Even if not, I doubt competitors are "shitting their pants" over this. Can't say the bulletproofness rating topped the list of features I was looking for in my next car purchase
anyway this is movie plot scenario relevant only to edgelords. maybe it'll be easier to avoid being shot at by not being in a car associated with shitheads
Places that have metal protecting you (legs), places not bullet proof, head and chest.
Doesn't sound that useful. Also the bridge I currently take to go to work as the main bridge is closed for updating for the next few months only supports 3 tons. So a cyber truck couldn't get to my residence without taking a 7 mile detour each way.
(Not that I was ever considering one nor could afford one)
Edit to also add fun fact for those that maybe didn't understand the size of a .22lr or a .223 listed above. .223 is also known as 5.56 NATO. though they sound similar in size, a .223 round has 10x the energy of a .22 (they are much larger and travel much faster)
I went down a rabbithole recently because I was convinced of the same. Apparently this is the only claim that's actually true. You can take your pick of videos on youtube. You can find things that will pen it, but not your random 9mm or other handgun.
Having said that, it makes complete sense to me that the "I must be ready to dispense death at any moment" crowd also thinks they need a vehicle that is prepared to repel other people dispensing death at any moment.
Obligatory... The Cyber truck is not rated as bullet proof. This footage was most likely produced with cartridges that have just enough gun powder to cycle the gun's action. Actual bulletproof vehicles are way more expensive.
This footage was most likely produced with cartridges that have just enough gun powder to cycle the gun’s action.
Frankly, it's probably not even that much. They probably used a bolt action and really light powder loads. I'd say maybe it's a .22 but the dents look big for that.
Edit: Someone else posted this a JerryRigEverything video- it apparently stops .22 and 9mm. I'm pretty surprised.
Looking it up, the doors are 1.8mm steel. At a 90 degree angle that's enough to stop underpowered 9mm rounds reliably. It will stop most normal rounds fired at it, and especially start letting a lot through in areas with repeated stress. The second you hot load a round, use a heavy projectile or any kind of round with more potential than standard FMJ it's all going through.
And that has to be the right kind of steel too. Which is more expensive. So yeah I'm pretty sure they used underpowered rounds at the very least to create this visual.
Nobody wants to replicate or compete against the Cybertruck directly, but it is the first production car to implement several key technologies like steer by wire a 48v low voltage system rather than traditional 12v one. Tesla has had a lot longer to develop these than the competition, but ultimately Elon's stupid design and love affair with Trump mean Tesla won't succeed commercially from these innovations.
In fact, when they do interact with other projectiles, those projectiles are other cars. But I guess no one knew crumple zones could be so complicated.
I can attest I have never seen a cybertruck and we are pretty EV heavy.
Teslas are even getting rarer since they are built so shit they can't handle the winter and salted roads.
And you know what, I'm a fan of the rugged look with the brushed steel and all that. I just can't get past the lines, they are so terrible. It really looks like a kid drew it but in a bad way. If they'd made it square it would be nice imho
Fun fact: The windows are not bulletproof. Also the most common rifle in the US is the AR-15... and the cybertruck's doors are decidedly NOT resistant againt .223/5.56x45mm rounds. And if they're using green tips or even regular FMJ rounds, you can forget about any semblance of protection.
I was shooting thicker steel than that yesterday with cheapo .223, went through it like butter. The bullets are hilariously small, but they're hauling ass at 3,400FPS.
People don't realize just how penetrative .223 is. And the stuff you are firing is civilian grade stuff. Imagine some VIP was driving a cyber truck thinking he is safe and some guys with actual military ammunition fired at him. His car might as well be made of paper mache.
Yeah military 5.56 will go through cinderblocks. Maybe not in a perfect straight line but modern military rounds would chew up any car, even the lame cybertruck.
Basically unless you're behind the engine block or axel (the dense metal parts of the car) assault rifle rounds are gonna get through. Don't hide behind cars.
This is what I don't get. BMW, VW, and Porsche are all companies that supported the Nazis. Assuming that 99% of all employees at those companies when they supported the Nazis are no longer working there, what does it matter that they supported the Nazis? BMW, VW, and Porsche aren't a real person each. There's no Mr. BMW going into a secret mountain lair snickering while rubbing their hands together. It's really just a name for an economic system. The people all change like the boards on the ship of Theseus. And it wasn't BMW's, VW's, or Porsche's fault for not having just ethics. The entire country was taken over by Nazi's. Surely the people that resisted were removed or punished. Maybe some employees pulled a Schindler and protected people as best they could. Others tried that CIA sabotage manual shit that's hilarious. Some were all about Nazis. But, none of those people are there anymore in any effectual number. In other words, BMW is just a name as I understand it. Is there something I'm missing? Do we need to rename it to something else so that suddenly the root essence that supported the Nazi's is removed? While we're at it, do we need to rename Germany/Deutchland or shame them until they change their name?
There have been a lot of videos of proud Cybertruck owners shooting up their own car doors to own the libs. And I wish any part of that was a joke. Just search youtube.
This is likely the result of one of those "tests" using the lowest-grain hollow-point 9mm rounds they could find so they can drive around feeling invincible until they have to spend a large portion of the vehicle's cost on new doors. And in this case, new body panels as well because aiming is for cucks I guess. But it's okay because the primary consumer of Cybertrucks are crypto-bros who found themselves on the top of the pyramid/edge of the bubble and have more entitlement and money than sense and will just buy another.
Ha! Elsewhere in this thread I described the Cybertruck as it's always looked to me- a fiberglass shell over an El Camino in a bad 1980s straight-to-VHS Mad Max ripoff movie.
Not only that but from what I've heard all Teslas have issues with rain and going through car washes. This is not a car company this is a tech company that tried to make cars. The only reason they have succeeded thus far is because none of the actual car makers were outputting electric vehicles seriously. Now that they are Tesla is doomed cause they're absolute shit at designing automobiles.
Tarpenning and Eberhard actually knew what they were doing (or at least who to listen to) and the Tesla might have been a decent car under their leadership. Neither of them were auto engineers, but they were both way into cars. But we're not in that timeline. Musk clearly knows nothing about cars.
Why the fuck would someone be deluded enough to think this attribute of a vehicle is important enough for any established manufacturer to even give it the courtesy of a thought.
Adding something nobody asked for, for no reason, that nobody would ever be in a situation to find it useful only underscores just how impulsive and idiotic of a poseur Musk is. Though, I guess if I was some Nazi cunt, I might add "bullet-resistant transportation" to my list of requirements too.
This is obviously such a ridiculous, cluelessly macho thing. For one, this isn’t the type of durability that matters to 99% of customers. It’s a bit more important that you know, the car doesn’t lock you out suddenly, lose body panels, have a catastrophic suspension failure, you know. Then, if it did somehow matter if your car is bulletproof, attackers aren’t going to be aiming at the body of the car, they would be shooting through the windows and windshield.
Seriously, the cyber truck is an embarrassment. The only positive thing I can say about its design is at least it doesn't have a tall, blunt front end that minimizes pedestrian visibility while maximizing pedestrian fatality, as seems to be the current trend.
Some youtuber got a wankpanzer and, I think, an f150 to do "durability tests" with. Since the actual point is to create internet content, and the creator might kinda like elon for some reason, it's obvious that the tests and their results are ridiculous. It's like:
"Oh, no! The cybertruck's frame snapped off! There goes your trailer! The air suspension broke! The stupid tablet became a disco party of red warnings! ...but the f150 couldn't jump 5 feet into the air, and also the door has a hole in it from when we used explosives, issues which the cybertruck doesn't have. So they're neck and neck, really."
The autolock on the fire, to me, is proof that Elon fully intends this to be a working feature. He probably would want all of his cars like this so if anyone in one of his cars displeases him he can have the battery overheat into a blaze AND prevent the occupants from escaping.
So, there I was, minding my own business, when I decide it's about time I get myself a new set of wheels. You know, something reliable, maybe a little bulletproof? Can’t be too careful out there, right?
Walked into this dealership, looking sharp as ever in my sunglasses and a trench coat, ready to flip the script. The salesman, guy named Greg, looked up from his desk like I’d just walked into the sun.
"Can I help you?" he says, polite but cautious.
"Sure, buddy," I said, sliding my .45 onto the counter. "I’m in the market for a car that can take a hit."
Greg’s eyes widened. "Uh... we’ve got models that can handle themselves. How about the Honda Civic? It’s pretty tough for its size—bulletproof up to 9mm!"
"9mm?" I repeated, unimpressed. "Buddy, my gun’s got a hair more punch."
We went through the lineup: the Ford F-150 with its armor-like doors (though it admitted it’d leave a dent or two), the Subaru Outback with its reinforced undercarriage (can’t trust cars that hide), and then… there was the Tesla Cybertruck.
"Think you’re funny," I said, sliding behind the wheel. "Let’s see what this thing’s got."
Pulled out my SIG Sauer, popped off a few rounds. The Civic? Dented like a can of beans. The F-150? A bulletproof glass shattered, but it held up… kinda. And then the Cybertruck.
"Bullets," I said, aiming dead center. "Go ahead. Hit it."
Greg let out a breath he probably hadn’t taken since 2012. The bullets hit, and… nothing. Not a scratch, not a dent. Just like that, the Cybertruck became my new ride.
"Sure, why not," I said, shrugging. "It’s got range, style, and now, apparently, it’s bulletproof."
Drove off, leaving Greg staring after me like I’d just pulled a heist or something.
FWIW, IIRC it's only bulletproof to subsonic 9mm. If you're using normal range ammo (115gr), it's not going to stop the bullet. It's definitely not going to stop any rifle more powerful than a .22lr.
And super-rigid body panels are actually a bad thing; it likely doesn't have crumple zones, which means that more energy is going into the passengers in a crash.
Don't waste it on the car and use it on the nazi driving the car (but first, verify that they are, indeed, a nazi, some might have gotten it before the elon's nazi reveal)
I don't get the whole car being someone's identity thing. Whether it's their whole identity or just a part of it, doesn't matter.
A vehicle is a tool to get things done. Transporting people and things from location to location. But so many people are making it into a statement. I have no idea why.
I never wanted my car to make any statements, nor stand out in any way whatsoever. The reason of simple: no matter who you are, what you value, what you believe, there's always going to be people that disagree with you. A nontrivial number of those that disagree with your viewpoint, have the aptitude and willingness to mess with your property, especially when you're not looking.
So you're going to leave your opinion, on one of the most expensive things you own, while it is parked in public spaces with (more often than not) zero security against people's access to your shit.
But so many people are making it into a statement. I have no idea why.
If you keep chasing this question, you eventually get to a very dark place and realize just how little free-will our species has. I am dead serious, unless you want to wreck your entire perception of yourself and our species and deal with a very severe depressive episode, cease your investigations.
I think I'm like 90% the way there already, I dealt with it by simply giving up on humanity.
I see everyone who is working class as essentially slave labor with extra steps. You get the "freedom" to live how you want, as long as you are working to earn a living because you're not worthy of being alive if you aren't helping someone pursue their capitalistic dreams. You're also "free" to choose where you want to live, because every square inch of the planet is "owned" by someone (with few exceptions), and you'll either end up having to pay someone to buy land to live on, or pay someone with land every month indefinitely to use their land to live.
Comparing today's working conditions to slavery: slaves are frequently provided food and shelter. They're also frequently provided medical care (though, there's a limit where you're not worth keeping alive). Everything is provided for you by the master. You're not paid, but you also don't need money to continue to live.
In modern times you "choose" your job from an array of equally bad options, all of which barely pay you enough to buy food, and afford rent, and often, they pay less than a living wage, so you need to pool how much you make with others too have a place to stay. You don't get to rise up or progress to a more prestigious position in society, you're at the bottom and that's where you will stay. Except for you being given enough means to provide for yourself the same things you would be provided for free as a slave, there's little difference between the two.
The most notable difference is that you can't whip employees. There's no lashings for stepping out of line. Though, we could draw correlations between lashings and what happens in prison, but I digress.
Economically, most of society might actually be better off with working for room and board, since then they don't need to worry about how to pay the bills, that's all taken care of for them.
The choices we have available to us as the writing class are a farce to convince those that cannot see the bigger picture, into believing they are free. The educational system has been eroded and dumbed down enough that the vast majority of people fit the criteria of just smart enough to do the work, but not smart enough to question it, or anything else.
People make themselves all about one thing all the time. Car is just one possibility. Surely you've met those incredibly dedicated sports fans that build their entire lives around whatever team they follow. Some people are very proud they use Arch Linux. Others build their identity around Elon Musk or Donald Trump. It's just a form of tribalism.