. You’d think that they’d have their own brand as most people aren’t knowingly the bad guys and the ones that are are generally smarter than that but they just can’t fuckin’ help larp as the poster children for worst thing the modern world has dealt with(though more recent times are making it look kinda normal).
If this person gets clearance and is not open about the hate group ties, that can be grounds for prosecution. The big question will be whether or not anyone cares.
Oh, yeah, that will happen with Matt "baby-rapin'" Gaetz as AG. Hell it wouldn't happen with Milquetoast Merrick Garland because that would be "political".
Anybody in the trump cabinet who does not present video proof of them raping a child or committing hate crimes while doing nazi salutes is going to be prosecuted for disloyalty.
Mango Mussolini and his selections are identical to the worms Mao, Adolph, Joseph and Hideki chose. However, the Nazis were not religious in the traditional sense and they threw plenty Catholic and Protestant priests into their concentration camps. The ones who agreed, wore the cross next to the swastika.
Reminds me of Putin and his buddy Dmitry Utkin, initial founder of the Wagner mercenary group with multiple tattoos that show the symbol of the Waffen-SS, as well as other Nazi symbols.
Trump simply gave them permission to remove their masks. America is, and always has been, and always will be, a racist country founded on racist principles.
That makes sense. There's a reason that the 3 European counties who actaully choose fascism were the 3 most Christian: Germany Italy and Spain. No true Scotsman argument withstanding, well over 90% of people in nazi Germany were Christian, for example.
Its not all Christians of course and I don't have any problem with the vast, vast majority of them but there are parts of the bible that can and have been very deliberately bastardised by people for centuries and others just read literally in a way that can be formed into something really horrible. I might not believe in God but I do agree with Christians when they say the Bible is a powerful book. However, like all powerful things, it can be and is being misused, per the book itself.
One of the central points of the documentary is that Christian Nationalism isn't about Christianity. It's in direct violation of many of the central tenants of Christianity... not that that's stopped Christians before. But it's the perfect vessel to encapsulate a white supremacist power play.
Very dangerous and the US military will soon resemble the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, because of their insanity towards religion. God is not the the MAGATs.
Actually the military aggressively weeds out and removes "out right" racist and those with extreme ideologies. Turns out having racist in your military units doesn't lead to a effective fighting force. Yes there are racist people in the military and it has always been a white male dominated institution. Do to the mixing of all walks of life (kind of like college.) I honestly believe if push comes to shove the military would back the people over Trump. That's been the true goal of the whole woke military hearings to Congress.
Same goes for gang related tats. My sister had to explain that she was not in fact part of the Latin Kings for the crown on her shoulder, just a maid in a Mardi Gras crew.
Might be an unpopular comment, but I googled the Jerusalem cross and it appears to be more of a religious symbol than anything.
Saying he has tattoos linked with white nationalists is just sensationalism. And it has gotten the exact response in this thread that it wanted.
For the pitchfork wielding lemmings, if you search for “Jerusalem cross” on ADL Hate Symbol Searcg, it returns ZERO results.
Hating on this guy because you misinterpreted a tattoo that he has only makes you and people like you look ridiculous. And when the next guy stands up and says actual hateful things, WE won’t have a voice because YOU wasted it on garbage news stories like this one.
😂 Clearly you googled neither… literally every link for “swastika” mentions nazis. Google “Jerusalem cross” and the only posts you see related to white nationalism are Reddit posts with people asking if the symbol is related to white nationalism/nazis and nearly every comment saying it is not.
Edit: so many downvotes from people that also put 0 effort into looking this up.
The article specifically mentioned that tattoo and no other ones… I’m not saying this dude is qualified for the job. There’s probably tons of legit reasons to hate this pick.
This article is just rage bate, though. And judging by this thread it is a successful one.
Not to detract from this guy likely yes being a massive nazi piece of shit-
-but many deeply religious Polish Catholics who lived through WW2 and the atrocities, had (maybe still have, idk all my grandparents and aunties who did are now dead) Jerusalem crosses on their walls, usually displayed alongside their many JP2 pictures, crucifixes and black madonna's.
Also not to say that many of these Polish Catholics weren't also massive racists, but I'm pretty sure the Jerusalem crosses they displayed were a Catholic thing for them rather than a white supremacy thing.
Yes, and any cross is a symbol of white nationalism because they were used by the KKK.
Not every symbol used by racist people is a symbol of racism. You gave the one most extreme example where a symbol was co-opted and can never mean anything else again.
I am looking at other photos. I can also see "Ne Desit Virtus" (Let Valor Not Fail) with a sword. That's a symbol from the 187th Infantry Regiment. I also see the Chi Rho symbol, a Greek symbol for the name of Christ. Another tattoo is "MDCCLXXV" for 1775. Above that tattoo is an American Flag with a gun superimposed on it. I am not sure if these mean a recalling of the US War for Independence. The gun looks modern but could also serve as a bridge to the modern military of the US. On his other arm is "Deus Vult."
Broadly speaking, these tattoos suggest both military service and Christian identity.
Not found are any symbols I've seen identified with White Nationalism. No Valknot, swastika, black sun, 88 symbol, Confederate symbolism, etc.
Dude is definitely a nut, but when we start throwing around terms like “white nationalists” for things that are absolutely not white nationalism, it dilutes the impact of claims about people who legitimately are white nationalists.
White supremacist anti-Muslim narratives generally refer to Islam as an invading force
that isn't just incompatible with Western society, but is also an active threat to Western
society and cultural norms. In this context, white supremacists have used Crusader-themed
imagery and rhetoric, like the Jerusalem Cross, the Knights Templar and "Deus Vult," as dog
whistles to promote anti-Muslim hate
It’s also used fairly prominently in the episcopal church in the USA, I grew up with that symbol and it had nothing to do with white nationalism / christofascism
Deus Vult added to his collection does add some awfully strong attribution to them being the dog whistles I bet they are.
As opposed to? Doing the thing we screamed about MAGAs doing? People expect a lot out of Biden here, which is funny since so many people couldn't get off their asses and vote to prevent this from happening.
Use the office to make convicted felons (in relation to fraud or truthfulness) unable to hold higher office which is the law for most state governments but quizzically not the highest office.