Same. I was there when he was small, I cheered when he got bigger. Then the channel started going down a path I didn't want to follow. Click baity titles with no info were the last straw for me.
writing was on the wall after the overwork allegations, sexism allegations and nosediving quality. ltt was being run like a corporation and it was a matter of time. i left them then expecting it to tank further and it did.
For a while I thought that he hadn't changed all that much, and while I still mostly do think that, what broke the camels back for me to give them up (and I guess GN and Louis Rossmann as collateral) was when the PayPal Honey thing came up, what was at worst a bullet point in the pre-amble to the main story became the story, they basically all spent a month and change throwing vague jabs at each-other in turn shoving the actual, important story of PayPal Honey scamming customers and shopkeepers that they were supposed to be focusing on out of the way.
Yeah, he hasn't changed much. We know a little more about him and that changes things.
FWIW, I think the allegations are "mostly unfounded". I think he does work people a bit too hard, which I don't REALLY care that much about. Him hiring a CEO to manage things he was shit at was probably the smartest thing he's ever done.
I've seen plenty of people complaining about going up to meet him and him going why are you important and why would I want to talk to you? Self admitting no friends. He's probably either a narcissist or a sociopath in a personality suit.
I stopped watching regularly after the 17th video of them installing shit in his Mc Mansion turning everything into a write-off. I was still listening to WAN show once in a while to catch up with tech news, even if he has stupid takes, it was still getting me the news. Once the GN stuff started , I just turned off the TV. He's not wrong, but he's an asshole and goes to great lengths to pick small details to be correct. Yes, he should have done a follow up when he dropped honey like he did when he dropped a VPN sponsor. Absolutely. OR he could have just responded to GN and said my lawyers said to leave it alone. Nobody really cared. But the back and forth whining, I don't care to watch either of them anymore.
Does anyone know any long-form tech news creators? I need something that's about an hour long.
His jokes just don't land anymore. Can't remember the last time I found one of his videos entertaining. On the contrary, watching his newer content actually makes me feel sad.
Bigmode is fine, but... Slightly controversial opinion here - I don't actually care that much for indie games. I think they are healthy for the gaming ecosystem, and certainly there have been indie games I've played in the past that have absolutely blown my socks off, but I usually just wait for someone to tell me if there are any indie titles out there worth playing. I wouldn't watch his channel just to get that info.
I generally prefer it if YouTubers can self-fund based on merch, as opposed to hawking shavers, VPNs, and overpriced TV dinners. That said, the drop in quality has been noticeable from that point on. The drone defense video was particularly noticeable for being military propaganda.
This is completely unfounded and I have zero facts to back this up, but he comes off as creepy with kids. It's just a hunch, but if I had kids, I would not let them near the man.
Booby traps are illegal if there is an intent to do harm. Something like this, or rigging your sprinklers to turn on when someone steps on your lawn wouldn't be.
He had racist and anti trans jokes in all his videos. I wrote them off as just innocent friendly jokes for a while, but they were in ALL his videos. I unsubbed and blocked him after I realized it was a pattern with him.
Para social relationships are hard. You think you get to know someone over the years watching their videos. I would even watch the videos he would put on his daughter's channel. The videos of him just cooking.
I thought he was a smart guy even with some of his gruff persona.
Oddly enough, one of the first cracks in that facade was a BOLTR video taking apart a Hitachi wand or knockoff. He was so weirdly prudish about the idea of a woman actually using one in a way that didn't feel like a joke. But I convinced myself it was probably a joke, because...why would he be weird about that?
But the trucker protest videos hit me like a cement truck. It actually really bummed me out. I texted my dad and he said something to the effect of, "Oh well, his videos have been shit anyway."
AvE as in AvE. It use to mean "arduinoversusevil", but the arduino stuff quickly became a memory. He's tech youtuber out in rural, western Canada who would review power tools and DIY projects. He had a rugged individualism thing going on, but never really got into politics or current events until the he posted the video in support of truckers shit.
This was me with Ethan Klein/H3H3 over the past ~14ish months. Their podcast content used to be lighthearted Internet drama with funny soundbytes, but now the dude is having a major crashout about Gaza after rotting his brain with Israeli state propaganda media coverage. He's always been an out-of-touch rich asshole, but now he's so far out of pocket it's unbearable to watch.
h3 is an incredibly interesting part of internet fandom/history. my phones about to die but if anyone is into it, i’ve “personally been there” since the very early days of their channel and think i have a decent perspective on the entire dynamic here, i might do a little actual, extensive write up in an edit here when i get home later.
i find h3 is fun to discuss as throughout his history on the internet he’s unique in of that he has entirely abandoned his audience multiple times. on the outside he’s a hypocrite (which is definitely true don’t get me wrong), but i think “inside” it’s a more machievallian and sinister sort of thing. frankly ethan and hila not only do alt-right dogwhistling better than anyone else; they invented a whole new technique. idk what to call it. but their snake-y nature lets them subvert typical premonitions and community norms time and time again and infiltrate way further into communities any other alt-righter would get nowhere near as close into the spheres of.
I think h3 is kind of a hidden nexus of fringe->main stream internet culture throughout the last like 15 years. Every wave Ethan has ridden has never been the main thing, it's always right on the periphery of mainstream internet culture. That way he has cultivated a tiny amount of fans from every wave but never enough to get him into the public eye, and as a result everyone who knows him thinks they know someone "under ground" and he doesn't shy away from that branding.
I don't think it's Machiavellian. I think it's more just that Ethan has always held incoherent views (like everyone in the world) and his brand is to be unapologetically opinionated, so now that he's dug his heels in on Gaza there's no moving him until he has fully crashed and burned.
I mean he's Jewish and his wife is from Israel, they have family members or at least know people personally who are in Israel and have their whole life, so the propaganda they've been fed is ingrained in their family identity.
It's not an excuse, it's sad to see, but as you pointed out he's always declared himself a "capitalist" and has taken some pretty right wing positions. It's just to say it's not intentional, just a stupid dude who doesn't work to hard to form opinions about stuff. I wouldn't say this about every grifter, it's just that H3 started out much more innocently and I don't think they spent a decade keeping up a ruse like that I think it was genuine. I mean you really think he was doing Vape Nashe videos concocting how he was going to infiltrate internet culture to push right wing propaganda?
His wife is Israeli isnt she? I also thought they were pretty anti israel and she tried turning away from that life... I havent watched any of his videos since the "hugh mungus" era so I've no clue.
They recently had a kid, all Hasbara had to do was give them a couple mil contract to help their kids future in exchange for taking a side on an issue he never really cared about or brought up before October 7th. The ol' "I have kids to take care of" spiritual bypass is a powerful excuse for going along with atrocities, 99% of westerners practice this every day.
They support Israel's right to exist and were disgusted by October 7th. Idk what the OC is talking about, but this platform is filled with Hamas/Russian propaganda - as much as people see the Russian tankies, they don't see the connection, apparently.
Turns out his free use of using the Nword and calling hasidic jews "dirty and nasty" meant he was actually just a bad guy. He just needed to find an outlet for hating brown people that people would support. He's found it now.
I'm seeing this play out on the Hasan Piker side of things, and it's outrageous but also completely hilarious that Ethan will not have a conversation with Hasan or Sam Seder about Gaza. The propaganda of the State of Israel, and plain old sunk cost fallacy has left him paralyzed as a liberal. I hope he doesn't stay in that place for the rest of his days because it's destructive, but some people have to bottom out before they can come up for air. I just hope that means all the hate and trouble both sides of the American political divide give him doesn't lead to anything drastic.
There is nothing healthy about Hasans coverage of this. He is completely audience captured and will say the most unhinged things. Also, he lies non-stop and the fact he has a platform this big is really sad
This is so dumb. Ethan s always been anti apartheid and settlements, but the Hassan fans got into a tiffy because he called them out for their unhinged - and they really are unhinged takes
I had been following them since The Escapist days, but a few years ago I just couldn't do it anymore. I was only interested in their Jimquisition stuff, and that had gotten really samey week over week.
It felt extra bad because this was after they had already lost like 20% of their subscribers for other reasons. I really hate that I might be lumped in with all those lovely folks when my reasons for leaving were entirely separate.
I still appreciate their message, though. I still think the Digital Homicide saga is one of the more interesting Internet dramas I've been witness to. And I still check in from time to time, mostly for their year-end lists and if something specific has happened in the gaming industry that I want their opinion on.
What I'm trying to say is, thank God for JSS, but only in small doses for me personally.
I'm in the same boat. I quit watching right before they came out as trans because their videos were the same thing every week. "Video game industry bad, publishers bad." Which is a message I agree with, 100%, but when that's literally all you say in every video its hard not to lose interest.
I forgot about them after that for a few years and was admittedly surprised by the change. Things seem to be rough for them lately, getting a divorce and moving to a new city right before COVID. I want to support them, but I watched their latest videos and it was exactly the same as before I quit. Nothing content-wise had changed.
I think a big part of that is that video game criticism really has evolved since then. Folks like shaun, hbomberguy, and many others share the same philosophy and ideas as JSS, but offer so much more depth than the "video games bad!" ranting that JSS has never been able to get beyond.
You could really feel JSS backslide on the podcast too. It became really evident that Laurakbuzz was carrying more and more of the weight of the cast, and JSS acted like they didn't even want to be there, even leaving partway through some episodes.
I'm still subbed but rarely watch. I think I just somewhat outgrew that kind of gaming drama content, it feels less consequential than it did 10 years ago.
Though you have to commend her for sticking with the YouTube thing and staying true to herself under these conditions.
Member Thunderf00t? Had to un-sub after he went full misogyny during gamergate, and I've popped in since it's not gotten any better it's still him doing the same shtick hasn't evolved even a little... Usually about Elon Musk, which sounds like it would be good content, but not when you exposed your biases and don't change anything.
Yeah, I liked Thunderf00t for a short time... and then when gamergate hit I felt ashamed that I'd mentioned watching his videos and hoped that no one remembered. I haven't checked back in recent years though.
I was a teenager when he made the turn and started "owning" feminism. I sat there thinking that all his criticisms where not only adressed by femenist writers 40 years ago, but often even integral parts of some strains of femisms, and i had just begun reading entry level stuff on the subject. That's when i learned what a unintellectual dunkhead he really was.
I was introduced to him somewhere around solar freaking roadways. And I thought okay this is cool He's just going to go and debunk stuff.
And the next five videos I watched had no substance whatsoever to them. He was just repeating the same debunking over and over. I don't think I even got down to the point where he was spouting misogynist bullshit.
Yeah, I had to do that with Nux Taku. The guy made funny videos back in the day, but he slowly became a "Anti-woke" conservative mouthpiece. It's funny because the video that made me unsubscribe was a video of his saying how another youtuber got cancelled for being too woke.
I think it depends on which definition of pedophile you're using. If you mean the act of abuse, then the fame gave them the opportunity and unless pre crime is wrong they weren't pedophiles prior to the act so in some sense it did make them a pedo (but obviously they're still responsible for their own actions). If you mean the mental disorder of being attracted to minors, then it's likely they always were, I don't think fame would make you suddenly desire that.
Where you going to get a psychiatrist in depression era America? you can barely get one now. Plus at that point he had killed someone, prison would have been a best case scenario; Curley formed a lynch mob to come get him
George did Lenny a favour by giving him a quick death while he was happy.
I used to follow a youtuber who slowly realized that the earnings when using her talent and profession fell short of just doing OF and showing bikini photos.
Thats a bit surprising, most OF models dont actually make much as I understand, though maybe doing content creation prior comes with a built in audience
If I remember, this was recent and posted here a few weeks ago. She was already doing OF when she made the announcement. She was already making a ton of money through it.
The problem is that the site offers very little in the way of discoverability and differentiation. You're not even getting to the free stuff without a CC enabled acct.
If someone just opens an account there and shows up it's not enough. They have to pop up in social media and engage with people. Hey I'm fun, I'm over here and I'm worth the time and money. They have to know their market and clientele and drag them in.
It's not a hobby but I really been watching a lot of drainaddict, it's just this dude in Australia water jetting sewer lines and storm lines apparently they've got a really bad problem with tree roots everywhere down there. You wouldn't think an hour-long video watching somebody run a pressure hose through a sewer line would be interesting but I just zone right the fuck out. He's very religious but it never really comes out other than the end of each video he has some Jesus thing on his water container in the truck. But he never brings it up and daily work. He's had a couple of videos where he answered q&a and talked about it he is very religious, like metal music is the devil. But you know, he doesn't cram it down your throat and he just regularly provides the same content and for no apparent reason I love it...
Yeah, he's found his charismatic enough to go on tours and collaborate with make real money. The couple of things he did with Adam Savage were pretty cool.
if you don't know, the big guy in the foreground has a severe learning disability and kills a woman by accident, not really understanding the consequences of what he's done, he's being executed by his friend to give him a quick death as the lynch mob approaches.
I found him searching super meat boy when he was about 50 videos into the binding of Issac, I couldn't stand that games themes at the time, but after he posted the hundredth video or so I decided to give it a shot, it was relatively entertaining and very easy to fall asleep to.
Now he just interacts with his audience, and it's really not my jive, still subscribed, but haven't watched a video in probably over a year.
I subscribed to him years ago when he was doing a regular "indie impressions" type series. He stopped doing it; I haven't watched since. Still subscribed on the off chance that he'll start it back up again...
It's surprisingly hard to find channels that are eclectic; usually the host will stick to a specific genre of games, which makes it hard to find new and unique ones.
This is like every ASMR creator with more than ~10k subs. I'm sorry but "go to my second channel/Patreon/linktree/whatever other shameless self plugging bullshit" for 5 minutes at the beginning of every video doesn't help me fall asleep even if you are whispering it.
Yeah I just switched to Piped/Tubular/Grayjay; you sub to who you want; no recommendations. IF someone is good enough to watch, they'll collab with their friends and you can grow that way.
The best part is, I run out of content, and I go do other things.
When subscribing does nothing and changing the bell too.
I have some Youtubers who make a video a month or once a year.
I have to follow them on discord to get the new video because youtube won't show it to me even though I have selected the highest notifications only for them.
Really? I found the algorithm had really gone to shit maybe 3 or 4 years ago. Half my recommendations were stuff I'd already seen and another quarter were shorts.
Dude was like so overly positive of China, then immediately does a 180 and trash China, once he got a visa to the USA. Make me wonder if any of his praises were genuine, or just bootlicking whoever is in power. Bootlicking CCP when he's there, then bootlicks USA when he gets here. A "White-Monkey Job" as he and his friend laowhy86 calls it.
Also, dude is super weird. Why does he use "My Chinese Wife" in his video titles. Asian-fetishism? 🤔 A normal person would just use "my wife" and you can add their face to the thumbnail if you want, or just mention by name. Using "Chinese Wife" is a odd phrase to say. Like imagine a white American Youtuber uses "My Black Wife" in the video title, like that's just super weird.
His old videos were pro "cultural" China, but never really talked about the government. According to him, he left when he started noticing vans follow him around and got the hell out before disappeared.
He already has a huge library of videos talking about cultural China, but now that he's out of the country, he has both cause and freedom to criticize the government.
The Chinese doesn't refer the ethnicity in this context but cultural. So it would be more like saying "My Nigerian wife". Viewers then have an expection to see stuff cultural stuff. It also helps the search algorithms I suppose.
But yea I did kinda stop watching them as well. It was getting too much I guess.
What sent me over the edge was his blatant posting "need a trump win" right before the election, and the succeeding post after the election. Like, I get you're trying to run a business, but being so shortsighted that you're depending on a literal felon to be in office for your business decisions to flesh out is so narrow-minded and selfish that I don't even know where to start.
I already knew in the back of my mind what direction he leaned, but he was so good at keeping politics out of his shit... That just ruined it for me entirely. I unsubscribed and blocked his channels.
It feels like you're the one being shot? Shouldn't the text say "How the YouTuber feels when you unsubscribe from..." if it's placed over Lennie? It's from not to, right? You can't unsubscribe to something. This is a mess
Caddicarus for me. I love the guy, his new content isn't bad. I don't have time to watch a video that's as long as a feature-length film, wherein so much stuff is covered that nothing gets a spotlight for more than a few minutes.
It went from fun to just mean. They got really rich and grew big heads. Now they're just nasty and arrogant. Even Christina dresses like a rich cunt who would run a child over with her car.
Am I the only one who has never been able to watch YouTube since it became more than a two minute clip of how to do a thing? The whole format of stretching content to reach some arbitrary monetization benchmark is unwatchable to me.
A fairly popular youtuber I follow has called Jim Serling's videos "great 5 minute videos stretched to 20 minutes". There was a point in time when the yt algo was favoring ~11 minute videos, so a lot of content creators would make a glut of low info videos stretched to that mark. It was so bad, that I was refusing to click anything around the runtime. Now, if I catch someone start reiterating themselves early on, I just close the video.
edit: One example of the ~11 minute video people was CinimaSins. They were never very good, but could be funny in small doses. When they started to stretch the video length, you started to realize how pedantic and media illiterate they were.
This was my favorite thing about Tom Scott, it never felt like he was trying to pad the runtime for ads/algorithm. If it took 3 min to explain, it was a 3 minute video.
Sure, I guess it does exist based on the sheer volume of content on YouTube. I'd just have to wade through a pile of schlock to get to it. Show me the part of YouTube that only has videos that cut right to the chase without meaningless exposition, ads and self promotion littered throughout the video.
Ya, unsubbed a while ago. I feel like he repeats everything 2-3 times throughout the video - like we've all forgotten what he said just a few minutes ago. He uses also uses so many words in a single sentence, just to seemingly pad the runtime.
No way I could sit through 30-45 minutes of that anymore, and no way those videos needed to be that long.
It's to bad, because I otherwise like topics and presentation.