Which was sometimes frustrating, but when they are funny and good bugs it's amazing they can't be patched out.
There's a reason so many speedruns on older consoles use the Japanese cartridges, because those versions came out first and have exploitable glitches which the western release later fixed.
Bugs at that time were almost never totally game-breaking either, fortunately. That could be a nightmare recall for the publisher, and so the final builds were tested more intensively than games now.
They were way less complex though. Which does help with QA coverage and generally gives less chances for things to break. But yeah, I still agree, rose tinted glasses and all that
What percentage of all games released before download updating became the norm had game-breaking bugs? I really don’t remember that many, certainly not so many that it was considered to be a widespread issue.
Yeah, unpatchable games tended to be buggier in general, but there’s also a sense of charm and intrigue that comes with discovering a bug or exploit and utilising it to your advantage. I still remember playing the fuck out of Morrowind and discovering that you could exploit the Corprus disease to get essentially infinite Strength and Endurance which was awesome.
I think stating that “many” games were unbeatable is hyperbolic, but I guess that depends on your definition of “many”. If you define it as being more than five, then sure. If you define it as being a statistically significant percentage? Maybe not.
Ya but there's too much. Now we have games getting out half-finished because they know they can patch it later after the public pays full price too beta test it.
And once it's sufficiently patched being angry about spending three years with an unfinished game is considered toxic entitled gamer behavior and you're supposed to pretend like it didn't happen.
Shit I installed Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 with 10 DVDs and let me tell you.... that's something I don't want back.
Like if you want to provide a physical offline version give me a small USB drive or a Blu-ray but that one I know it's not common outside consoles and movies.
And you needed a Microsoft Account and activate the CD Key anyway....which actually didn't allow to install the game downloading it. Like ok I get it the DVDs was for people to be able to do an offline install, ok... But don't force me to use them if I have access to internet.... Which actually you needed to setup the account and activate the CD key online anyway, the DVD only helped reduce your bandwidth usage.
Who came up with this man??? Plus you need the first disk inserted to play like the old times... you have the damn CD key and Microsoft account to validate wtf... I swear... It was like travelling back in time but with extra hassles of today world on top.
5 (6?) 3.5in floppies to get Dune 2 loaded on my Amiga 2000; at least I could take the time between disks to go to the bathroom, grab a snack, read a book etc. 😅
For real. I remember that despite our best efforts discs would get scratched occasionally, and try keeping those disks pristine with kids. That mechanical drive was also a common and expensive point of failure that's guaranteed to wear out eventually because of those moving parts.
It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but I think there's a tendency to glorify the past and hyperfocus on the disadvantages. We forget that there were parts of the past that really sucked.
Gamers in Japan were the real early access testers of yesteryear. Major bugs or glitches that were there were hopefully fixed by the time the game hit international release.
It's honestly weird to remember that international releases were delayed months or years just a couple decades ago. Could you imagine if it took a year for BotW to release in the West?
You also just have to cope with whatever broken glitches there are in the game and find a way around them because aint no patch no hotfix no nothing is coming to save you
It actually wasn't uncommon for post-launch patches to be applied to later printings of games. A lot of start screens will have the version number of the game on them somewhere, so that you can tell. This is something we forget about since digital copies of older games tend to default to being the latest printed version.
In the early days, cartridges were kinda like swapping out the RAM/SSD each time, pre-loaded with a game. Wasteful and expensive, even back then, but it was the best way to do it for the time.
There was a short while there where DVDs and and CDs had a perfect balance between storage and read speed, where you could keep the game files on optical media while still accessing it fast enough to have reasonable load times. BluRay and hdDVD increased the capacity, but not the read speed enough to match.
We could go back to games coming on flash media, which switch does still do, but switch games don't have 3d models and textures at the fidelity levels of other modern platforms.
With current technology, delivering digital media on a storage medium that has the performance to actually play from it, is kinda like gift cards. Like yeah, it'd be nice, but I'd rather just have the NVME storage drive/money so I can use it for whatever I want.
Maybe there will be another ultra cheap read-only storage medium one day, but right now, it's not a thing.
Interestingly, the performance aspect is one of the reasons some phone manufactures quote for removing the SD card slot. The gap between the performance of onboard storage and SD cards keeps growing, so people that add an SD card to their Android phone and store all their apps on it have a bad experience because the software isn't really designed with such slow storage in mind any more.
Maybe SD Express will help? There's still some issues with it and it's still expensive, but in theory it should be able to support 800+ MB/s read speeds. Not as fast as an NVMe drive of course, but faster than a SATA SSD.
Maybe the little storage cards from the Xbox Series X need to become a thing that's more widely used. I'd guess they're just M.2 2230 NVMe drives inside. Would be an interesting distribution mechanism for games (like a modern cartridge format) but they're just too expensive for that at the moment.
there where DVDs and and CDs had a perfect balance between storage and read speed
90% of the games didn't need that much storage. As someone growing up in a country with no copyright laws at the time, I was used to 100-200 games on a single CD. Then my dad got an official copy of MK Trilogy and I remember thinking how wasteful it was to use an entire CD for one game (you could physically see on the surface of the CD how much data was recorded on it, and it was mostly unused space).
Then there was the rare game that used not only the entire storage, but needed multiple CDs for the whole thing (e.g. Phantasmagoria).
We could go back to games coming on flash media, which switch does still do
Switch games get online updates too though. They're not much different from other platform games in that regard.
The overall issue being discussed is not physical media vs downloading games. It's the fact that the games you get are not a final playable version, but still need additional downloads to make them playable (zero-day patches are a norm these days).
Why would you want that? Do you like getting gift cards instead of the money?
There's a reason storage media gets cheaper per byte as you go up in capacity, because 30 small drives with their own PCBs and controllers and ram-caches, instead of one big one, isn't better.
At most, I could get behind taking your memory card with you to a games store, and have them copy game files onto it from a local archive drive.
But who tf looks at all the BluRay boxes in the games section and thinks "these should all have an entire SSD in them." At least optical media only distributes the actual storage component, all read/write components are in the drive.
All I remember is having to go to the store, walk around the store and hope they still have it, go to the counter and pay for it and then having to go all the way back home to play it.
Now you click a button, make yourself a sandwich and the game is ready to go.
I mean you DID get updates, just hidden in different print runs/regional releases of games.
Its why speedrunners prefer a lot of japanese releases of earlier titles; Because back when Japan was the center of videogame culture, they'd get the first release of most games which often meant the buggiest version.
That's a totally valid point. I absolutely hate updates in general. It's one of those double edged swords. I've been trying to get used to the idea, as to not lose my mind in the modern world. Not easy
That said, I like the idea of (sort of) the way some software companies offer standalone versions alongside their subscription plans. If you don't want updates just buy the full software (or pirate it of course).
And I have to say, I'm an absolute fan of free to play games - even if I don't necessarily play many. I just think we need to teach people, parents specifically, about how microtransactions work and can add up.
I mean... On PC you could grab a bunch of blue rays, burn game files onto them, and then mount them as storage drives whenever you wanted to run a particular game.
But why would you do that? Why would you prefer your game library be stored that way?
Even with my PS Vita, the second that hacked firmware enabled using an SD card adaptor and dumping all my games, and just having them all installed all the time, that's what I did.
I was livid that the cost of digital copies and the memory cards was artificially blown up so badly, that the most "economical" way to bring a bunch of games with me was 30 storage cards instead of one big one.
SD Express should help with this once it's more production-ready, as in theory it supports read speeds of 800MB/s. The highest-end 'regular' SD cards are around 230MB/s.
For systems that need faster speeds, I wonder if we'll ever see cartridges with an M.2 2230 NVMe drive in them, I guess kinda similar to the storage cards for the Xbox Series. Maybe when the price comes down.
I'm from the before times of DOS and early windows gaming. There was a little legal disclaimer sometimes, but you usually just got dumped into the game.
For the purposes of this contract "you" means you. "Purchase" means rent. "Buy" means we take your money without guarantees of any sort. "Own" means we own you.
For consoles, yeah that was great. The problem was when you had to download a game on PC either from disc or maybe you used a service like shockwave to get your games. Then the installation felt like it took forever as a kid.
Textures and audio were always the largest part of a game. And the installation process of a game was mostly decompressing those. What changed in recent years is not as much an increase of the overall size of these assets, but less incentive to compress them in the first place. Most buyers have enough bandwidth to be able to download uncompressed assets and start playing right away instead of having to wait for a long installation step after the download is finished.
I remember when games didn't need updates, they just worked, or the bugs they had were cool (or annoying and required workarounds). Though I guess it makes sense that since games are more complex and larger now, they end up having more bugs and need more updates these days.
That depended entirely on the game. Most RPGs had some sort of save feature, even the old Final Fantasy on the NES. On the SNES, Super Mario World, the 3 Donkey Kong and Super Metroid all saved your game, instead of relying on passwords.
I'm glad others have pointed out this is pretty bullshit. If it's a great game then it's good. If the game was buggy you're shit out of luck, stuck with a broken mess with no hope of it being fixed.