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ininewcrow IninewCrow

Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women's rights and do not support war of any kind.

Posts 88
Comments 4.2K
The ones with no packaging and dangerously short fuses for some reason
  • Uncle jumps up onto the deck

    You and the other kids get ready for a fire works show

    Jake the Snake reaches into his bag and drops a hundred pound python onto your shoulders

    The kids roar with excitement as you pass out from the snake wrapped around your neck and chest

  • We are all gonna die
  • First, the weirdest US presidential debate .... and now this.

    What's next? World War III?

  • Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'
  • No empire is that powerful .... as soon as you think you can control a group of people with violence and fear, you've taken the first step to losing control.

    It might work at first and it may even go on for a while but it won't last.

    It's not a Hollywood fantasy either ... every empire in history started with great power and ended in destruction. It won't be pretty and it won't work out as some epic drama but it will end because people everywhere will never stand for it.

  • Props to my bro Luigi
  • The problems always boil down to money and power.

    Everyone wants to rule the world and think and believe that they can become masters of the universe.

    No one can .... a few of us might be able to attain that possibility momentarily but it will never be possible to make it last.

    So the problem lies with money and wealth.

    Remove and outlaw excessive wealth. Go ahead become a millionaire with ten million, no one will stop you but you are no longer allowed to gain any more than that.

    Once excessive wealth is removed and more people are able to share wealth and power .... then we can talk about world problems like adults ... equal adults who have an equal chance at the benefits but also an equal share of the risks of failure.

    Right now, the few people holding the power have no risks and only stand to benefit, no matter what happens, so they have no incentive to change. The majority who have no power risk losing everything but have no power to change anything.

  • A cool guide on 12 wake-up calls that every leader needs to hear
  • .... all that nonsense gets thrown out the window if the person in charge has a bagillion dollars and can hire and fire whoever they want regardless if it is their fault or not. And they can just throw endless amounts of money at problems until either the problem is fixed or everything and everyone surrounding the problem is liquidated, sold and reset while the people in charge take no responsibility.

  • Temu has finally gone too far.
  • Dr. Bashir? ... is that you?

  • Temu has finally gone too far.
  • Now I get it ..... but now I feel like someone actually opened the Temu Configuration Box and made all this possible.

  • Earlier...
  • Trust me, you really don't.

    Now I really have to watch it.

  • Earlier...
  • I love the trivia because it drives me to watch more, learn more and see more of Star Trek and everything related to it. But sometimes I just get completely lost with all the endless references.

    It's like saying I love chocolate cake and then someone gives me a chocolate cake the size of Mount Everest. I can eat as much as I want but I'll never finish it.

    So I'm just here at base camp covered in chocolate sauce waving at you at 20,000 feet on the side of Mount Coco Loco Star Trek.

    Also ..... I love cheesy movies anyways

  • A three hour tour
  • The displacements started getting rough,
    The tiny ship was tossed,
    If not for the courage of the fearless crew
    USS Voyager would be lost, USS Voyager would be lost.

    The ship set still on the shore of the uncharted delta quadrant
    With Chakotay
    Captain Janeway too,
    Tom Paris and his wife,
    A Borg Woman
    The Doctor and some Ensign
    Here on USS Voyager!!!!

  • Earlier...
  • Why do you guys do this? ..... with the inside trivia of the inside trivia of that actor from that specific episode from that show from that time with the inside trivia of the actor that did this in that movie with that show from that time with that guy in that place from 20 years ago

    I feel like O'Brien sometimes .... and other times I feel like someone trapped in O'Brien's transport buffer

    Now I have to go watch Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth from 1992

  • Enterprise The Next Series
  • I think they prefer their Generations shaken ... not stirred

  • After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go?
  • Always love that argument ....

    • red party does all sorts of things for bad government, keeps getting elected
    • blue party does all sorts of things for bad government, keeps getting elected
    • NDP does one thing nobody liked in the 90s ..... we can't elect them ever again!!!!
  • Well, that didn't take long
  • To be fair ... the 21st and 24th centuries are only a few hundred years of human evolution .... compared to the 40,000 years prior where we spent most of our time fighting one another for power and money with clubs, swords, and our bare hands.

    I wouldn't expect us to behave any differently for a few thousand years before we could change significantly.

    Just because we can fly spaceships and have advanced technology ... doesn't mean that our minds and behaviour evolved as fast in a few hundred years.

  • After nine years in office, is it time for Justin Trudeau to go?
  • I'm Indigenous and I live in northern Ontario .... and I fully support our current government for what it is and most of the people I talk to around me feel the same.

    It's only a very loud minority of self serving conservatives with a huge bone to pick and an oversized chip on their shoulder that talk non-stop about how terrible this government is. I see stickers on trucks, ads on the internet, ads on tv, ads in paper, constant bombardment from everywhere in public ads saying how bad the government is .... while most of the people I talk to have no real ill feelings against the government and only a handful of hateful, spiteful, angry conservatives who go around saying how terrible our country is and blaming it on one single person for no real reason.

    Honestly, the only message I hear from conservatives is that they hate Justin Trudeau ... some knowledgeable ones and those with a decent vocabulary can describe to me why they hate Trudeau .... the rest just keep telling me we are living in a communist dictatorship and they demand their freedom back.

    I agree that this isn't a perfect government ... they could be doing so much more but as they are now, they are doing fine.

    It's the conservatives I fear the most because if they achieve power, we will regress this country back to fighting between minorities/marginalized people/people of colour/indigenous and a vocal moral minority of conservatives that think they own the country.

    This isn't a political campaign for any kind of ideology ... its just another hate campaign designed to make one group fight another because of????? just because they want to be hateful and fight ... then after the fight is over, they'll continue fighting with everyone and blaming problems on those they deem less than themselves.

  • Happy Canada Day

    I didn't see it posted so I thought I should.

    I'm Indigenous, full blooded Ojibway/Cree from northern Ontario. Both my parents survived the residential school system in the 50s and I attended the last vestiges of Christianized schooling when I was growing up. We saw a lot of discrimination against us in my family and we were always made to feel less than every other Canadian we ever knew.

    Even with all that ..... my dad always enjoyed celebrating this holiday because he just thought it was fun and a good time to celebrate with family and friends. Maybe he just didn't know but whenever this time of year comes around, all I can think of is how much he enjoyed just having a bit of fun today in the middle of summer.

    In my own experience, I've travelled the world to 34 countries so I got see and compare how our country compares to the rest of the world. With all its shortcomings and blemishes .... this is still a great country and a prime example of decent democracy. It isn't perfect and it is very problematic and unequal in many ways ... but its on the top of the pile of mostly or more democratic places on the planet. I may be wrong on that but that is just my opinion.

    So with all that said .... to all my Native, non-Native, nation born, immigrant, brown, white, black, and every shade in between ....

    Happy Canada Day to all of you.


    Lt. James Doohan and the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

    I didn't see any one mention it here but today is the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy and what has become to be known as the beginning of the end of the Second World War.

    James Doohan who famously played Scotty in The Original Series in the 1960s was a veteran of this famous battle. This was also the day he famously lost his finger which he always did his very best to hide from the camera.

    Read about him at this webpage provided by the Juno Beach Centre.

    For those who don't know Juno Beach refers to one of the five named beach areas of the D-Day landings. Juno Beach was the landing area for the Canadian Forces of which James Doohan was part. And also for those who don't know, James Doohan was a Canadian.


    A commentary on Pretendians by an indigenous woman from Norway House - YouTube

    This is one of best commentaries I've heard recently about indigenous fraud. I've stopped referring to it as "Pretendians" because this isn't a cute joke, this is serious fraud and can sometimes add up to tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars worth of lifelong fraud.

    At first I watched this woman's video as a laugh because I watch lots of indigenous video blogs. At first I thought she was messing around but soon realized she was completely serious ..... as she was doing her hair and makeup.

    2 We need an exodus from Zionism | Naomi Klein

    This Passover, we don’t need or want the false idol of Zionism. We want freedom from the project that commits genocide in our name

    We need an exodus from Zionism | Naomi Klein

    Test MP4 at 500w upload to Lemmy

    Is it possible to just upload MP4 to Lemmy? As long as file sizes are kept to a minimum small size.


    Vulcan Day on the Enterprise

    Yet another video test using a GIF from a Pixelfed server at

    Let me know if this works any better or worse

    and also, Happy Vulcan Day .... lol


    Even in the 24th century .. they never expected it

    Another video test to see how well this one works ... this time a MP4 coming from a Pixelfed server at

    I hope it works


    Another video test - this time with GIF

    attempting to find out how and where I can post short video content and how it appears and works on Lemmy and the general Fediverse

    for your info - this was posted via the Lemmy webclient on Firefox running Linux (Ubuntu) in Canada ... and the video is being posted and hosted on a Pixelfed server on

    if you have a moment let me know if this works or doesn't work or looks or acts strange depending on what service, app or set up you have



    testing video from pixelfed


    Are studios starting to produce AI films?

    I just finished watching this German produced Netflix film and it was completely awful. If you are looking forward to this film, go watch it first if you want and skip my little review below.


    If you don't care and want to just take my word for it ... it is a waste of four one hour episodes, a total of four hours of content.

    Everything inside the film and its marketing is an AI like production with all the sci-fi alien contact cliches and movie tropes from the past 20 years. A mysterious woman in space having an epiphany, hearing voices; a father with his daughter, a daughter with a disability, a father with a truckers hat, construction worker garb running in a cornfield, mysterious no-name SWAT team/soldiers, a nuclear explosion, helicopters, jet fighters, astronauts, the ISS, scientists, the desert, cityscapes, car crashes, car chase, secret agents, a plane crash, .... input all this into an AI program and ask it for a script and you'll end up with 'The Signal'

    There is so little soul, sense or common logic in the film that to me it has all the hallmarks of a script and writing that was all generated by AI tools. If you look at the writers who put this together it is a group of four young writers with almost no prior experience in major film, yet they were handed the keys to a multi-million dollar production.

    I like watching new films and I regularly take my chances at watching something new and different. This one was interesting but the more I watched it, the more I became suspicious that it was either written by a terrible dyslectic writer with little life experience ... or it was mashed together with an AI text generator.

    One of the biggest giveaways that it most likely was an AI generated script was the corny voice over wrap up at the end of the film. I felt like I had just watched a four hour version of those Youtube auto generated AI fake film previews that are popular right now.


    Special DS9 NSFW Memes

    Don't worry .... it's not what you think it is ... I'm just getting into posting video content because I think it's fun.


    Almost every problem in the world would be dealt with meaningfully if we outlawed billionaires.

    Everytime I look at small problems or big global problems, if you follow the money trail, it all leads to some billionaire who is either working towards increasing their wealth or protecting their wealth from decreasing.

    Everything from politics, climate change, workers rights, democratic government, technology, land rights, human rights can all be rendered down to people fighting another group of people who defend the rights of a billionaire to keep their wealth or to expand their control.

    If humanity got rid of or outlawed the notion of any one individual owning far too much money than they could ever possibly spend in a lifetime, we could free up so much wealth and energy to do other things like save ourselves from climate change.


    DS9 Episode - S2 E22 - The Wire

    I know many other seasoned Star Trek fans out there have probably experienced this one many times before. But I just watched this episode for the first time and the writing, acting and story just blew me away. So far it is by far one of my favourite scenes and episodes of the series so far. The dialogue between Bashir and Garak at end the of the episode is a classic.

    I don't like giving too many details ... all you Star Trek pros already know what this episode leads up to. For those who don't, or haven't watched it yet, it is completely amazing episode to watch just for the writing and acting alone.

    This is the first time I've been able to watch DS9 from beginning to end and although I'm still in Season Two, I'm completely loving it. So much of the conflict and complexities of war and its aftermath are still very relevant today and its amazing to see. Then they give you a breath outside of the politics and give you interactions like this with Garak and Bashir and I find it completely enthralling.

    I know this may be kind of a fan favourite that's probably been stated many times before .... I was just so happy to see it that I had to share my enthusiasm.


    Kids In The Hall - Bearing witness to the Prophets of Laughter

    For anyone wondering ... this is a regular daily post by Mr Stevenson Two over at [email protected] ... a Canadian comedy show that appeared from 1988 to 1995 and starred actors Dave Foley, Bruce McCulloch, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney and Scott Thompson

    I love these daily images as they consistently remind me of the show.

    But today's image reminded me of a renaissance painting.

    1's Main Community IninewCrow

    Establishing permanent background info on newly created communities

    Is it possible to place permanent info on newly created and existing communities?

    Specifically just two small items:

    • date stamp of when a community was created
    • stamp of who created the community

    I think it is helpful to permanently place a date stamp on when a community was created. It's also helpful to note who initially created or established a newly created community.

    Just these two pieces of information let's everyone know immediately if a community is a long time well established base ... or if it is just a newly created alternate community that people are jumping on because of new developments. Sometimes communities are organically created because of real interest and they grow over time. Other communities appear suddenly when events are happening, like the Gaza war, middle eastern conflicts, or popular topics where there are many opposing sides.

    I like being able to verify and check on instances and communities wherever I go now. Every time I see something new, especially when it comes to politics and news, I do a bit of extra work to verify the information and check who created it, when, where and why.

    As of now, every new community just appears with very little information other than what is written by the community creator, or creators. There are some metrics on users but its a guesstimate as to when the community was started (there is no start date). And there is a listing for the current Mod (but no indication of who created the community).

    The Mod log gives some information but again it is all info that is posted and generated by the creators and existing mods.

    Creating and establishing a 'date created' and 'created by' permanent stamp on communities would give them more legitimacy and accountability to everyone that reads content on them. This info is also very important when events are unfolding and people are actively debating with one another in different communities.


    QUESTION - Is Canada sending our soldiers to Poland or Ukraine?

    I'm in Ontario and this past week I got a couple of messages from family and friends in southern Ontario that their sons/nephews/friends who are in the army are going to be sent to either Poland or Ukraine in the next few months.

    It's really upset myself and my family because I have relatives who were war veterans who either died or were traumatized by war (in WWII and WWI). Most of my family and circle of friends all agree .... no one in Canada should be sent to any war / conflict / fight / aggression / whatever you want to call it in Europe.

    One of them said that they were going to be deployed to Poland but then that recently got changed to Ukraine. The messages about this one soldier came from a mother who is a friend of mine. She said that her son told her that it would be a combat role for him.

    I am not certain if the young son is making up stories for his mother (as they have a difficult relationship). I'm partly wondering if the young guy is doing some strange path of going to Ukraine just to fight in whatever capacity (whether as a Canadian soldier or just a plain mercenary) just because he wants to.

    So after hearing two separate families suggesting that they thought their relative was going to be sent to Poland or Ukraine in the next few months ... is Canada sending ... or going to send troops to Poland or Ukraine? Or is this something that their families have to worry about because some dumb kid is wanting to join a war on his own?
