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andrew_bidlaw Андрей Быдло

вольный глас рассеи

Posts 82
Comments 2.2K
What the hell is in those potatoes?!
  • What a thing to steal and nail to your door lmao.

  • Be safe out there today
  • Life. It's a common abbreviation for clips with gore that aren't easy to unsee.

    But that guy sure had a major L.

  • Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • And I assumed A was for the highest mark in school (when evaluating something). In some cases I remember it did make sence, but thanks for telling me about it's origins.

    Offtop, but now I'm thinking if all these college clubs in the movies were called in latin words because of the military too, with their Alpha-Bravo-Delta correction of hearing\spelling errors over the radio.

    Your examples are fun too, and SOS sounds like an emergency dose of callories with minimal decorations when one's too exhausted (:

    P.S.: It's not unusual to know only one single language. Weirdly enough, that's shared between the US and Russia due to their huge territory most people never leave and a lot of folks being offended by hearing other languages spoken around them, like MAGA or vatniks. I've got lucky my parents invested some skillpoints into languages years ago, so I can talk to you, and you've been dealt a slightly worse hand in that department. No shame here. A lot of my dearest and wisest friends can't read memes I send them even in kindergarden English so, at least, you dodge this regular frustration (:

  • Google Researchers Publish Paper About How AI Is Ruining the Internet
  • LLM is the insanely productive content creator. We can't say how much of the web is generated by it at any moment (and that's ignoring older copypaste articles), but the organic material one wants to prioritise in machine learning gets significantly reduced. This tech, if not isolated from it's learning material, is predictably falling into a feedback loop, and at each cycle it is going to get worse.

    Surprisingly, pre LLM-boom datasets can probably become more valuable than contemporary ones.

  • Google Researchers Publish Paper About How AI Is Ruining the Internet
  • Obama taking it back from Obama? It may as well be the same picture.

  • Be safe out there today

    NSFL description and a link to a footage of a very morbid accident from reddit

    There's a video that's still imprinted on my memory that serves as a succint symbol of all these completely avoidable incidents: a guy on the hill blows his hand off but he's that morbidly drunk he repeatedly throws it into the sky like 'Hell yeah!' while others are completely shocked and try to help him climb down.

    I've seen a couple of minor accidents myself and I don't really like fireworks that just blow up and\or without a fuse. I don't trust their producers in the price range that's usually affordable to my peers. That thing being completely delegated to pros with expertise (and a full set of limbs) isn't bad at all, and they usually do pyrotechnics when and where hundreds of people can si,ultaniously enjoy them, unlike a fingerbomb one can ignite on the street.

  • Apple bows to Kremlin pressure to remove leading VPNs from Russian AppStore
  • I'm not an Apple person but IIRC their appstore is functional for already purchased and free apps. New purchases, as well as import of devices, are done via various grey schemes like via currencies and borders of third countries. I can't recall news about someone getting individually banned for that, but some opportunistic foreign banks closed their doors to rubles fearing sanctions. Official stores are closed, but I guess their repair\replace services are still operated but without a connection to the Apple themselves. There were also services to install non-Appstore banking clients and government's services via some loopholes. At the same time, except for the app in the OP, some apps can choose not to be availiable in a select country on their own.

    I guess Apple did the formal exit and then stopped to care. It's not operating in Russia per se, but it operates in other countries with entities barely passing as legal consumers and resellers. They still get their profits as usual, and these interlayer smugglers make big bucks enough to be advertised in every second russian youtube video. Is there then a mechanism to make Apple filter them out?

    A bit related news piece: russian gamers cried over Sony limiting Helldivers 2 to select countries, while other russian gamers dunked on them for they have PSN linked to the right country.

  • Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • 2

    Yeah. Забить is putting a nail in with a hammer (or scoring a goal in soccer), forcing something in.

    Now after thinking I suspect the original version was SFW, not the other way around, and meant 'to hammer in a bolt\screw', to bork something intentionally. And later it changed for a dick.

    Not at all. I find obscene words and talking about them amusing myself.

    Do you have some interesting examples from your own language\s?

  • Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • 1

    Ah, I've seen this vid. It feels so old now.

    First indiscernible phrase is

    Сейчас, нахуй, сейчас. Сейчас я тебе дам

    Now, dammit, now. (addressing the one who he'd then call out) I'm gonna give you (a punch).

    Залупа or Dickhead is correct. Usually this noun describes not a person, but a bad place to live in (a similar-sounding word халупа is a name for a simple and small hut, probably it came into obscene slang due to it's shape) or some pointless endeavor.

    Уёбище ты ёбаное isn't exactly fucking scumbag. Enraged person just strings similar words together. But if translated, ёбаное уёбище is a fucking fuckface, for the second word usually means someone (physically) unpleasant. I find that this version underlines the ranting nature of this banter.

    Счетовод or calculator-man is an old word for an accountant, from the imperial times when only a minority knew basic math. Now it's only used as a sarcasm like there. Probably not precise, but meme-y.

    In Косой пидор, блять the first word was omitted from subs. It means strabismus or an unusual alignment of one's sight, making eye-lines get crossed or point in different directions. It's a very old ableism that's still used for those who fail shots or throws in sports, games, military. It also has a direvative verb скосить when someone missed. See also: They could've used other words for visually impaired, but probably found it's not worth it.

    Lifter or поднимальщик there is an invented word, basically a person who lifts (something), probably a barrel of a gun too much, thus the accuracy is abysmal. Don't think it can be translated better.

    The beads part is correct, hah.

    This translation is alright.

  • Anon's coworker is a flat-earther
  • In a sense, they are on the same side.

  • Off-brand controller is weird in Mint (blueman)
  • It says 2.1 + EDR whatever that means, IEEE 802.15.1 on 2402-2408 MHz

  • Off-brand controller is weird in Mint (blueman)

    I use a cheap BT stick to connect my Dual Shock-alike to Proton-driven games via Steam.

    The first thing I've noticed is that it doesn't connect automatically, but that's okay.

    Then I was surprised it LEDs' colors are changeable via Steam, but just like other DS4 it can't output sound not via itself nor via a dedicated 3,5mm hole, but it's a given. Sony are spooks, that's okay too.

    What troubles me most rn is that it lags, a lot. I can press a joystic one way and release, and it would still move a character for seconds in one direction. A fix? Just plugging it into a charger (not connected to this PC) solves it. As long as it is charged via a wall socket, it works. When it's disconnected, it starts to lag after some time.

    I can't comprehend why a fully charged controller behaves like that. Does it have some faulty battery or something?

    I don't have much experience with BT controllers, thus I ask you for an advice.

    Neighborhood overwatch
  • Shoot first. Watch second.

  • Those eyes have intent
  • Calm down, we are approaching high turbulence.

  • Rotisserie Chimken 2024
  • Idk about chicken, but pancakes on the shovel, mmm.

    Pancakes served on showels to the crowd during some fucked up russian celebration years ago

  • Appeciating simple pleasures
  • Stoopid cops don't know wheelchair persons can't park their chairs and just walk without them. Why do they mark these then? 😂

  • John Deere lays off hundreds of employees, after a $10B profit year
  • Line them throats, line them wrists,

    For the market share

    They'd call us terrorists

    We can hardly care.

  • Basic American etiquette
  • That's the ceremonical gun, the actual one is under the belt pointing at the owner's testicles.

  • Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc?
  • In Russian? There are like five basic words you make your obscene lexics from (like 'fuck' in English), and хуй (khooy) is one of them, meaning dick, and хуйня (khooy-nya) is a thing related to a dick in a bad way, like a borked project or a complicated situation, while not having a direct translation on it's own. Something like, ehm, a dick-thing? as it's a noun, just like хуета (khu-e-tah), meaning the same. There are also an adverb хуёво (khoo-yovo) meaning something isn't going great, and забил хуй (zah-beel khooy) when you discarded your dick in that situation and don't give a fuck about what's going on.

    Many of them you can hear on the recordings from the ongoing war.

    I'm not sure I've understood you correctly, so you can specify what you want to know.

  • When did the (first) golden age of PC gaming end?
  • TES: Oblivion, FC3, Minecraft - all formed the landscape in one way or another in the days I was consumed by this medium. I don't think I can draw a line here. It always seemed like a powerful stream of water where some deviations created their own whirpools in a race to reach this ideal product for sale.

  • ML mods deleted a post about charging a 15yo russian with a 5 years sentence over anti-Putin leaflets

    The original was from MSN posted by a db0 user. Hexbear and ML users argued it's fake and asked for proofs. OP got some as a non-speaker, then I researched it myself and wanted to add what I've found, but the post got deleted before I replied.

    So here is an english article about that:

    And my comment with russian language proofs.

    > Local news site based in his hometown about that: Federal registry information is at the bottom, so it's legal status with russian gov is verifiable. > > I'd add an article from one of the oldest NGO Memorial to add to what you posted: They are specialized on repressions too, but originally on rehabilitating soviet political prisoners and collecting historical data in archives. Not now, though. > > I'm a native speaker and after googling around I conclude that sources that are loyal to power doesn't mention Арсений Турбин at all and many but one post in VK about his sentence are banned via the order of Генпрокуратура originated in the first day of war. More about this order that's used against maaany resources: > > As a bonus: I think I've found his VK page. Name fits, city fits, soccer interests fit, age is faked by adding years to avoid age restrictions, political position is not democratic but rather pro-Wagner and anti-Putin, more like an 'angry patriots' crowd. Not a direct link due to good taste rules, but he is googlable by his name I put in bold and the end of his handle is numbers. This account is new but it's created and started posting before the war. These articles mention another status in his bio, but as it wasn't posted, I can't tell if someone changed it - yet, it also tracks with Prigo worship.

    My opinion #1: The boy is real, he is charged and his process is silenced in federal news, everything posted kinda tracks. We can't verify his connection to the armed russian fighters on ukrainian side, but he doesn't like Putin and was fanboying after Prigo's macho vibes, so he could try to contact them, and then dropped it? That part of the story is told by NGOs with a big local rep, so I trust them to fill that hole.

    My opinion #2: OP has probably mistaken ML instance for another one and after the mods noticed it (and proofs started to appear) they deleted the post due to their bias alone.

    I've not posted there yet, so if it doesn't fit, please tell me. Also, keep in mind that he is just a 15yo boy and he's hardly thinking for himself.


    Appimage starts on it's own, how to undo it?

    After I launched some program I need from an app image, it starts every time I log into system.

    Going by Windows logic, there may be some menu or a queue that lists all apps that start after logining in with an option to disable it.

    I'm struggling to find anything like that.


    NFS OST remade for kids

    One of the weird realization for me as I learnt English and listened to authors who contributed to these games, is that many remastered their tracks to exclude swear words and obvious mentions of drugs, or was it EA specialists? NFS Underground and Most Wanted games were filled with rap and metal, but still got rated for teens because of that. When I've heard some of these songs in their album versions for the first time and there were actual lines or even paragraphs I've not heard before it was very weird. I applaud whoever did this and still kept these songs bangers as they are, intact, hard hitting whenever you hard them back then or now like I do.

    That was probably never talked about, but here it is: someone did a very good job. You'd probably never notice that until you hear the original.

    If you happen to not believe me, check the first verse from Dilated People's Who is Who. That's the worst edit of the bunch, although it's one of my favorite tracks in the game. This flow is fucking tight, DPs are Erik B and Rakim for millenials, fight me. Either way, here are these tracks:


    Choppy NFSU version:

    That didn't occured to me in the early 00s, but you can hear the MC cut being half-word in. I'm puzzled how it got into production if it wasn't a fuck you from the artists leaving a clue about the whole text, kek.

    I don't know why I dumped that on you, but now you know there are specially created versions of songs for some old games that wanted to sound all gangsta but still keep themselves teen-friendly. You are welcome.

    offmychest Андрей Быдло

    I can't stop drinking and I'm becomimg delusional

    Since the COVID and the war with Ukraine I drink regularly. I manage it somehow, doing hobbies, work, stuff. I don't put my anger off on others, even ones who I hate. I keep it inside, and I drink.

    But I find out there's one unnerving thing. I can't feel that I reek of alcohol. And I turn subconsciously suspective of others if they hear the smell. Nearly combatative at times. Everyone knows that I smell like vodka, I start to see it in their words, gestures. I become paranoid. They all know what I don't, and I hate them.

    And my partner doesn't help it. They want me to be sober, but they only ask if I've bought booze on the end of the day. Either way if I did or didn't, I feel shame and want to drink myself to not feeling anything anyway. They care about me, but I don't feel like caring about myself. Why they even got to me, of all people, a fucking piece of shit going mental? I feel sorry for them and that many things that they do, I don't deserve them at all.

    I'm sitting on the attic with a bottle of vodka, there are four spiders I came across and a hidden hole that some bird picked as her nest. I heard the sounds of nervous moving and I wonder if they got her. I can't access her location, and I wonder if four little spiders can take a bird. The closest date I'd discover her is the next spring. She'd either leave or die there. One of the subjects jumped onto my leg so I shoved it off. I wish this bird best.

    I wish myself worst, for I'm useless.

    Game Development Андрей Быдло

    Let's talk gamedesign blunders (pre MTX)

    As most of us play games, we sometimes encounter elements or routines that suck all the fun from a shipped product. They can be a dealbreaker, so it's better to be aware of them. I'd exclude platinum challenges and MTX as they are their own beasts, and start with a couple of examples I hated in older titles:

    • NFS: Hot Pursuit (2010). Before and after you enter a race, there are motivational unskippable cutscenes about your rating and unlocked vehicles. Instead of inspiring me to play more, it felt like visiting the web without an adblocker. Although it plays nice on Linux and I liked how vehicles drive, I deleted it after a couple of hours.

    • NFS: Underground. Besides a difficulty slider you have before every track, there's a trend to make every other race longer. 6+ 1.5 minute laps become a chore and make you notice how broken and random it is under the hood. The strenght of the game in the short flashy arcade runs, but as devs couldn't find any way to make it more difficult, they make it a useless test of endurance.

    • TES: Skyrim. Lots of quests are built on a premise of making you explore the global map more without any means of transportation, unlike Morrowind. They probably assumed there'd be some, or that fast travel would solve this, but I remember this one time I was to take the head from the witch and this region was completely unexplored at that time, and there was no obvious way but going there by foot.

    • CoD 2+. Replenishing health is a cool mechanic, but it isn't followed by a repercussion for sitting and recharging. Finite number of enemies makes it trivial. I feel like something akin to WW2 southern front could've used the mechanic of endless onslaught before you complete the objective.

    • FarCry. It've began as a tacticool shooter where you can choose where to start your infiltration, and it was good at that, but after introducing aliens it went weird. The latter levels are close-quarter skirmishes where only savescumming is a viable strategy. Game loses it's primal value to scale the difficulty in a wrong way once again.

    What's your examples of wrong decisions?


    Any tips on installing old NFS games, and what's you favorite one?

    I guess the meta is installing them via Lutris\Bottles and then launching them via Steam to have a modern controller support and overlay, is that's so? Does emulation make it better in any way (it seems easier)? What would you use playing them now?

    I've watched a couple of vids on games from NFSU to Pro Street forming some kind of a saga, and felt nostalgic enough to once again jump in this cringe pool.

    I won't spoil my own opinion on these games besides one point: Pro Street was probably the last one to have a decent, influential OST. Won't lie, they've introduced me to my current favs and made me research their genres further. For that I can excuse EA, or rather BlackBox from crticizing too much, although wanting to play their older games instead of new ones says it all.

    techsupport Андрей Быдло

    VLC player behaves wild on Linux Mint when screen goes off

    I watch an episode of a series, and then it randomly starts to heat up my CPU. The most reproducible case is when the episode ended while I'm not looking at it, then the PC get locked and the screen gets turned off, and VLC then, on a pause, starts to use 20%+ percents of my CPU and get completely unresponsive before I kill the process of it. If it was in fullscreen before, it'd show just a dark screen before I alt+f4 out from it. It doesn't use as much resources when it plays videos, so I guess it's VLC not reacting right to some system conditions? I'm a noob so it's just a guess.

    As a side note, what do you use for watching shows? I still can't find a player that I'm 100% comfortable with. MPC-HC is what I used on Windows for years and I'm too used to how it works it seems, but I'm open to try something lightweight with simple controls to choose languages on the go.


    That moment in DS9 took me off-guard but I don't feel like I'm against it.

    The Gamma Quadrant is now the Kazakh Quadrant. I don't make the rules. Wait for Sasha Baron Cohen to film another movie about how we mistakenly see guests from the wormhole.

    PS: Nechayeva is probably the most annoying character in the franchise.


    Can we question Odo's sexuality?

    For right there we see him stating he can not read clues from women or he's not signaled enough to notice it.

    Does it mean he's more accustomed to signals from men or he's just completely senseless?

    I don't really question my gay sadistic Odo headcannon, but I find that quote to be a welcome guest in many redpill threads,


    Morrowind is overly Morrowind

    After writing a lot about it referencing my last playthroughs, I started it once again via OpenMW with official expansions and nude mode only, for it became kind of a habit.

    So, initially it looks like an RPG, and we see these stacks of numbers in a character sheet affecting our speaking capabilities or our impotency to kill a crab, okay. If we dive more into it, we'd learn our ways not only around that, but also to become the most potent mass killer Nirn ever had. Alchemy loops to boost your intelligence and brew a better potion of intelligence are known for 20 years already, even in Skyrim, and the ways this game is completely broken are meta-knowledge making us love it even more.

    But is it only an RPG?

    More, than in other TES games, I encountered a lot of NSFL content. No, I don't talk about Suran's harlots, but about customs of danmers and the Sixth House.

    We can go back to the Planescape: Torment, the game that starts in a morgue that people don't play these days (sorrely), russian Pathologic that hbomberguy praised and where kids with dog heads exchange stuff for razors and drugs, or that cringe project called Hatred, but non of them combined have the same amount of what is now considered non-publishable.

    Besides encountering racism and cop's attention at any step (even if you are a dunmer, because you are still not a native), we have stories of imperials coming from Ilunibi and dying horribly due to corprus, that seems like a radiation poisoning. We have a cult that eats flesh and is one second from overthrowing the government, killing everyone who doesn't meet their criteria. We have all dunmers having dreams that make them insane and irrate, one step from starting a murder spree. We have gods, who by a treachery took their powers, and the center of the island being guarded by their weakening powers and literal bone ash from local funerals. We have a real gestapo from local officials, and we can participate in glory kills that are a custom of this wicked land, with us still be a member of churches and guilds. And don't even start talkimg about Fyr cloning himself into daughers, fucking them, and having a whole dungeon for adventurers to find either their award or a sudden death. Or that one quest when you search for a sex slave. And that all continues in a completely corrupt world where a duel or a bribe can significantly change the political landscape.

    There's so much I can put Horror, Thriller, Grindhouse lables on, or those I don't even know. I'm glad it happened in my life and I can replay it now on any system, even on mobile phone. But it's even more vile than Fallout and it's one of the reasons it clicked with me. Morrowind is very russian, and it's popularity on our 4chan clones cements this. If your friend ever get vocal about moving here, get them Morrowind as a testing experience and then ask, if they still want that. Guess, they wouldn't, for their own good.

    I would love to hear your stories about how beautiful or grim this game is.


    My opinion on Bone conduction earphones

    (Sorry if it's a miss, this community looked the most fitting)

    After mentioning them somewhere in comments, I actually bought Shokz after years of sitting curious. There are a few brands that do them, so it doesn't matter what's the brand is. I bought what I've heard of and the cheapest model I could find at that.

    So, what's the trick? As I'm cycling, walking and running a lot, I needed a headphone solution to be aware of my surroundings. They don't cover ears and don't actually emmit sound - they vibrate and make your bones serve as a membrane.

    The obvious minus is that in a bus or other loud setting you can't hear shit. That's by design. And, logically but somehow absurdly, by shutting your ear with a finger, you can make yourself hear it okay. I did a full circle here, returning to the old headphones isolation problem, heh.

    But what impressed me more, they do feel like some kind of a cyberpunk prosthetic. You can wear them all day and even the cheapest one that promises 6hr of activity lasts days on the idle. But as you call someone or watch a vid – here they are, with a little to no latency. Honestly, I feel like if there'd be implants, that's one of the basic ones we can try first. It's hands-free device with a bonus of being more stealthy and not isolating you from the world.

    As a cheapskate audiophile who stayed with cords for a long time, I can say that the sound is okay. Keeping in mind that producers can't control the skull of a wearer, they can't nail the ideal sound, but I'm impressed with how nice IDM and metal plays on them - something akin to budget Senh, AKG and Audiotechnica. And unlike cheap Sony, they don't put up low freqs, that's a plus. BUT when I shared it with others, people in body reported less effectiveness due to thickness of skin and under-dermal stuff, so it's better to test it if you aren't skinny as a skeleton.

    After being so open about plus sides, I'm to talk minuses. Since the software is proprietary, it doesn't have many controls and is very weird sometimes. As I bought a model that was for internal chinese market originally, it talked to me in Chinese, and it can only be switched to another language before any pairing, so only after unpairing I could've chosen English – and the same combination of button presses when paired was reserved to calling the last called number, so I fucked up a lazy weekend morning for a friend of mine calling them 4-5 times, damn it. Ah, and it supports dual pairing with a PC and a smartphone, but as I tested it this function worked weird and I sometimes manually disconnected them. Walking&working distance from a source device is around the second or third room, that fits most office and home listening cases. I could've probably wished for it to have an option to pick lesser distance since I don't usually have even a meter between my smartphones and them.

    Ah, and going back to the bus problem - the obvious downside that you want to turn them to 100% volume that you don't feel, but your ears do. After the first day when I needed to move a lot in loud contexts and thus put them on max, I had a headache, because although I didn't register the volume, my head had a first row concert experience. So if you use these, keep that in mind too.

    Have you tried them, is there a topic I haven't covered? As you can tell, I'm happy with them, so I would be biased. It's just with VR stuff, even from Apple, I feel like we underlook existing tech that already serves us as expander of our life experiences and powers.
