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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • I wouldn't call them critical, no, but every vote matters. Especially in a demographic like former armed services. They represent a collective of voters across all 50 states and their voting trends are pretty unified in solidarity for candidates that recognize them and cater to their issues and interests. Sure, some are party hardliners and will vote D or R no matter what, that's true of any homogeneous group of people.

  • Musk makes up some history with his child. Child comes on Twitter to fact check him.
  • One thing Elon doesn't seem to understand is that no matter how many billions of dollars he spends to "combat the woke mind virus", it will never make his daughter love him. Accepting her and loving her unconditionally would, but that requires a level of emotional maturity that Elon simply doesn't possess and no amount of money can buy for him.

    Rich people are far too often bankrupt in the matters of the heart and soul.

  • Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • That guy has such an unfortunate name. I hear Shapiro and I immediately think of the right-wing pseudo-intellectual professional troll Ben Shapiro and wonder why the fuck would anybody want him on a ticket. I'm learning to not have such a visceral reaction to the name, but association is a bitch to overcome.

    Mark Kelly is a great choice. Kamala needs someone who can win over the vets. Apparently Captain Bone Spurs still holds some sway with them.

  • Protip: Swords suck against stone.
  • Strength build enjoyers have plenty of options for strike damage with clubs, fist weapons, hammers, great hammers and some colossal weapons, but if you're a Dex build (and shame on you) you might have found that there aren't a ton of non-bladed weapons to pick from and you struggle with the Smithstone Miner basic enemies.

    Fear not, the flail weapon class primarily scales with dexterity and makes for a great secondary swap weapon for when you're trudging through the various tunnel dungeons looking for those sweet sweet smithing stones. You can find the basic flail super early in a chest in Limgrave near where you get the map segment and Night's Cavalry enemies that use it also drop a somber version that has higher base damage and better dexterity scaling. That should make those dungeons significantly easier to manage as long as you peel the enemies one at a time and manage your stamina properly.

    Int builds are also not completely out of options. The stone enemies are very weak to magic. Carian Slicer or any gravity sorcery should make short work of them.

  • ‘I was not voting before, now I am’: gen Z voters on what they think of Kamala Harris
  • For many late Gen Z'ers, this will be the first election they even get to vote. I remember being in high school and I couldn't wait to vote when I was 18 because I followed politics very closely. My peers on the other hand, not so much. For every kid at my school who was politically active enough to care about issues that mattered to them, there were about 4-5 more that were completely and utterly apathetic or didn't have a clue about the candidates or the issues.

    The danger in assuming that people who are making the decision to vote now were somehow complicit with having Trump is that they may not have been aware of the problem to begin with. A lot of young eligible voters miss their first few elections because they haven't developed a political opinion beyond whatever their parents might think, they haven't taken the time to properly educate themselves on the issues, or there's still a disconnect between how the election results might affect them in their daily lives.

    A fresh new candidate that is pumping energy into the race is getting young people motivated to vote, and that's a good thing. Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth.

  • Sure you are, buddy
  • Lmao how could you believe something so utterly untrue? Trump bombed an Iraqi airfield to get one guy and threatened all out thermonuclear warfare with North Korea. He's about as pro-war, dyed-in-the-wool imperialist as they come.

    Our Western allies are terrified of Trump retaking office because he will never commit to helping anyone else.

  • Ohio GOP Senator Says 'Civil War' Needed If Trump Loses.
  • Republicans think saying "We need to stop Trump" is inciting political violence, but think this guy saying shit like this is A-Ok.

    Reminder to all the MAGA morons out there: Trump's coup only got as far as it did in 2021 because he was in charge and did nothing to stop it. If Biden is the one in control of handing over the reins, you can bet your ass he'll curbstomp insurrectionists. You'd be better off staying home for this "civil war" wet dream.

  • MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden
  • I only believed that because he preemptively made excuses as to why he wouldn't attend the last one. I'm sure he's glad he did now considering the outcome, but I wouldn't put it past him to simply opt to not take the risk debating Harris. People are quick to forget, he also performed badly during that debate, but everyone's focus was on Biden's apparent sundowning. He got away with one bad performance, but he probably won't be so lucky next time.

  • MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden
  • Of course they are mad. The Republican strategy up until this point has been to attack the incumbent, but now the incumbent is no longer running for re-election. Trump literally doesn't know how to deal with this situation. His whole shtick is to attack the person currently in charge, but that doesn't do shit for him now.

    A big part of why he lost in 2020, imo, is that he didn't have anybody to blame for all the bad shit happening in the country at the time. He himself was in charge and could only say "things will get worse under Biden", but people were sick of Covid fucking up our lives and the endless scandals that hit the news daily.

  • Democrats hail Biden's decision to not seek reelection as selfless. Republicans urge him to resign
  • His only chance at avoiding prison time for his many, many crimes committed while in office last time necessitate that he become President again, even though it was quite clear in 2016 that he was surprised he actually won and didn't want to do the job.

    If he gets elected, all of those active indictments gets swept away on Day 1 and the SCOTUS has already paved the way for him to be "exonerated".

    A vote for Trump is a vote for justice denied.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • 100% agree. I don't see any reason why she shouldn't have just as much of a chance to beat Trump as Biden did, when Biden was essentially coasting on the "not Trump" vote anyway. That's not to say he didn't have legitimate achievements during his term - he is doing a fantastic job as president, but he doesn't do a great job at communicating that when the people that need to hear it are watching. His political messaging/timing is terrible.

    Hopefully bringing Kamala into the forefront of the race will give the party a jolt of energy since it seems like a majority of the average voters approve of Biden stepping down. I'm just happy that we can finally shift the conversation away from age and aptitude and focus on the issues that people are going to actually turn out for - the economy, Dobbs, and SCOTUS nominations/reform.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Oh boy, I can't wait for armchair pundits who were calling for Joe to step down to now turn around and start to nitpick Harris as if that wasn't going to be the obvious successor.

    I'm 100% behind Harris or anyone who gets the Dem nom. Trump must be stopped.

    This is still a battle for America's soul. Are we going to accept the first female president or the first convicted felon president? I sure hope the left turns out for this one, even if they aren't super stoked about it, because we might never recover from another Trump disaster.

  • Fascism is Capitalism in Decay
  • Musk is pumping up Trump's coffers so that he gets elected and follows through with his promise to ban EV imports from other countries, essentially cementing his monopoly on the EV market that Tesla currently dominates.

    Long story short, don't buy a Tesla. They're kinda shitty anyway.

  • Joe Biden faces increasing pressure to quit the race, but has spent a lifetime overcoming the odds
  • There were lots of good choices in 2020. Sanders was probably the most well-liked and respected, but there was Buttigieg who came out with the very first set of delegates in Indiana. Honestly, I thought Biden was the second worst candidate running for President during the primary, about a million miles ahead of fucking Bloomberg, but just when it looked like it was over for Joe, a miracle saved his entire campaign and rocketed him into the nomination.

    We need another miracle like that. Without it, I don't see a path to winning again. The fence-sitters are going to plunge us back into a second Trump term and an inevitable fascist dictatorship.

  • Donald Trump's chances of winning election slump after RNC speech
  • No. He literally thought that Hannibal Lecter, the fictional murderer and cannibal from the film "The Silence of the Lambs", was both dead and also a great person. And no, the person who portrayed the character of Hannibal Lecter, Anthony Hopkins, isn't dead either. Also, that was a speech from a few weeks ago I think, and not the RNC speech, which was also unhinged and devolved into a Trump rally attacking Biden and prominent leftists rather than the "call for unity from a changed man" we were promised by bad faith right wing media outlets.

    Trump's brain is just as much a pile of mush as Biden's is at this point, but at least I know in the moments of lucidity that Biden has, he's effective at the job and does the right thing. Can't say the same for the 34 time convicted felon running for re-election after he failed to steal the last one.

  • asksciencefiction Furbag

    asksciencefiction is looking for moderators!

    Hello everyone,

    There has been a lot of new traffic to Lemmy in the past few weeks due to the turmoil at Reddit. A lot of you may be Reddit refugees, like I am, and are missing their old favorite subs right about now.

    I think it's more important than ever for regular users to step up and take an active role in rebuilding their communities, and I wasn't sure that things would ever get going unless somebody stepped up to the plate and made the effort, and I didn't want to wait around for someone else to take the initiative when I already had a strong desire to see this sort of content brought over to Lemmy.

    Now that the first step has been taken, I'm inviting others who might be interested in building or managing this community to join me in making this the best version of asksciencefiction possible.

    I have never been affiliated with /r/asksciencefiction or even been a moderator at reddit before. Preferably, I would like to hand off ownership of this community to somebody who has a strong desire to build and grow the community and enforce the rules. If that sounds like something you are interested in, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

    Thank you!
