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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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This is America. This is the foundation that holds up the Trump government and the Republican Party.
  • Reddit is a soulless corporation that only wants to make money. Like a vampire, but money instead of blood. But if you drove a stake through the heart of reddit's CEO and board members, you'd go to jail for some reason. Unless the jury was super cool and nullified.

  • No NAZl's plz
  • Yes. Unfortunately, if you try to slug a nazi a bunch of pearl clutchers will pop up saying violence is never ever ever acceptable oh dear we need to compete in the marketplace of IDEAS and follow the LAW we might not like that the law says the [outgroup] are to be forcibly relocated but it is what it is oh dear.

    I don't expect everyone to be on the front line throwing a molotov, but I would like if more people wouldn't actively support the oppressors.

  • Brace yourself for Discord to get worse: Reports swirl that the company is in talks with bankers about opening itself up to shareholders
  • It's like some eternal September shit. Of course a private for profit entity like discord is going to eventually turn to shit*. It's like the scorpion and the frog fable**. People should know that. But there are just so many people who this is their first time ever encountering these ideas.

    And some people just don't care about things. I had that galaxy brain realization a couple months ago. Imagine if everyone cared just a little more. So many problems would just go away.

    *Valve arguably being an exception so far, but that could change on a whim


  • The Heritage Foundation is now called The Trump Foundation
  • Right wing does not argue in good faith. I'm reminded of that Sartre quote

    Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

  • No NAZl's plz
  • I often feel like we as a society let "everyone is entitled to their opinion" go too far. Like when it's "I like vanilla and you like chocolate" that's fine. Let people enjoy their flavor of choice. But when it's like "I don't think those foreign people should live" that's just the same kind of thing at all.

    And closely related, when someone's like "I just don't believe in vaccines" we shouldn't just let that be.

  • Falsehoods programmers believe about languages
  • I believe French does this as well. To answer in the affirmative to a negative question, you use "si" instead of "oui"

    "Si" is also the word for "if", which has probably confused people.

    (top search hit, not sure if good, but on a quick glance it looks correct )

  • This is literally from, I can't belive this is an official post from the executive branch. I feel like it needs to be shared for posterity.
  • The underlying cause is they are more emotional driven than the baseline human, I think. We're all emotional, but I feel like some people really let the truthiness gutfeel of emotions rule the day and facts are just not that important to them.

    Pick like any of those and you see they had a choice between feelings that make them feel smart or part of an in-group, or facts that made the world clash with their beliefs. And because they're kind of fools and cowards, they go with the feel-good most of the time.

  • Donald Trump approval rating goes negative for first time in presidency
  • I know a gay couple that are pretty right leaning, but they learned a long time ago that their own people don’t accept different opinions so they just play pretend whenever they go out into the LGBT spaces and they are their normal Republican selves at home or with their right leaning buddies.

    It is extremely misleading to characterize this as "different opinions". The republican party is extremely hostile to queer people. We're not talking about like "i like pop-punk and you like 90s-r&b".

    Also if people really are lying about their beliefs so hard, that's fucked up. Most of us learn that lying is bad in early childhood.

    I’m not even conservative and I learned to shut up and play pretend for the short time I went to college because questioning the professor or showing you don’t go a long with the narrative is a great way to get targeted by the teachers and other students.

    I feel like there's a lot of detail missing here. Yeah, if you were saying like "I just don't think gay stuff is natural" other people might have said mean things to you, but that would've been because you had a shitty opinion. Most right wing views are absolute dog shit, so it's not surprising people would target them. You wouldn't be persecuted for "going against the narrative", you'd be derided for having bad ideas.

    For the record very few people on the right actually believe women shouldn’t have the right to vote. Most of them say it as a joke because they know how much it rubs certain people the wrong way. It’s kinda like the guys that complain (jokingly) to their wives that they need to get back in the kitchen and make them a sandwich. Yeah some of them actually mean it and fuck those people, but the grand majority do not view women that way at all.

    "I was just joking" is a common top-of-the-funnel for horrors. Explain why it's funny to make jokes like "women belong in the kitchen" or "well we all know black people are [negative stereotype of your choice]".

    I've had several women tell me about how they'd have a date or two with a guy who'd said he was "liberal" or "moderate", but it quickly became apparent he had horrible views about the world.

    To your larger point, there may be people who pretend to be left-wing but secretly hold shitty beliefs, but those people are bad people.

    And it sounds like you just want to feel persecuted by people for "going against the narrative" and don't want to accept that right wing beliefs are, i repeat, dog shit, and make for a worse world.

  • Donald Trump approval rating goes negative for first time in presidency
  • I mean, there are reasons why right wing people don't admit it. "I don't think women should vote" isn't going to make a lot of friends with women, for example. I don't "lock myself" into avoiding Republicans, but their beliefs are often reprehensible so we don't get along.

    But also I live in NYC and I'm sure there are trump supporters, but most people recognize him as a scumbag and threat.

  • Would you rather be trapped in Groundhog Day or the Truman show?
  • Groundhog's day if the day is pretty normal. Not like a day where I have the flu or AWS is down. There's a lot of books to read, movies to watch, one night stands to have.

    Also I think my friends would believe me that groundhog day was happening. Might be able to get a slightly better situation than the movie.

  • People demand an end to Trump-Musk destruction of national parks
  • I think the rich assholes are banking on protests never ascending beyond chants and the occasional march. Maybe some blocked traffic.

    When the right wing leaders are dragged out of their mansions at night and hanged from the nearest tree, and all the would be witnesses say they didn't see anything, then we'd be getting somewhere.

  • fuck this
  • Laws only matter if they are enforced.

    The right wing doesn't care about law or consistency. They care about in-groups to protect and out groups to bind.

    If "how do treat strangers" is a viable metric for assessing if someone is a good person or not, the the right wing are not good people.

  • Guide to software developer job advertisements
  • Been doing the job search and it's frustrating how bad most of the job postings are. There's so much filler nonsense.

    I pretty much just want to know like

    • tech stack
    • team size
    • big picture what the company does
    • if they're assholes about in-office mandates
    • salary range

    Some postings are like "must know Java, go, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, or rust" and I'm like do you use all of those?

  • Social Security payments could suffer interruption soon as DOGE causes ‘system collapse'
  • I just feel like there's a lot of "You hate every piece of capitalism, but you won't connect the dots to see they're all coming from the same source." It won't be enough to restore social security payments if we still have billionaires just walking around, or we keep this broken two-party system that also empowers less populated areas. Just to name two issues off the top of my head.

    We need larger, structural, changes.

    But I guess everything starts somewhere.

  • Who's playing in the .32 tournament?

    Not sure if this community is dead, but here we are!

    I kind of stopped playing new versions around .28 because I really disliked the opportunity attacks mechanism, but I thought I'd give .32 a try. The new shapeshifter things look cool, but in fussing with it a bit it's harder than I expected.

    But now the tournament is live! Who's playing?

    I currently have one win with ye olde MiBe. Got lucky with good armor early on, and then cruised to a 3 rune (shoals + snake + vaults) win.

    There was one dicey moment in the lungs where I went around the corner to reveal 4 orbs of fire, some draconians, and a lightning golem all waiting for me. Hasted + Fog'd my way the hell out there.


    how do people feel about spears?

    I tried it a bit with my reaper in pve and it seemed okay, but I wasn't doing anything challenging that really put it to the test. I haven't tried the others classes yet.

    Polyamory & Open Relationships jjjalljs

    How are your metamor relationships?

    Currently, I'm polite to friendly with all of them. No outstanding conflicts. It's sometimes literal kitchen table poly with one, and the others I only see at like parties and such.

    Some years ago I had two partners that absolutely did not get along with each other, and that was rough. Recently I was able to do a dinner with 3 partners and everyone had a good time.

    I try not to make a big deal about folks meeting. I try to model after meeting your friend's friends.

    Polyamory & Open Relationships jjjalljs

    How do you find other poly people?

    For me there's a bit of a network effect where the polycule sprawls out into the distance. Partners have partners who have partners.

    But for disconnected folks, it's mostly been tinder (yuck), and a local meetup.

    (Also this might be the first post? That or nothing federated yet)

    LFG jjjalljs

    Looking for a Thursday Evening Game

    I'm looking for players for a weekly game of Fate. I'm thinking something like a mix of Shadowrun and World of Darkness, where the players are vigilantes looking to make the world better. It would start (and maybe stay) at the street level, rather than global or cosmic.

    I've been playing and running games for 20+ years.

    LGBT friendly. New players okay. Unreliable players less so.

    Message me if you're interested. Include a blurb about yourself, your experience with games, with fate specifically, and a joke of your choosing.


    What's up with memes suffixed with "rule"?

    Like I saw one that was titled "I wonder why rule" and had a picture about overpaid CEOs or something.

    Why "rule"? What's the origin of this format?
