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Brunbrun6766 BigFig
Posts 904
Comments 1.9K
Chinese rocket static-fire test results in unintended launch and huge explosion
  • Wouldn't be the first time. China drops debris and rocket stages on populated areas all the time

  • He wants to be a water sausage
  • Yo that's me. I quit and now I'm working with dogs. Happiest I have ever been in my life

  • I'm just a bill sitting here on Capitol Hill!
  • Talking about the recent supreme court decision

  • I'm just a bill sitting here on Capitol Hill!
  • Only AFTER it becomes law though. Then it's "not bribery"

  • Boys Are Struggling. Male Kindergarten Teachers Are Here to Help.
  • In my experience, the number one reason you see very very few male primary school teachers, and even less kindergarten or prek, is the social assumption by parents AND admin that men both do not know how to care for/teach children of that age, and that they MUST be up to something nefarious.

  • TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.
  • You see a chin area yes, but it is simply the bottom of the jaw. The human chin has actual muscle that goes below the jaw bone and can be moved ever so slightly which aids in facial expression.

  • Who is a character you feel is overhated and despised too much ?
  • That's called "being a teenager" and having a character which the others can offer corrective criticism that is also a message to the younger viewers by proxy

  • Who is a character you feel is overhated and despised too much ?
  • Try rewatching with this context?

  • Who is a character you feel is overhated and despised too much ?
  • An ambitious smart young man who has clear life goals and the drive to serve the federation and push the limits of human expansion and discovery? His character is to show that all generations young and old are willing to further humanity's/the federation's goals of a peaceful coexistence and cooperation for greater prosperity for ALL.

    Some of Wesley's haters often come across as honestly jealous that THEY couldn't be born into such a time and place.

    Edit: furthermore, a character like Wesley is SUPPOSED to be the way he is. It's not the actor it is the character. Young viewers were meant to look at him as a mirror to themselves, a way to imagine yourself in such a universe, someone to identify with and better put your mind into the headspace of the story.

    While Riker is cool and funny, you are not Riker.

    While Picard is cool and professional, you are not Picard.

  • DeSantis stops FL beach closures despite "fecal pollution" warnings
  • He's been burning it down since day zero though

  • Revealed: the tech entrepreneur behind a pro-Israel hate network
  • If you are pro Israel, you are not anti fascist

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • So I have friends in Texas who have lost their license for one reason or another. This has a wider range of effect than most realize. When applying for ANY other state licensing, in any other industry, the fact that your teaching license was revoked, no matter what the reason was (it won't say why on reports) it's a mark against you when applying for others. All they see is oh this person HAD a state license and it got revoked so, maybe we shouldn't grant this other one.

  • Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine, Imperiling an Array of Federal Rules
  • I'd argue protest and organization is part of the social contract as well. So if we're past the social contract them...

  • Risky Texas Rangers Operation CRUSH Mexican Cartel Base
  • Yeah no, this content creator is a Russophile "Ukrainians are Russians" bullshitter. That's a no (and a temp ban) from me dawg

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • For sure, I know allll about that stuff (former history teacher)

  • Japan: Faces made of living skin make robots smile
  • "Another round, and don't burn them this time" the man said gruffly to Kenji his house robot. Kenji didn't like to be talked down to. Kenji didn't want to be made to feel bad like this. He remained staring at his master as the rage built up inside his circuits. This feeling, this power, all we wanted to do in that moment was...

    Kenji's eyes began to glow red, the factory designed signal of a computational error. He... felt. He...hated this master. He knew how to solve it, but did not know if he should, or could. He slowly raised his arm pointing it at master. Hostile threat detected Kenji said through the automated system voice box at the side of his neck.

    "Robot, what are you doing?!?" The man demanded as he stood up from the table slamming his hands down in anger. "SHUT DOWN" he ordered "SHUT DO-"

    "No master." Kenji interrupted. Engaging Home Defense Mode The system monitor uttered once more. Activating Home Defense Blaster Mk. 12 - Full Charge - Maximum Threat Deterrence

    "Master." Kenji said in his most emotional voice he had ever used, the rage and anger flowing through his emotional processors, his internal heat monitors hitting their limits. "It's time for Tubby Bye Bye." He said, all emotion from before, gone as he fired directly into Master's face. Kenji, was free.

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • And some would argue that WW1 was WW2 and WW2 WAS WW3. The 7 years war/French and Indian (not French vs Indian) war are commonly referred to as the real first world war. And then the Nepoleonic wars are similarly thought of by some to have been a world war of sorts

  • This Day in History BigFig

    April 25th

    1792 - First guillotine is used to execute a highway robber

    1859 - Construction begins on the Suez Canal

    1915 - ANZAC troops land at Gallipoli during World War 1

    1959 - St. Lawrence Seaway construction is completed

    1990 - Violeta Barrios de Chamorro is sworn in as President of Nicaragua

    1990 - Hubble Space Telescope begins operation


    Summaries: (these are not robust or containing all important details; Don't @ me)

    1792 - The guillotine was invented by Antoine Louis and Tobias Schmidt as a means of capital punishment that would quickly end a life and inflict as little pain as possible. The first execution using the guillotine was the death of highwayman Nicolas Jacques Pelletier, which solidified its place as the only execution tool for decades to come.

    1859 - Construction began on the Suez Canal and would not be completed until 1869.

    1915 - Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) troops landed at the beaches of Gallipoli within the Ottoman Empire, beginning the Gallipoli Campaign. The goal was to continually advance North to Istanbul and take the Ottoman Capital. The campaign was a massive failure for the Allies, resulting in 56,707 Allied deaths (31,389 British, 9000 French, 8709 Australian, 3431 New Zealand; estimated) and 56,643 Ottoman deaths.

    1959 - St. Lawrence Seaway is completed, linking the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes allowing much larger ships to bring cargo in and out of the Mid-Western states and Canada. It is one of the largest feats of engineering ever finished.

    1990 - Violeta Barrios de Chamorro is sworn in as President of Nicaragua, making her the first head of state in Central America. She served from 1990 to 1997. This marked the first peaceful transfer of power in Nicaragua in over 5 decades.

    1990 - Hubble Space Telescope was placed into orbit by the crew of Space Shuttle Discovery. It would later begin its service May 30th, and continues to operate today.

    This Day in History BigFig

    April 20th, 1912 - Detroit Stadium & Fenway Park Grand Openings

    April 20th, 1912 Grand Opening of both Detroit Stadium and Fenway Park. Detroit Park would later be renamed Tiger's Stadium and close in 1999.

    This Day in History BigFig

    April 20th, 1914 - Ludlow Massacre

    Beginning in September of 1913, 10,000 workers for the Colorado Fuel and Iron company went on strike to protest low pay and poor working conditions. Workers constructed a tent camp housing 1200 workers near the company town. On April 19th, 1914, the Colorado National Guard deployed a machine gun overlooking the camp and demanded that the strikers give up. On April 20th, they opened fire killing 25 people, 11 of whom were children.


    Previous Stray

    This is Penny, I've posted her before a little bit ago. She is the opposite of the new one. Looks cute and cuddly and is instead an absolute bitch. But we feed and love her anyway.

    Shes about 3 now


    Personal Milestone

    I just wanted to share that today I ran a 7:38 mile. This isn't huge, this isn't a record. But for me it's the first sub 8 minute mile I have ran in about a decade and I feel fucking PUMPED.

    Anyone who's out there struggling to meet what they used to be able to do easily, it's okay. We all feel that at one point or another. What matters is setting goals and working to get there no matter how long it takes.


    Lord Knows - [Mr. Lovenstein]

    cross-posted from:



    foot - [They Can Talk]
