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Bakkoda Bakkoda
Posts 2
Comments 856
77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds
  • No I would think you are spot on. I'm constantly told I'm a type [insert fotm managerial class they just took term] and my conversations intimidate or emasculate people. They are probably usually correct but i find it's usually just an attempt to cover their asses. I'm a contract worker, i was hired for a purpose with a limited time window and i fuckin deliver results even when they ignore 90% of the analysis. It's gotta piss them off.

  • Should the Harris campaign co-opt this t-shirt?
  • Every say a word so much it loses almost all meaning? Now subtract half your braincells and ask yourself how much quicker it would lose all meaning. Now you are on your way

  • The overworked IT person who just happened to quit his job on 18 July 2024
  • Funny story. My boss vetoed work phones as a cost savings and at first there was a squawking fest but honestly he handled all communication to us and protected us from so much bullshit. Now he's gone and no one could figure out how to get in contact with us aside from email/teams.

  • 77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds
  • It's hilarious to watch it used well and then human nature just kick in

    We started using some "smart tools" for scheduling manufacturing and it's honestly been really really great and highlighted some shortcomings that we could easily attack and get easy high reward/low risk CAPAs out of.

    Company decided to continue using the scheduling setup but not invest in a single opportunity we discovered which includes simple people processes. Took exactly 0 wins. Fuckin amazing.

  • A Tumblr User Talks Crowdstrike
  • Imagine trying to explain AV vs EDR to a current sitting congressional committee member. You would need weeks of prep time to find an analogy dumb enough to name sense.

  • Google Play wants to make it easier to discover new apps and great content
  • Headline should read Google forces people to interact infinitely more with their overcomplicated shitstore.

  • The overworked IT person who just happened to quit his job on 18 July 2024
  • Way ahead of you. GSK/Haleon looks to be unraveling in their toothpaste division. I'm only a long term contact worker so I've always got another job lined up. I've got another 9 months on this tour but i don't see them keeping me, i cost too much.

  • The overworked IT person who just happened to quit his job on 18 July 2024
  • I was on vacation. They laid off my boss 2 weeks ago. They laid off my bosses boss 3 weeks ago. Guess who no one could contact?

    I found out about all of this 2 days after the fact. Best vacation ever.

  • Congressman Gaetz: "Robots should not be subject to Free Speech" (I'm Not a Robot)
  • Reference materials can be left around for anyone to browse.

  • Follow up on supporting Immich announcement - change of wording
  • As soon as there's a proper backup, better built in Google photos import (immich-go exists and is awesome) and a before way to clean up the orphaned files I'll gladly drop 100 bucks on this.

    My wife and i have been using it for a year. I already had all my docker volumes set external (was always confused at that initial choice) and I've not had one real breaking change. Got logged out a lot after some patches but it's been brilliant software so far. App is a little wonky and could def use some polish but overall well worth the cost for me. Same with my Plex pass although i wouldn't buy one nowadays because i think it's a but much for something that's not in anyway a "private" service unless you kind of jail it and only play locally.

  • Path of Exile: Introducing the Currency Exchange Market
  • Trading in this game is hands down the single worst experience (aside from dota pub games) I've ever had. Ssf made me so happy because i literally never had to worry about trading. I want to trade. I like to trade. I didn't like copy/pasting spam for 4 hours only to get 1 reply.

  • Biden says he is dropping out of presidential race as Democrats prepare to 'pass the torch'
  • I really want to feel this way but i just can't get over the fact that "slightly less selfish than staying in" is where we're at. Dropping out in July of 2024 feels like a bungle of epic proportions but i hope with everything i have I'm massively wrong, there's a semblance of a plan and it's not the beginning of the end.

  • Biden honors civil rights supporter Sheila Jackson Lee, dead at 74, as right-wingers celebrate
  • Yeah the fuck your feelings/everyone's a snow flake crowd are quite sensitive. Who knew.

  • Biden says he is dropping out of presidential race as Democrats prepare to 'pass the torch'
  • In July of 2024. I really really really think that needs to be at the end of every sentence.

  • HP 800 G2s - The Pi killers
  • I have 2 small Dell micros and truenas+qdevice. I have two full replacements of those Dell micros just sitting powered off.

    One proxmox Dell is for production. Reverse proxy+outward facing services. The other Dell is for dev/internal shit that i can break and rollback and not care. One is set to run until the UPS is almost dead, other one shuts down almost immediately.

    It's just nice to have the options and the power draw is negligent.

  • Question on moving hard drives
  • X2 for clonezilla. I would usually go the path of the OP with one exception: this particular example. Clonezilla just works so perfectly for this effect scenario i can't imagine wasting time using anything else.

  • What is the worst IT setup you have seen at a company?
  • A non profit where the Executive director is the only IT person (she's not tech savvy at all). It's horrific.

  • PHP fixes critical RCE flaw impacting all versions for Windows
  • They are switching over to later this year. Please be patient.

  • Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Content Reveal
  • Passive MF (it's what I'm calling it) in an SSF setting could be massive.

  • Biden campaign reiterates president will be nominee in post-convention memo
  • More like Mom and Dad force Grandpa to drive car while kids complain that he's too old. Now that Grandpa's dozed off at the wheel and killed a bunch of people everyone's trying to justify and rationalize what was ALWAYS a fuckin terrible choice.

  • Fry's 1000 yard stare

    After binging on catnip and running around the house non stop, Fry landed here and stayed like this for almost 5 minutes.


    Seven after being let out for a dirt bath

    Seven is going on 18 years old and still very much kicking. He's no longer an outdoor cat but he gets let out for a dirt bath in the driveway once in a while.
