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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 53
Comments 1.9K
  • At work, we have a student who I'm suspecting has ADD, and I've been experimenting with different talking speeds, to see when her brain would be too bored and start multi-tasking, and when I was just explaining too fast for her to grasp it.

    When I told her about my experiments, she said that the way her brain works, is that she just loads the whole sentence into RAM and then at the end of the sentence, she actually 'listens' to it and makes sense of it.
    I had noticed that when she doesn't get something, she'll show no reaction until after the end of the sentence, when she'll suddenly go "What?".

    And yeah, just what the heck...

    I'm guessing, her brain has always been in this hyper-distraction state, and she just developed massive RAM + processing speed, so she could still get the gist of what people say, without needing to actively listen.
    I have no idea what I can actually do for her with this info, but it is fascinating nonetheless.

  • Wegen Drogenkriminalität: CDU-Chef Merz will Cannabis-Freigabe nach Wahlsieg schnell rückgängig machen - WELT
  • Alter, was fantasiert der sich schon wieder für einen Quatsch zusammen. Ich bekomme original nichts mehr von Cannabis mit, seit das Gesetz durch ist.
    Und warum zur Hölle sollten sich plötzlich Banden zusammenschließen, nachdem es explizit nicht mehr illegal ist? Banden schließen sich zusammen, weil sie sich organisieren müssen, um Illegales gemeinsam durchziehen zu können.

  • Would I get banned here for being over active? I got banned from reddit because they thought I was a bot. And don't want to repeat the same mistake here. Thank you ahead of time.
  • Yeah, while these questions have mostly been too ridiculous to be considered, repeatedly asking what precisely warrants a ban sounds like you're looking to walk that line.
    Just don't walk the line and don't consider your wildest Reddit experiences as that line.

    In particular, there is no point in asking these questions, because as we already elaborated on the first post, no one knows what will get you banned from individual communities or instances, since there's a lot of different humans involved in the decisions.
    But the community is smaller, so if you're posting good content and interacting with people in a friendly way, the moderators will likely know you and gladly give you the benefit of the doubt.

  • Watt Malsh
  • Whatever Lemmy client you use cut off the closing parenthesis of that link. Seems like a bug. Due to the way links work in Markdown syntax (e.g. [my link](, it might have thought, it could just strip away the first closing parenthesis it finds.

  • Watt Malsh
  • Well, anyone who claims to have an answer is just talking nonsense. We're collectively figuring out this whole gender stuff in an ongoing social process.

    Some fundamentals we seem to be working towards:

    • Everyone should have equal opportunity in life.
    • Everyone should be able to pursue an identity they like. Equal opportunity should not mean erasing identity.
    • Everyone gets to freely choose which identities they find attractive.
    • Well, and in an ideal world, no one would need to feel uncomfortable.
  • How do you feel about storing binary files with Git?
  • I'll go to quite a bit of effort to avoid them. Arguably too much effort, but I often find that the path that avoids them is also useful in other ways.

    For example, for a personal project, I automated rendering a PNG fallback icon from an SVG, so now I can have as many different resolutions as I want and don't need to manually update them, if I want to tweak the icon.

    I'd also like to publish a screenshot of the project. The simple solution is to check a PNG into the repo and link it in the But what would be a lot nicer, is to set up a project webpage, which with Codeberg Pages isn't even that much effort, but I would have less motivation to do it otherwise.

  • Yay! Germany is the second country having reached the #TaxTheRich European Citizen's Initiative minimum threshold! Only 5 more countries to go! Sign the initiative for your country now!
  • That's why an EU-wide measure is useful. Obviously, only a global measure could truly prevent rich people from just moving to a different country, but making it more annoying to dodge taxes than to just move a few hundred kilometers, is already a step in that direction.

    In particular, on a rational level, these rich people do not need to care. They have significantly more money than they could ever spend. At best, they'd want to dodge taxes to get their high score to grow more quickly.

  • Bacon tho
  • Ah, so your point was that we take B12 supplements for the nutrition, not just for taste pleasure. I genuinely had not understood that.

    I am aware of B12 being recommended to supplement. Personally, I don't worry much about it, because my oat milk is fortified, my vegan cheese is fortified, even the multi-vitamin juice in my fridge has B12 in it. And the supplements are dirt-cheap, too. But yeah, sure, people in different regions might not have it as easy in this regard.

    The thing is, though, if we disregard those people, and also disregard all the meat-eaters who genuinely care about their nutrition and genuinely believe that they can only get it from meat, i.e. we let those eat their meat,
    then that still leaves a huge number of people, who would significantly improve their diet, if they significantly reduced their meat intake (or cut it out and replaced it with appropriate vegetables + supplements/fortified stuff).

    Nutritional experts have been screaming for decades that people should eat their veggies. Because those contain a massive range of vitamins, which the average person is not getting enough of. And if you're eating enough veggies, then you need to cut back meat intake far below the average or do a lot of sport, otherwise you're just consuming too much food.

    Ultimately, why the nutrition argument is rarely taken serious, is because the average meat-eater is so far removed from eating healthy that they probably don't even know what B12 is.

    I guess, if you want the sensitive version of the strawman argument which you just came up with, that apparently the hivemind of vegans says that omnivores eat meat only for taste pleasure, then as a certified Vegan™ and part of the hivemind, I am glad to tell you:
    Not all omnivores eat meat only for taste pleasure. But a significant portion of those living in developed countries could easily go vegan without sacrificing nutritional quality and rather even improving it.

  • What is something people you encounter at your job say that makes you want to scream? (Job, person & quote)
  • I'm currently in a software development project which was handed over to a different department with little software development expertise, and fucking hell, I hear this so often.

    Can't you just run the tests against against a database like normal? Why do you need to automate the setup of this database? (I do not know what "normal" means, they did not elaborate.)
    Can't you just switch over all the code to go directly against the database rather than also supporting in-memory.
    And then five minutes later: Can't you just hook up the database connection where we need it and use in-memory for the rest?

    Like, I'm trying to appreciate the critical questions, because hey, maybe there is something I'm missing. But always this "just", and them being dissatisfied when you tell them it doesn't make sense or would be more work, that's what kills me.

  • Bacon tho
  • If you can find TVP in the shops, in a steak shape, that stuff is ridiculous. You just cook them in a vegetable broth, press out the water and then sear them like a steak in a pan. The Maillard reaction turns the protein into that typical seared meat taste and it's similarly chewy, too.

    Granted I have been vegetarian for a bit too long to really judge it, but I did also immediately gag on my first bite, because my body was convinced I was biting into meat.

  • ich📦❌➡️📦iel


    Is the heat produced by fossil and nuclear fuel negligible?

    We often talk about the climate impact based on greenhouse gases, but extracting fuel from the ground and using it in exothermal processes of course also releases energy as heat.

    This is mostly¹ in contrast with renewables, which make use of energy that's not long-term contained to begin with, so would end up as heat in our atmosphere anyways.

    So, my question is: Does the amount of energy released by non-renewables have any notable impact on our global temperature? Or would it easily radiate into space, if we solved the greenhouse gas problem?


    ¹) In the case of solar, putting up black surfaces does mean that less sunlight gets reflected, so more heat ultimately gets trapped in our atmosphere. There's probably other such cases, too.


    Red lentils <3


    Milk Gymnastics


    Throwing a whole tech stack at this problem...

    15 Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things

    Somehow we forgot how to center rectangles and must find our way back

    Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! Ephera

    Full documentation for APT?

    Hi, I just read online that you can apparently run apt --fix-broken install.

    I wanted to know, what that really does, but both apt --help and man apt only show a high-level summary of the subcommands and flags. The --fix-broken flag is never mentioned, and presumably many others neither.

    Is there some way to access documentation for all subcommands and flags?


    When you support package managers from A to Z...

    Real screenshot from (crappy) personal project...




    Of course...


    So close and yet so far...


    Spent 10 minutes debugging...


    Someone pushed the wrong thing to production...


    Single-Page Application


    0.31 “The Alchemy of Forms”


    Mirror Match


    Lies and Slander


    Tweaking the Font?

    Hi, the default Roboto font is boring me out of my mind and I'd like to change it.

    In the past, I've done so by just replacing the font file in the OS, which worked well, but meant that it would reset after every OS update. I'm considering scripting that with ADB to make it less of a pain, but figured I should ask, if there's a better way.

    I'm on LineageOS which has a font styling system, but it only applies to the OS, not the user-installed apps...


    After a day of coding Rust...


    Trunk Updates 11 December 2023 and Tournament Announcement
