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paraphrand paraphrand
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These cubes are not actually moving
  • I don’t see anything special. What’s the deal? It’s just an image with a conspicuous play button.

  • Pico 4S could be serious competition for Quest 3 if this leaker is right
  • Right. You need to order them from international sellers. And then there isn’t an official US App store.

  • Report shows that AAA games for iPhone and iPad aren’t exactly a hit with users
  • Ok, let me rephrase then. Is gaming on high performance android phones equally unappealing?

  • TIL: The Chicken soup for the soul publisher owns redbox
  • When I saw it mentioned in another thread, I assumed it was just someone memeing.

  • Quora’s Chatbot Platform Poe Allows Users to Download Paywalled Articles on Demand
  • Does Microsoft think things behind paywalls are fair game for LLMs too? (I know this isn’t Microsoft, but I bet OpenAI got around paywalls toooo…)

  • I wish I was as bold as these authors.
  • Yup, that’s what the person you are replying to means. The people downvoting them don’t understand either.

  • Supreme Court strikes down Chevron, curtailing power of federal agencies - SCOTUSblog
  • ChatGPT:

    The Gilded Age in American history refers to the late 19th century, roughly spanning from the 1870s to the early 1900s. It was characterized by rapid industrialization, economic growth, and significant wealth accumulation among a few elite individuals, often contrasted with widespread poverty, labor exploitation, and political corruption. The term "gilded" suggests that this era appeared prosperous on the surface but was fraught with social and economic issues underneath.

    During the Gilded Age, the Supreme Court played a crucial role in shaping the legal and economic landscape of the United States. One significant aspect was its interpretation of federal power versus state power, particularly regarding economic regulation and individual rights.

    In several key decisions during this period, the Supreme Court often sided with states' rights and limited federal authority over economic matters. For instance, in cases like United States v. E.C. Knight Co. (1895), the Court narrowly interpreted the Sherman Antitrust Act, which was meant to regulate monopolistic practices, leading to a reduction in federal power to curb industrial monopolies.

    The rationale behind the Court's decisions often reflected a judicial philosophy that favored minimal interference in business practices and economic affairs by the federal government. This aligns with the broader tendencies of the Gilded Age, where laissez-faire capitalism and limited government intervention in the economy were dominant ideologies among the ruling class and influential policymakers.

    Therefore, the relationship between the Gilded Age and the Supreme Court's stance on federal power lies in the Court's tendency to limit federal authority over economic regulation and its rulings that favored states' rights and corporate interests. This era marked a period of significant judicial interpretation that shaped the balance of power between state and federal governments for years to come.

  • FCC proposes ending cellphone carrier locks after 60 days
  • It would help with e-waste too.

  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • This is why companies like Apple are at least a tiny bit correct when they go on about app security and limiting code execution. The fact it aligns with their creed of controlling all of the technology they sell makes the whole debate a mess, though. And it does not excuse shitty behavior on their part.

    But damn

    And if they got this past Apple in their platforms. That’s even wilder.

  • Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • Shop like a billionaire targeted by state sponsored hackers.

  • Kira
  • What?

  • Paramount Cuts Nearly All Content on Comedy Central, TV Land, CMT and MTV Websites
  • They probally figure they can put a lot of this (or already put a lot of this) on YouTube and split the profits with Google. Cuts down on overhead.

  • McDonald’s Gives Up On ‘AI’ After Comedy Of Errors, Including Putting Bacon On Ice Cream
  • Denny’s offers this. Or use to.

    Im pretty sure this is a click bait headline since a certain percentage of people see the appeal of bacon on vanilla ice cream.

  • Pro tip - you can type  on macOS with option + shift + k
  • You can read more about the area of Unicode that it lives in here:

    Private Use Areas

  • danthony - CONSENT


    Room Temperature Is A Lie

    Television paraphrand ‘Conan O’Brien Must Go’ Is the Best Version of Conan

    The comedian’s new travel show proves he’s at his best away from the rigid confines of late night

    ‘Conan O’Brien Must Go’ Is the Best Version of Conan
    AI Covers paraphrand

    Ice still standing - Ice king (AI Cover of I'm still standing by Elton John)


    Why does TMobile continue to lie?

    This message started appearing 3-4 years ago when you logged in with a prepaid account.

    > Sorry we're not ready for you yet. We're working on improving your app experience. In the meantime, can help you out. > Go to ›


    Four Months in - Feeling Much Better

    I stopped vaping flower in early May and I’m feeling much better as a result. Far less anxiety, more time in the day and clearer thinking in general.

    I’m back to a baseline I didn’t think I’d ever have again.

    Having dreams again is really good for me.

    If you are considering quitting, it’s worth it.


    How Does the Human Perception System Deal with Anomalous Information? (Garry Nolan and Ross Coulthart) Paraphrand shared a post

    How Does the Human Perception System Deal with Anomalous Information? (Garry Nolan and Ross Coulthart)

    Paraphrand shared a post

    Submission Statement:

    Here is a clip I edited together that I thought the sub would find fascinating. It's a little told story about photographing a UFO.

    Clips are from Garry on Lex Friedman, and Ross's latest Q&A from this past week.


    UFO Whistleblower Kept Security Clearance After Psychiatric Detention - The Intercept UFO Whistleblower Kept Security Clearance After Psychiatric Detention

    The star witness of Congress’s UFO hearings, David Grusch, retained his clearance despite alleged substance abuse issues, FOIA documents reveal.

    > The records were not confidential, medical, nor leaked. They are publicly available law enforcement records obtained under a routine Virginia FOIA request to the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office and provided by the office’s FOIA coordinator. Copies of The Intercept’s correspondence with the sheriff’s office are being published with this story.


    Spaceship of Fools - An extensive counterpoint to the usual narrative from 2017 forward Spaceship of Fools

    Major U.S. media and Congressional leadership swallow new unverified stories of alien visitations. Allegations of fraud filed with the SEC against conspiracy-promoting former DOD officials, rocker Tom DeLonge and the company they fronted for peddling false UFO-related claims. Growth in UFO cults and...

    Spaceship of Fools

    This new article is questioning the narrative surrounding To The Stars Academy and everyone affiliated.
