Huh, maybe putting the EV tax credit back in and banning the ridiculous EV registration fees that states are foisting on us would help electric vehicles sell?
I can't say it's this way for every state, but my understanding is that the registration fee for EVs is to replace the fact you're not paying the gas tax which is meant to help pay for road maintenance.
At least here in PA that's what they're intending to do. I don't believe it's been implemented yet, however.
My cousin and his wife bought a couple many years ago when they were all the rage. Before all this crap happened. I'm a bit scared for them. This will only redouble people's anger towards Teslas. (But it's well deserverd)
I work in the defense industry. Many of my coworkers are conservative. Most of them would never consider an electric vehicle (I heard them laughing about rolling coal on a Tesla recently). So the target audience doesn't want them, and the former audience is now staunchly opposed. Who do they think will buy them at this point?
Don't worry, dumpy will divert federal funds to some other elon owned business under the guise of removing corruption and cronyism.
Most likely i'd say spacex/starlink related, since there are few that can compete in private space in terms of us companies right now. hundreds of billions can easily be sunk into anything aerospace related.
Lmao on these whiny ass babies. Fuck Tesla, if people don't want to buy them, you can't stop them.
Soon to be added to government employment many tesla do you own and if accepting the job, would you qualify for financing for a tesla?
While it's true that Elon Musk was being criticized by some for various reasons, the fact remains that Donald Trump's decision to buy a Tesla car as a response to criticism is more of a publicity stunt than an actual attempt to address the concerns.
To put this into perspective, let's look at the net worth of Donald Trump. According to Forbes' 2022 estimates, Trump's net worth is approximately $3.2 billion. Now, compare that to the price tag of a Tesla Model S, which can cost anywhere from $80,000 to over $100,000, depending on the trim level and options.
In this context, buying one Tesla car represents only a tiny fraction of Trump's overall net worth. For instance, if we assume he bought a base model Tesla at $80,000, that would account for less than 0.0025% of his estimated net worth.
So, why the fuss? This purchase seems more like a symbolic gesture to appease his critics and demonstrate his wealth rather than an actual demonstration of his commitment to environmental causes or technological innovation. It's likely that Trump was trying to show off his supposed "status symbol" and "rich person problems," which has become a hallmark of his brand.
This is like a buddy helping out another buddy by giving him the change he found in his couch. It's sad that people will fall for this type of hollow gesture.
Especially because apparently former presidents are not allowed to drive as part of their lifelong security detail. So it's a car he'll never be able to drive.
They'll let you buy something else, but first you'll need to watch a video on the benefits of owning a Tesla, watch an ultrasound of your new baby Tesla, and complete a 72 hour waiting period with mandatory daily calls with a DOGE sponsored automotive counselor.
Trump is hilarious. Like the government can stop me from NOT BUYING something.
Sounds like if he had it his way, we’d be forced to buy only what he declared and in the quantities the law stipulates, regardless of need or ability to pay.
Excuse me sir, have you performed your government mandated consumption today? It looks like your spending quota is a little low, how about ordering some tasty Dominoes^TM and signing up for a subscription service or your choice? Remember what your mother taught you: "a penny saved is a penny wasted". Money atrophies if you keep it locked up, everyone knows that! You need to keep that cash aerated, circulate it!
Bring back debtor’s prisons, lock up everyone who defaults on their mandatory loan on a non-living wage, then invoke the 13th amendment and boom – you’ve successfully replaced the labour force you’ve ousted by deporting people.
I’m sad that’s plausible.
(e: didn’t the auto industry basically do this once with company towns?)
it's like that time when Elon "free speech absolutist" Musk tried to sue advertisers that decided that they didn't want their ads on his Nazi filled platform
Remember, this South African immigrant, whose father owned a slave ran diamond (edit: emerald) mine, sued advertisers for pulling out due to his racist remarks and the racism being spewed on his platform. Choosing not to advertise on his platform was ‘collusion’ and illegal… 🤦♂️
This is the shit that really bugs me with Trump in office again. He is the leader of the executive branch and just throws out statements saying boycotting is illegal.
His words should matter and the office should matter but it’s all just reality TV horseshit.
"illegally and collusively boycott". Trump is such a turd of emotions. Just says things that feel true, and his idiot followers gobble it up. I don't think there's any case where a boycott is illegal, and colluding is just a scarier word for organizing or cooperating.
I don’t think there’s any case where a boycott is illegal,
The USA has made boycotting the zionist entity illegal, many states require businesses to sign pledges not to boycott as conditions to getting contracts. So much for that "freedum of speech".
Unfortunately, his abuse has already SLAPPed down the original group behind the assessment that led to the boycott, but now that the world's bestest genius evar has decided to also take on (check article) Lego, Nestlé, Tyson Foods, Abbott Laboratories, Colgate-Palmolive, Pinterest and Shell International?
In this case, it’s not even organizing/cooperating/colliding. Multiple people are reaching the same sensible conclusion simultaneously and acting accordingly.
That was an extremely aggressive response. Did you consider, "Hey, you don't seem to know this, but check out this [source]"?
There's a trope for "existing users are hostile to newcomers because the newcomers are ignorant, preventing the community from growing and undermining their goals", but I'm not sure the name of it. Might be a variation of "For me it was tuesday"
Totally understand. Keep the boycotts running. We'll keep doing what we can from here. This isn't just about the US, it never was. Until we bury ALL the fascists, it's gonna be a little hectic around this 3rd stone from the Sun. Stay strong, perseverance furthers.
Here it is without all the adjectives telling you what to think or how to feel:
To conservatives, Republicans[redacted]; elon musk is "putting it on the line" and the liberals are boycotting tesla(paraphrasing). [Redacted]In any event. I'm going to buy a brand new tesla tomorrow morning as a show of my confidence and support for Elon Musk[redacted]
Only during their presidency and when they have Secret Service protection afterwards, and only on public roads. If you deny secret service protection or you are on private land a former president can drive.