Absolutely agree, Fox can eat rotten goat ass, I just love the absolutely insane escalation as the show went on.
The extremely rare and interesting diseases weren't enough, no, they needed to hit levels that make daytime soaps question what's going on while still somehow sticking to "He's Sherlock, but a doctor. In prison!"
Scrubs is, ironically, a lot less silly. It's definitely the better show, but House is sometimes laugh out loud hilarious when it tries to portray it's most unhinged episodes totally straight-faced.
And they’ve got an entire diagnostics team working on a single patient multiple days in a row, breaking into their house, running lab tests, and doing basically every single task a hospital has an entire staff for.
Something I really didn't catch during my first watch through, House cares, House cares a LOT. He acts like an asshole but from his point of view he's taking the most pragmatic and efficient route possible to save his patients, willing to risk firing, jailtime and even death to do so; the few times he loses a patient (or friend) he's devastated.
I missed all but maybe like 5 or max 10 episodes of the entire show.
But cops in cop shows have struggles too.
(If I'm understanding you correctly they've shown some light on mental issues, which is prob a good thing if actually done correctly & not just for bs character credibility/growth.)
And breaking the rules is pretty much always justified.
Well, for cops shows and in the format.
Spoilers for House. The later seasons actually came out during the time when shoes were moving from episodic to serialised. And as the show had always recognises House as being very reckless, it was easy to write an overarching plot to the later seasons where he actually faces consequences for his behaviour and personal problems.
So unlike in cop shows, House actually does face the issue of his drug abuse and his abusive behaviour. Even going to prison at one point, albeit not for any medical shit he pulled.
The show definitely has a strong anti-authoritarian taste compared to cop shows. House is a philosopher and always improving and questioning morals whereas cops just "follow orders" and break the law to achieve "justice" (which they have a perverted view which they got through shitty propaganda and don't question.)
I mean, that was literally the elevator pitch for the show - Sherlock Holmes as an American doctor. They even made a point in casting of not wanting a British actor which makes it even funnier that Hugh Laurie got the part.
Holmes = House
Watson = Wilson
7% solution of cocaine = Vicodin
The biggest difference is that he's essentially his own Moriarty, and his Reichenbach Falls involved a burning house, heroin and hallucinations of dead former team members.
I just watched one where House extracted fluid from a leg growth, then from across the room he 360 no scope squirted it into patient's daughter's mouth.
Yeah, I remember that episode. He located a suspected breast tumor on the guy's leg by giving him a drug that caused galactorrhea and then looked for the swelling as the tumor swelled up with milk.
A lot of the cases are... loosely... based on real medical discoveries and treatments. You just pack them all under the arm of one guy to make him some kind of Doctor Genius God.
I'm glad they didn't go full on X-Files with it or inject a bunch of quackery. The show was at its strongest when it was incredible without being unbelievable.
Not gonna lie, I hate the show House. I've watched the entire series multiple times but there's a lot do like about it, but the reason I have to hate it because the show creators said that they never wanted House to solve a case by the normal means. They wanted him to like run into their ex-gfs dog's brother that ate something through a story while he was berating her cheating because they stepped on his cane the wrong way. For me, it would be nice to solve a case through competency ... it always rubbed me the wrong way.
To be clear, this is subjective. Many people watched the shows and it made them wanna be nurses and doctors and it was their inspiration. So I'm definitely an outlier but it just gets me.
lol, I gave up on the series after the fourth episode on television. First watch was because I thought I was missing something. Second watch was because my brother was around and that's what he watched.
The other rewatches was because I needed some background stuff and I had Amazon Prime.
I like some of the characters but the show itself bugs me and I'm an idiot.
If they had Scrubs on Prime Canada I would have just watched that for the umpteenth time instead.
I've read all the twilight books, not because I thought it was good, nor because I gave a damn about any of the characters, but because I wanted to know how it ended and I wanted the ending to make sense.
It sounds like it's just not the show you're expecting. It's not trying to be ER or Scrubs. It's Sherlock Holmes.
It's like watching Mindhunter and criticizing it for not being more like Cops where they solve the case because they catch the suspect in the act of trying to shove the evidence up their butt.
I have absolutely no idea. I think it was one of the few shows on Amazon Prime. I think I enjoyed some of the interplay between the characters? The medicine stuff just made me hate it.
Wasn't his whole job to solve a case that the other doctors couldn't solve? When the average doctor's competency couldn't solve the case they'd turn it to House to use unconventional methods.
The in-universe explanation was that the hospital created his department for PR reasons so that they could say they are the best at diagnosing stuff and so attract more patients even though most patients would just go to regular departments. The PR worked and so House's department would often get transferred patients from other hospitals too, when they couldn't figure out what was happening to them. Regular people would also seek out House specifically when they felt like they weren't getting the right treatment.
But my interpretation of it was that the whole PR thing was just an excuse Cuddy came up with to help House. She knew what he was capable of but also knew he would never fit in on any regular job so she created something specific for him. She's the friend every ADHDer or autistic dreams of having.
I agree with you on that, as a whole the plot structure gets awful formulaic after a while. I’ve watched it a few times now and it’s become a comfort show for me- watched it the first time for the character arcs, the second time for the philosophical themes, and subsequent times for filthy House zingers
Almost everyone. Most of his team doesn't actively hate him, except for Foreman and sometimes Chase. But yeah, broadly everyone hates him for being an asshole but he's also a profoundly capable asshole which means they also want to keep him around despite being an asshole. His entire department essentially exists because of Cuddy's guilt over giving him the limp.
Three Stories was probably my favorite episode. House is forced to teach a class, he sets up three hypotheticals of patients reporting leg pain at the same time. One of the cases is his own story of how he ended up with the limp. He also managed to diagnose what's wrong with the normal teacher of the class while teaching it (lead poisoning).
house was super entertaining to watch except it became too tiring to see someone have a seizure every. fucking. episode.
I think I quit a couple episodes into season 2 just because of that. I'm someone who feels uncomfortable seeing other people in pain (including most "funny" videos about people falling, getting hit in the crotch, or whatever) so seeing someone get convulsions every time was just sucking all the fun out of it.
yeah I don't know I guess it's believable enough. it's funny, I enjoy completely over the top violence, like mortal kombat / doom levels, and most action movies. but seeing someone just trip and fall brings a visceral reaction.
it just doesn't register as entertainment in my brain the way the over the top stuff do. house falls into the realistic category so it's harder for me to watch.
I’ve only seen a couple episodes. Including the one where he discovered a patient has HIV because he couldn’t get rid of the hiccups. Thanks for the new fear!
Personally, what I would like more of doctors doing house visits. Even if it is just about seeing how people live, sleep, what they eat and if they exercise enough.
If you can find and fight the cause of sicknesses, you might not need to fight against the symptoms with meds for the whole life.
Sure there are sicknesses, where you have to take the meds, but sometimes lifestyle changes are effective as well.
Doctors are a scarce commodity. There ain't enough of them to go around. And it would be waste of resources to have them travel around to see anyone in their home. They are far more valuable in their clinical setting. As far a patients making "lifestyle" changes, they seldom do. Even though they know it means their death if they don't. Telling them to do that in their own homes won't make it happen either.
As an old a thankfully retired medic, I have had COPD patients that dialed 911 to get an ambulance because they were struggling to breathe. And they literally made me wait to have that one last cigarette before we loaded and transported because they couldn't smoke in the hospital. They were dead 10 months later. The list of people hell bent on dying I saw and tried to help is long and depressing.