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Managing hyperfixations
  • (The last bit after the break line is the most important if this much text is a lot)

    A while back I really started to look at how I was feeling in any given moment and allow that to help me decide what I should be doing about it. Ok that makes less sense without context so:

    Imagine you’ve been going for a bit. You’re starting get hungry, a little thirsty, and you’re noticing that you’re rushing a little on certain things. Maybe you’ve felt the urge to snap at someone or you’re clawing at what you’re doing in the hopes that progress on it will help settle you done. Sometimes I’m just fixated on doing something and I’ll notice that nothing is scratching the itch so my search starts to make me feel desperate.

    That’s the moment I’ll boot up Headspace(do whatever you want here I’m just saying what I do) and do a couple of the “morning” things. I find that they don’t do much for me if I start my day with them but they’re a great way to slow me down when I start to get funky in the afternoon. It reminds me that I don’t need to be doing something and that taking time to simply exist is ok. Even when I lose focus and get distracted by my thoughts I won’t give up on it and will still do my best while the timer’s running. I like an app because I can tell myself “these people made this for you, be respectful of that time and try to listen”.

    Your walk n’ weed may have a similar function in your life but you’ve gotta make sure that you understand what’s happening through some honest introspection. It could very well be that you’ve already got a solution but haven’t yet realized it so it’s being held back.

    Personally I’ve found that working on listening to myself has always helped. Even when I can’t do my full break it’s helped that I can now notice when I’m starting to get into a bit of a state and, in that noticing, I can pivot. Sometimes it’s just as good to dramatically(but not so as to startle anyone else) put “pencils down” no matter what I’m in the middle of or where that middle is, close my eyes for a second, and come back in control. The drama is in gently pushing the mouse away, placing the instrument on my lap, or putting the phone face down on any available surface, and then place my open hands on my desk/lap/whatever isn’t the stressor to ground myself.

    A shocking few things will actually be hurt by you “losing momentum” if you stop so abrubtly in this way and 95% of those are OSHA violations so you’re probably not going to encounter them much in day-to-day life.

    It’s going to be hard, at least at first, but try to go easy on yourself. Some days it may not last as long as others, and every so often your solution might not even work, but that’s ok. You’re going to be ok.

  • How did gravity worked on the Death Star?
  • It could spin around the cannon’s axis pretty easily, I imagine.

    Also it would need to spin in layers because the outside would be moving a lot faster than the inside. For the size of it that actually probably wouldn’t matter all that much since the closer layers wouldn’t need to be inhabited by anyone but much more resilient droids.

    One thing for sure is that even with such afancy technology they probably wouldn’t have directional floor gravity producers. The stacked version would then need to have gravity generators at the very bottom and it would get weaker as you go up which would be…strange.

  • Bananas
  • Fun fact:

    Bananas grow upside-down compared to what you’d normally expect. They are also herbaceous and closer to a grass, genetically, than a tree. Those bananas are probably thinking “why are we upsidedown so far from the ground?”.

  • Unlike JD Vance whose platform is mountain dew and wokeness
  • Comservatives hate taxes. They complain that the left is entitled and then bitch and moan when they have to actually pay their share for the services they use. Nothing will get them more fired up than hating on taxes even if you show them just how vile and expensive the private version is.

    “I earned that money(all by myself and at no point did I use any tax-funded infrastructure no not me not never).”

  • Donald Trump doubles down on plans to dodge next presidential debate
  • The better aim is to fire up the people who don’t vote and to make sure people have the chance to vote. The left sweeps when people actually go out and vote and that’s why voter restriction is such a core goal of far-right parties.

    Debates are great but a big problem for apathetic voters isn’t about who’s better but rather who’s worth standing in line for.

  • Donald Trump doubles down on plans to dodge next presidential debate
  • The problem is that if he doesn’t show up his base will just say that he’s “rebelling against the liberal media”. Like, would you show up to a Daily Wire debate hosted by Benny S.? That’s what they do here, they tell the base that regular media is evil and then when they run away like cowards it’s seen a strong move. Everyone else already knows that he’s chickenshit so it’s no real loss to run away.

    It’s all bullshit but that’s what we’re dealing with here against conservatives. They don’t live in reality and so reality almost can’t hurt them. I’m willing to bet that’s why they only notice stuff that directly affects them; they can’t ignore it when they have to face the music themselves but they can pretend and pretend and pretend when it’s “over there”.

  • Breaking the ice
  • I think we’re agreeing so I just want to clarify:

    The person I replied to was sounding like they were saying that the world allows traditionally hot people to get away with normally heinous stuff. It’s partly true because we absolutely, on instinct, will judge people on appearances(many have learned not to act on those feelings so quickly and that is a good thing).

    I was trying to go against that by pointing out pretty much exactly what you said which is that there are many traditionally attractive people out there labelled sleezy or creepy or whatever else by their peers i.e. they aren’t getting away with it based on their looks. I’m not sure why agreeing statements are “polar opposite”.

    My point about “ugly” people was to give my experience with people who claim that all people care about is looks are often pretty crappy people as well and to acknowledge the fact that no amount of being a good person will make up for a lack of hygiene and that is something that can be controlled quite easily(a semi-decent haircut, shaving if your beard sucks and keeping it neat if you have one, etc. are all easy and reasonable things to expect, for example).


    I personally find that being somewhat neat and deliberate isn’t even about whether or not I like the chosen style but instead about simply being turned off by people who look like they wouldn’t notice a crusty kitchen counter or nasty smell. It’s like a car. I would 100% rather drive or be a passenger in a tidy(doesn’t need to be spotless) Nissan Versa than go anywhere near a dirty BMW with crumbs everywhere and bits of garbage on the floor. I want to trust that the stain I see was cleaned as much as it could be and won’t transfer onto me.

  • Trump says he'd like to take Kim Jong-Un to a baseball game
  • There’s diplomacy and then there’s taking Kim Jong-Un out to a baseball game like he deserves anything friendlier than a punch in the mouth. This would have an effect far closer to validating his behaviour than working towards improving it.

    Trump is eating dinner at the table full of Nazis(and other authoritarians).

  • Breaking the ice
  • There are plenty of traditionally good looking men, and women, who are considered to be creepy. It takes slightly longer for people to acknowledge it but it absolutely happens. There are also many people who are “neutral” where their attitude flavours their looks. If they’re creepy they’re sleezy and if they’re respectful they’re put together.

    To be honest the “ugly” people I know who’d be considered creepy very quickly a) are being creepy and b) haven’t even attempted to make themselves presentable.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • It would be an awful lot easier than trying to salvage Biden’s image as it stands. If they do it right this should be super easy, but if they drag their heels on the changes necessary then it might be a lot harder.

    This is BIG opportunity to rebrand and show what really matters to the party.

  • A pediatric doctor on a bike died
  • There’s plenty to show that tailgating is the entire reason for “rush hour” traffic. Not allowing others to merge safely means you end up with people being cut off or slowed down constantly. Everyone wants to be going the fastest but no one wants to go the quickest.

    I leave a huge amount of space on the highway and cruise at a more constant speed to avoid this issue. It always helps traffic behind me flow better. My favourite was a guy behind me who was super pissed off and ran into the on-ramp lane to pass me, honked a bunch, floored it, and then had to slam on the brakes to avoid absolutely obliterating the car in front of me. My car is 50in tall, it’s not hard to see around but people just don’t get it. I figured it out by myself the very first time I went on the highway and yet…

    It’s different at lights and stuff, of course, but only a little. Regardless it just goes to show that people have no idea what they’re doing and a whole lot of pent up rage to really make it “fun”.

  • Me as a child: Why do people...?
  • They are taught the rules, and are punished for going outside of them. Because they get taught fairly young and they don’t really make a tonne of sense/are often just based in fear of shitty authority figures there’s a lot of incentive to act like there’s something special and intuitive about them. They can’t explain themselves and the act of doing so would expose just how nonsense most of it is. They’re also so used to being told what to do that they have little to no experience adapting for the myriad of different types of people and how they communicate.

    Seriously, once you realize that it’s all about making sure that fragile, scared, and/or stupid authority figures feel special the rules do start to make sense but no one wants to admit that.


    “Don’t talk about X because I’m uncomfortable and don’t know how to handle that in a healthy way.”

    “Don’t share your interests because I’m boring as fuck and feel bad.”

    “Don’t question why I do things because I find change really hard and feel old/worthless/threatened by people with other ideas.”

    “You didn’t understand what I meant when I dodged around the point. How dare you.” One time my ex-girlfriend’s dad asked what our weekend plans were. I was telling him and my ex said “we won’t be home for dinner on Saturday.” Like bro if that’s what you want to know then fucking ask about it.

    Seriously, it’s all just bullshit to make up for their massive lack of empathy and communication skills.

  • How to reclaim a strip-mall by @joan_de_art
  • Saying it feels like you’re insulting me or otherwise talking down is not the same as saying you did use a specific word. You aren’t the victim here and I’m not saying that I am but if you react like that to someone giving you feedback well, yea, maybe it’s best this discussion is ended.

    And yes, for your last bit thank you for coming to that understanding, it is appreciated to hear.

  • How to reclaim a strip-mall by @joan_de_art
  • Fair enough, though I’d like to be clearer about where I’m coming from, I think. When it comes to these projects there’s always a bunch of people who act like someone saying “wouldn’t this be neat?” hasn’t thought of these things or would otherwise think of them as something you could do over a weekend. Like, we know that it will take effort and there’s already so much effort going into objectively wrong, but familiar, projects that we can divert to doing good things. So when someone busts in trying to discourage these projects it’s kinda frustrating. We used to destroy whole neighbourhoods for god-awful highways but a little work to make a community greenspace is always “way too hard”. And while some of your points were at least factual when you said “trees take time to grow” I really had to wonder a) how stupid you think I am and b) how stupid you might be.

    To address your last point how often has profit really been a terribly good motivator when it takes longer than twenty minutes to see a return even if that return is guaranteed and far greater? I see the private sector constantly doing extremely stupid things because the people who have all the money usually didn’t earn it and all too often think of themselves as geniuses who shouldn’t be questioned so bad ideas happen all the time. Highway expansions, for example, have a fucking terrible return on investment, at most only barely helping for a year, yet they’re always the go-to. Another golden example is how every single fucking time a pedestrian street is proposed the business owners get pissed off and every single time it happens anyway they actually end up making more money because of it. Just because something is or isn’t happening isn’t a super great indicator for how good an idea it is.

    There’s also the point to make that if the landowners can’t be responsible with it then maybe we should do something about that. I’m not saying we need to do away with private business entirely but things paid for with taxes don’t need to be profitable but they do need to provide real value and that’s kinda awesome. Projects like this improve the lives of everyone living nearby and do real good for the people living there which can have immense indirect economic value. A golden example would be USPS, a service which serves everyone and doesn’t avoid or gouge “non-profitable areas” like a private mail service would(and don’t get me started on the theft that is the brokerage fee). Here in Canada the CBC makes sure that people all over the country have access to news and culture even when it doesn’t make them money because that’s important to us as human beings.

  • How to reclaim a strip-mall by @joan_de_art
  • Ok so literally none of that is exceptionally difficult. I’m an architectural technologist and have worked on some pretty large projects as well as seen what my landscape architect friend gets up to. I know how this all works. What you’ve described is trivial in the grand scheme of things.

    Yes, it will take time, no fucking shit. That is all the more reason to start now. Man, I wish there was a saying for that kinda stuff, probably something to do with trees I dunno.

  • How to reclaim a strip-mall by @joan_de_art
  • Literally projects like this already exist. In my city we have so many streets that get converted into pedestrian spaces, parks that are well maintained by the city with all sorts of things(the biggest park even has an area for teaching kids how to ride a bicycle on the street), and the people love the public transport. I own a sportscar and it is almost never the best way to get around and that’s awesome. And before you get snippy about why I own it I’m going to a race track in two weeks which is a whole lot more fun than driving around doing errands that I could easily walk to.

    Anyway, this is far from impossible. It’s actually astoundingly easy to do. It doesn’t require a utopia to put a fucking park in and building some mid-density communities.

    We get it, you’re afraid of change and scared of a little effort. It’s ok but maybe don’t act like you know what you’re talking about when you have zero evidence to support your claims and are running entirely off feelings.