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Coelacanth Coelacanth
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Trump calls Kamala Harris statement on Gaza war ‘disrespectful’
  • Don't forget his weird obsession with windmills being the apex predator of birds.

  • Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • I like your list. I think Mark Kelly is the obvious best choice and I hope she lands on him. Novelty factor is strong, it would be foolish to underestimate the astronaut card. He balances the ticket well and might also help win Arizona.

    Jon Stewart would be absolutely hilarious, though. If nothing else than for a potential VP debate with alleged couch fornicator Vance.

  • Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris'
  • Judges are appointed for life, so they can be impartial and don’t need to worry about who won’t hire them after their term ends if they made unfavorable decisions.

    Brother I'm not talking about letting the new president fire them at will, I'm talking about term limits and retirement ages.

    4 years is absurdly long to you?

    This one is maybe on me since my word choice was possibly ambiguous, but I was referring to the campaign cycle - not the length of the term.

  • Managing hyperfixations
  • I'm in a similar boat too, but I don't have any advice either sadly. I've been struggling with managing hyperfixations my whole life too so all I can offer is sympathy. The switching off issue is especially rough and has been ruining my sleep my whole life.

    I can't use weed medically sadly since my country is insanely archaic in terms of drug policy, but hopefully it will change some day. I'm glad some people out there get some relief.

  • Should the Harris campaign co-opt this t-shirt?
  • What the fuck are those MAGA idiots high on?

    Fox News and a lifetime of leaded gasoline is a hell of a drug.

  • Trump struggles to find line of attack against Harris: ‘They are literally grasping at straws’
  • Would be funny to run back the "I approve of this message" counterplay, but I think they have too much respect for Biden to do that.

  • Kamala Harris closing gap on Trump in tight 2024 race, polls show
  • It's been a week. I'd have been shocked if she was ahead already. Some of the polls in this aggregate were even taken before Biden stepped down, for Christ's sake.

    The momentum is going in the right direction, but there is still a lot of work to be done. She has had a fairly quiet Vice Presidency, while Trump is a household name. It's a good thing she's gotten all those campaign fund donations, because she's going to need them.

  • Trump struggles to find line of attack against Harris: ‘They are literally grasping at straws’
  • Republicans being unable to stop themselves from being racist and sexist might well play in Harris' favour here. The vast majority of racists and sexists were going to vote for Trump anyway, but this type of approach and messaging might alienate some moderate undecided voters.

    Just hours after she announced her candidacy, Trump’s super PAC released an ad attacking Harris, claiming she “covered up Joe’s obvious mental decline” and that she “knew Joe couldn’t do the job, so she did it” herself.

    Is this really the own he thinks it is? By most measures the Biden/Harris term has been fairly successful so giving your opponent credit for the lions share of that work is certainly an interesting strategy. And the coverup is a fairly toothless accusation since Biden actually stepped down in time.

  • Trump backs out of debate as camp says it's 'inappropriate to schedule things with Harris'
  • The US is bizarro world in so many aspects. Political Supreme Court appointees that are appointed for life (!), two party system, the electoral college, the absurdly long election cycles...

  • 'It is time for this war to end,' Harris tells Netanyahu; 'I will not be silent' on Palestinian suffering
  • I think this was pretty much the best that could be expected from an american presidential candidate. Israel's position in the geopolitical balance of power makes it impossible for her to just outright denounce them. She's signalling that she's (hopefully) going to be less limp-wristed than Biden was on the issue, but the US's hands are largely tied when it comes to Israel - at least for as long as the forward outpost in the Middle East is as desirable as it still is to US interests.

  • ‘I Approve This Message’: Kamala Harris Instantly Uses Trump’s Own Words Against Him
  • Amazing. I respect Joe Biden and think he had a pretty good term overall, but stuff like this shows just what's been lacking.

    On a related note, please let Trump be dumb enough to accept a debate with Kamala.

  • Fallout: London | Trailer
  • It's a shame the writers and directors of The Frontier were so shit. The programmers did stellar job within the confines of that crappy engine and I'm still salty Xilandros fantastic vehicle implementation isn't made available as a standalone (officially).

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl — Really, Again?
  • Yes, the reply above you is exactly what I meant.

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl — Really, Again?
  • Is that release date too late for a possible GOTY claim? I know I'm high on wishful thinking but I'm coconut pilled right now and letting myself dream. After all they've been through I really really wish this game comes out as a slam dunk GOTY game-of-the-decade type thing.

  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Heart of Chernobyl has been delayed to November, 20th, 2024. Developer deep dive coming August 12th.
  • I wish they didn't go with simplified ammo. I know it's a small thing but I loved having to weigh the pros and cons of weapons based on the ammo they use, and I'll die a little inside every time I unload my M16 and shove those rounds into the AK-47 I just picked up. And seeing generic "pistol ammo" and "assault rifle ammo" is so immersion breaking - and this is a series that lives and dies off immersion.

    But who knows. I might be dead wrong here and the slight dumbening down might help them attract a wider audience, in which case I'm happy for them. No matter what in the end I just wish them huge success after all they've gone through.

  • What was your favorite album when you were ten years old?
  • Has to be Jesus Christ Superstar (original 1970 album version). I got into all sorts of other artists a little bit later, but that was the first bit of music to really hook me. I remember walking around the schoolyard alone listening to it on a cassette tape walkman around that time.

  • [@F1] Out of 345 race starts, Lewis Hamilton has finished outside of the top 10 only nine times.
  • To be fair he was never in a really bad car, and this does in part show the huge effect machinery has on results in F1. Still, the consistency to almost never put in a stinker or have a poor qualy and fail to make it up on the Sunday is really worth highlighting.

  • The Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Restoration project is in a playable state on
  • I haven't thought about this game in many years. I only remember it taking so long to come out it became an early meme, and then finally coming out as a wet fart after all those years.

    I played a little bit of this, and while it's definitely still a work in progress, it actually feels like a cohesive game coming together.

    I guess the mod is based on earlier leaked builds? I only took a glance at the ModDB page. Have you played the original? Is the mod any better?

  • South Africa's Sports Minister: "Our first meeting is end of August in Monaco. My term will be a failure if I dont bring F1 to South Africa."
  • Eh, I think Monaco is special enough to get a pass. It's okay with one track like that on the calendar. It's got enough about it to make it feel special, and at least the qualy makes up for the race. Monaco qualifying is still one of the most exciting and entertaining days on the F1 calendar.

  • When did the (first) golden age of PC gaming end?

    Let's see if this community still is active.

    I'm not sure if it's officially agreed upon, but I would say the release of Doom in '93 properly marked the beginning of a golden age of PC gaming. Modern homogenisation and monetisation hadn't set in yet and over the next decade or so the PC gaming landscape would be full of innovation and passion, with a sea of classics being released in that time frame... but when did it end? Was there a specific watershed game that signalled a shift in the landscape?

    This topic has been on my mind for a while, because I've pondered on whether there is an open niche for a community dedicated to games of this era. They're not quite at home in Retro Gaming subs, but still old enough now that they might warrant their own corner separate from main gaming spaces.


    Saudi Arabia unveils AI renders of their plans for the Qiddiya track

    You would expect Saudi to go all out and not let themselves be outdone on spectacle by Miami and Vegas, but this is more than even I expected. That turn one is straight out of Mario Kart.


    Summarizing the Crossover Weekly in a single team as a sendoff

    I liked the idea of this weekly a lot, but the balance was off and the Strawberry strategy was way too dominant. And the lack of Waffles and/or Flying Squirrel made Toy strategies extremely frustrating.

    I didn't have that much fun this week and am glad to see it go, to be honest.


    Sweden advances to the quarterfinals after beating USA on penalties with the slimmest possible margin

    That was one of the craziest penalty shootouts I've ever seen. Heartbreaking for USA.


    Setting to show comment with context when clicking on an entry in inbox/comment history

    I will often have to spend an extra tap to show parent/context since I want to remind myself before replying. It would be a nice quality of life setting to be able to show them by default.


    Using all three mechanics for the Crossover weekly

    While strawberry seems the easiest path to victory, it was fun to see if I could squeeze all three into a team. Sadly I never got a third Strawberry in the shop.


    Finally got the Sloth ribbon, thank you for the assist Skoottie

    Framework laid out by Skoottie and works surprisingly consistently. Amass Hedgehogs early to get a bunch of draws, hard roll for Lioness as early as possible (use Stoat, Alpaca and lvl 2 Blobfish+Pill to get it leveled ASAP). When your shop is 50/50 you set up Catfish+Anglerfish and freeze waffles in the shop.

    When you have your level 3 sloth, use Cuttlefish and/or Goose to break the 50/50 team deadlock and win.


    The dichotomy of the weekly captured in a single team


    West Ham confirms the departure of Declan Rice West Ham United Club Statement | West Ham United F.C.

    West Ham United can confirm that agreement has been reached for Declan Rice to leave the Club for a British record transfer fee.

    West Ham United Club Statement | West Ham United F.C.

    Closing out the end of the Rainbow Weekly with a rainbow team


    For those who have played both the originals and the Early Access, how well does BG3 capture the feel?

    I'm not particularly worried about whether BG3 will be good or not since D:OS 1&2 were both excellent, but I'm a little worried about it feeling like a Baldur's Gate game and not Divinity: Dungeons and Dragons.

    How is the writing style and atmosphere? Does the story connect in any meaningful way? Are there any recurring major characters, hopefully even potential party members? In short, does it feel like a Baldur's Gate game?

    12 Coelacanth verkar inte kunna hittas från

    Vet inte om det anses som ett massivt problem men jag märkte när jag försökte synka mina konton att det inte går att se communities och personer på från Kbins sida.

    Tydligen är problemet något med nginx config och det finns en patch tillgänglig någonstans, men detta är bortom min förståelse så jag bifogar en länk till personen som upplyste mig:

    4 Coelacanth's förhållande till Threads/Meta

    Jag har läst åsikter åt båda hållen när det gäller vilken approach som är bäst vad gäller Meta's intåg på ActivityPub. Vad tänker's Admins? Kommer ni federera eller defederera?
