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bappity Bappity

certified woman

Posts 34
Comments 1.4K
New Steam Agreement gets rid of forced arbitration and waivers for class action lawsuits
  • forced arbitration means you can't go through the normal court system if you want to sue them, instead resolving it through a private neutral third party.

    and before, the waiver meant that you gave up your right to sue them in a class action lawsuit

    getting rid of those is a massive W

  • Where do sith lords go shopping?
  • reasonable response tbh

  • Hell rule
  • better yet, the restaurant industry in America. you get mentally tortured while living on 2 cents an hour

  • When happy teams are an issue
  • yeah sure, happy teams start with jira but they end up as angry and sad teams

  • Pakistan suspends policemen applauded by locals for killing a blasphemy suspect
  • religion being a cancer on this world example #9636472614364

  • Yoda might be running on multi-threading
  • I switched to using tiberius

    bit different but not too hard don't have my code on hand atm but this is how I started with it

        let mut config = Config::new();"your_server_name");
        config.authentication(tiberius::AuthMethod::sql_server("your_username", "your_password"));
        let tcp = TcpStream::connect(config.get_addr()).await?;
        let mut client = Client::connect(config, tcp.compat_write()).await?;

    then I did something along the lines of

    fn main() {
            let stream = client.query(&query, &[]).await?;
            let rows = stream.into_first_result().await?;
            let db_data: Vec<MyObject> = rows.into_iter().map(mapping_function_i_made_for_myobject).collect();
    fn mapping_function_i_made_for_myobject(row: Row) -> MyObject {
        MyObject {
            my_date_field: row.get::<NaiveDateTime, _>("my_date_field").map(|dt| Local.from_local_datetime(&dt).unwrap()),
  • Yoda might be running on multi-threading
  • just started out rust and made a massive thing with sqlx only to find out the latest versions don't have mssql support anymore and the last version that did doesn't support decoding DateTime<Utc> šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

    had to rewrite the whole thing again with Tiberius, painful yet educational

  • Oopsie, Visual Studio License expired, so the build server stopped working
  • certificates fucking destroy everything in my work for an hour once every year because of expiry

  • Oopsie, Visual Studio License expired, so the build server stopped working
  • I don't get the appeal of azure because of things like this.

    annoying how much they try to push it

  • I guess there's always... diplomacy?
  • I'm putting my latinum on Janeway's abuse of temporal mechanics. Pretty sure our model of time, or at least the documented displacements, follow pretty closely to the many-worlds interpretation. They could've taken as much as they wanted without affecting this world's past.

    There's no way in hell Voyager had a sustainable routine to last them that long and have them return so... clean...

  • I guess there's always... diplomacy?
  • Janeway has an unlimited supply of torpedos anyway, just beam them onto the ships

  • Tim Walz says he's 'sick and tired' of prayers after Georgia school shooting
  • it's almost like they're pulling it out their asses

  • Tim Walz says he's 'sick and tired' of prayers after Georgia school shooting
  • ā€˜No Way To Prevent This,ā€™ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

  • Hey, Chakotay. You got any books by JO MAMA?
  • his version would be 5 hours longer

  • Hey, Chakotay. You got any books by JO MAMA?
  • For Janeway, the temporal prime directive is but a leaf on a concrete road. It is a whisper in a hurricane, drowned out by forces far beyond its control. A candle flickering in a storm, its light dimmed by the chaos around it. It stands as a sandcastle at high tide, soon to be swept away. Like a thread in the vast tapestry of fate, it holds little sway over the grander design. It is but a feather in the wind, to the whims of the Janeway.

  • What part of your life could be improved with software?
  • oh definitely

    though ironically my course is computer science, you'd think they'd be good at these things šŸ˜­

  • What part of your life could be improved with software?
  • university

    I missed opening week and was assigned to the wrong year of courses for 3 fucking months because they fucked up their systems AND one character in my password somehow completely fucking broke their system which makes me think they store them in plaintext.

    paying 9 grand a year for a shit show atm

  • Americans when there's oil in that nebula

    Smart Watch Faces Bappity


    HEY YOU! Yes you. Do you own a smart watch? Did you make a custom watch face or modify one for it?

    I WANNA SEE IT! Making one myself was super fun, I hope it was same for you and want to ask that whether you're proud of it or not, please post it here!! I'll appreciate it no matter what. :)

    Who knows, maybe some more fellow appreciators will appear!


    it's Monday again

    yay ~my brain is slowly rotting as the unstoppable marching of time is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death~


    not tired rule


    Tailor Rule

    cross post from

    can't find a way to properly cross post on Lemmy, hope it's implemented soon looks like I did it anyway oh


    mobile data


    me returning to risa after a while to find it deserted and the weather control net malfunctioning


    Made a jerboa theme for eternity!

    I liked the colour scheme for it and the tap to collapse comments immediately so made a theme for it! some pics below and the JSON for it if you wanna import it yourself. (it's in a spoiler below)

    !profile sidebar

    !homepage posts

    !comments view

    It copies the colour scheme of jerboa and also uses tap to collapse comments.

    Theme share text below (click here)

    {"archivedTint":"#FFB4009F","authorFlairTextColor":"#FFEE02C4","awardedCommentBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","awardsBackgroundColor":"#FFEEAB02","awardsTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","backgroundColor":"#FF000000","bottomAppBarBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","bottomAppBarIconColor":"#FFE5A477","buttonTextColor":"#FFE5A477","cardViewBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","chipTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","circularProgressBarBackground":"#FF000000","colorAccent":"#FFFFDBC9","colorPrimary":"#FF000000","colorPrimaryDark":"#FF000000","colorPrimaryLightTheme":"#FFFFDBC9","commentBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","commentColor":"#FFFFFFFF","commentIconAndInfoColor":"#B3FFFFFF","commentVerticalBarColor1":"#FF0336FF","commentVerticalBarColor2":"#FFC300B3","commentVerticalBarColor3":"#FF00B8DA","commentVerticalBarColor4":"#FFEDCA00","commentVerticalBarColor5":"#FFEE0219","commentVerticalBarColor6":"#FF00B925","commentVerticalBarColor7":"#FFEE4602","crosspostIconTint":"#FFFF1868","currentUser":"#FF00D5EA","dividerColor":"#FF69666C","downvoted":"#FF007DDE","fabIconColor":"#FF261811","flairBackgroundColor":"#FF00AA8C","flairTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","fullyCollapsedCommentBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","isAmoledTheme":true,"isChangeStatusBarIconColorAfterToolbarCollapsedInImmersiveInterface":false,"isDarkTheme":false,"isLightNavBar":false,"isLightStatusBar":false,"isLightTheme":false,"linkColor":"#FFE5A477","lockedIconTint":"#FFEE7302","mediaIndicatorBackgroundColor":"#FFFFFFFF","mediaIndicatorIconColor":"#FF000000","moderator":"#FF00BA81","name":"Jerboa Amoled ","navBarColor":"#FF000000","noPreviewPostTypeBackgroundColor":"#FF424242","noPreviewPostTypeIconTint":"#FF808080","nsfwBackgroundColor":"#FFFF1868","nsfwTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","postContentColor":"#B3FFFFFF","postIconAndInfoColor":"#B3FFFFFF","postTitleColor":"#FFFFFFFF","postTypeBackgroundColor":"#FFE5A477","postTypeTextColor":"#FF000000","primaryIconColor":"#FFE5A477","primaryTextColor":"#FFE5A477","readPostCardViewBackgroundColor":"#FF000000","readPostContentColor":"#FF979797","readPostTitleColor":"#FF979797","receivedMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF4185F4","receivedMessageTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","secondaryTextColor":"#B3FFFFFF","sendMessageIconColor":"#FF4185F4","sentMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF31BF7D","sentMessageTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","singleCommentThreadBackgroundColor":"#FF123E77","spoilerBackgroundColor":"#FFEE02EB","spoilerTextColor":"#FFFFFFFF","stickiedPostIconTint":"#FF0336FF","submitter":"#FFEE8A02","subreddit":"#FFE5A477","subscribed":"#FFFF1868","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTabBackground":"#FF000000","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTabIndicator":"#FFE5A477","tabLayoutWithCollapsedCollapsingToolbarTextColor":"#FFE5A477","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTabBackground":"#FF000000","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTabIndicator":"#FFE5A477","tabLayoutWithExpandedCollapsingToolbarTextColor":"#FFE5A477","toolbarPrimaryTextAndIconColor":"#FFE5A477","toolbarSecondaryTextColor":"#FFE5A477","unreadMessageBackgroundColor":"#FF123E77","unsubscribed":"#FF0336FF","upvoteRatioIconTint":"#FF0256EE","upvoted":"#FFE5A477","username":"#FF606650","voteAndReplyUnavailableButtonColor":"#FF3C3C3C"}


    me when I find the scoundrel who's been spending all my money

    me when

    Smart Watch Faces Bappity

    A custom TVA tempad style watchface I made

    Hi! Made this community because I wanted a place to share a watch face that I made and a place for other people to share theirs/the files to use them with.

    Been watching the Marvel Loki series recently and I absolutely love the aesthetic of the Time Variance Authority and the devices they use, so tried to replicate the style of the TemPad.

    Some details:

    • The number on the left is your heart rate, picked a random symbol because I couldn't find a heart symbol that matched the font I was using
    • The percentage at the bottom is your battery life. It's also represented by a ring around the watch
    • There is an always on watchface: !

    Hope you like! I made this with samsung watch face studio but you can deploy it on any watch with WearOS and developer mode. The files for it are here:


    Loki - My thoughts on how the TVA timeline works vs the Sacred timeline


    Just curious if anyone has different thoughts on this. My current thoughts are:

    SACRED TIMELINE (and its branches) - An infinite number of universes. It has at least one universe for each possible moment in time. You can take anything from those universes (or "branches") without affecting the others because each one is physically its own entity.

    Traveling through them is not really traveling through time; it's more like traveling a long distance to other universes that are just following similar paths of development.

    TVA TIMELINE - A single universe (or some kind of expanse? Probably not a "universe"). It's one single entity. New branches (other universes/expanses, separate entities) will not form from it for some reason, so the only kind of time travel possible would be dynamic (actual time travel, not just hopping across universes).

    If you take something from its past, the entire future will change. Some examples from season 2: when Loki crashes into the chrono bay window, breaks the monitor, and cracks the floor. When he timeslips back to his point in time, the crack was apparently always there. Another example: when Loki talks to O.B. in the past, and O.B. in the future recalls that it happened.

    I think that the expanse that the TVA is in encompasses the sacred timeline, so dynamically traveling to the past of the TVA is also dynamically traveling to the actual past of the sacred timeline.


    Got a singular tea bag in the mail today.

    only in the UK...


    me when I watch my past self die in front of me and have to replace him from a future that never was




    me when my omnipotent son provokes the Borg


    Thoughts on ranked this season?

    Personally I'm not a big fan. It's more advantageous to camp for most of a game and you get barely any points for elims :/

    Admittedly though, matchmaking has been a lot better.

    They almost had something going for them this season but dropped the ball



    Microsoft Windows Bappity

    my daily workspace

    shooting for 4 taskbars




    for anyone with wildly different Google reviews of the Reddit app

    Google apparently only shows you reviews from people with the same type of device as you AND in your region. seems stupid to me.

    I mean it'd be kind of cool but only if it was TOGGLEABLE
