Idiot here. Is it proof that Fauci did 9/11 harbor to fake the flat moon landing on 5g vaccine autism with gay-hurricane-powered Jewish frog space lasers funded by Bill gates and George Soros?
What's everybody got against the Jewish Space Lasers? Rabbi Rabinowitz has been in charge of those lasers since 1998, and he's been doing a damn fine job keeping the Martians and asteroids at bay! You know he's only come down from Skylab II twice since he took the director's position up there? You know what that much zero gravity does to a man? He's been up there so long, he can't come back anymore. He's gonna die up there manning those lasers. That's what Rabbi Rabinowitz has sacrificed for his country and planet! And the gall of some people, ranting about the Jewish space lasers. Are there Jewish space lasers? Yes! And they've been keeping your dumb ass safe from Martians and meteors for decades!
[In my head, I read this in Bernie Sander's voice.]
Kinda weird to put the sun in the center imo. Cause we're not the center of it all. But if you put the earth in the center and started spacing out from there it would be pretty cool IMHO
Well if Earth is at the center than this is everything we can see in the observable galaxy from our viewpoint. Having it this way seems like out solar system is the center of it all
You are the center of your observable universe and I'm the center of my own. Granted, at this scale the sun is an acceptable approximation, but the earth's center is even better.
The outer ring is made of 1-3 meter thick bedrock, but you can easily teleport through it. Just remember to bring enough material with you to make a portal to get back to our universe, otherwise you'll have to starve yourself to death and respawn without your gear.
The further you look in the sky, the further back in time you are looking as well -- there is no way to see what far way looks like "right now". This image shows the visible universe as it appears from our perspective in spacetime, which necessarily smears together the "where", "what", and "when" of it all, but also shows the evolution through time of some of the larger structures.
The tendril things that converge into single celestial objects are clouds of gas condensing to form galaxies and clusters over billions of years.
Louis Rossman had a video recently that I think applies here: don't give in to the premises of assholes. This was particularly directed at Gamer's Nexus and how Steve over there handles Linus, but it's good life advice for anyone. I had a roommate that I was thinking of in this regard, and I wish I had this advice at the time.
There are people in this world who try to set conditions for their own benefit at the expense of you. Don't let them do that. This image is a good example; it's a perfectly valid model for certain use cases. Don't let anti-science idiots take that away with their stupidity.
Hell, I think the whole Final Experiment with flat earthers is an example of giving in.
Gamer's Nexus has always wanted to do very careful testing with wind chambers and sound chambers and such. They've been building that sort of thing up over the last few years, but the options for that are at the limits of what they can invest in at their level. However, they're also very careful about how they do it and document everything.
Now, Linus Media Group was putting together the same sort of lab, but they don't have the same reputation that Gamer's Nexus does on being careful and taking your time to get it right. Just the opposite, in fact. What they do have is the capital to invest in a much more elaborate setup. Then some of the staffers made a comment on video directly aimed at Gamer's Nexus and how LMG's lab will be better.
That's when Steve went gloves off and made a whole video detailing LMG's sins of poor reviews and staff that wish they could spend more time to get things right. Things like "this mouse feels bad when you drag it around the desk", and it turned out they forgot to take the plastic protective coating off the bottom.
This dominoes into a few other incidents that I'll spare for the moment so this post doesn't get too long. Suffice it to say, LMG lost a lot of subscribers because of a series of issues that were highlighted to the community by Gamer's Nexus, and then that opened up into even more things. It revealed how much LMG's internals are steeped in bro culture, just in case that wasn't obvious.
The two have mostly ignored each other since then, but there was one thing that recently surfaced it. Steve apparently had an old phone that had been doxxed some years ago, and he doesn't use that number anymore. Now, Linus and Steve had been texting at various times to Steve's new number. Linus recently sent a text to the old number, knowing that Steve wouldn't ever see it, and then claims on video that Steve isn't responding to his text on an issue between them. That's what prompts Louis to make the "don't give in to the premises of assholes" video.
Linus clearly set that situation up. Louis is more familiar with how people like that function, and he had to walk Steve through the logic of what was going on. That's the part that reminded me of my old roommate, because I was often in Steve's situation, and like him, I didn't recognize it for what it was.
Its the observable universe in the shape of an eye, quite clever. We're going to have to figure out how to not let stupid destroy our fragile societies at some point.
If you hate this image then why post it. Fun image but please work on your titles lol, my point is it isn't super good when you let some 1000 conspiracy theorists living in some niche forums live rent free in your head to such point they ruin cool images for you
No wonder, those big dong conspiracists are the worst. Whole universe is nothing more than a giant penis? Ridiculous.
All because of the low res labels on observable universe diagrams making a look like o and b look like d
Its obviously the eye of the goddess, who is a huge selfish dragon, which is why were all so screwed - we're nothing more than a microscopic mote in the eye of a selfish dragon lesser demi-god.
I’ve seen this image before. This time, however, I am half way through watching The Expanse. I had a much stronger reaction to it this time, for a couple reasons, lol.
If we assume the hubble constant is the same in all directions, the farthest we'd be able to see would be a sphere, dictated by the time light has had to travel to us.
Is saddle still the best candidate? Like when you move a circle across a circle you get a torus, and when you move a parabola across parabola you get a "saddle"
Well, it's showing the moon lit up while it's behind the earth, so clearly it should all be dark due to the eclipse. So I can only conclude that it's trying to get the word out that we actually live in a binary solar system.
According to current theories, the Big Bang happened everywhere at once, so there was no center. One somewhat useful analogy is an inflating balloon; the entire surface of the balloon is expanding, but there's no center to the expansion.
But there should be an approximate center of the “balloon’s” area, right?
(I swear to god I’m not trolling.)
I think I phrased my question wrong. If the universe is expanding and we can see the extreme edges of that expansion, where is the center of that and where we, the Milky Way Galaxy, in relation to it?
I'm not sure if this answers the question, but it might help.
Everything in space is moving, but it's not expanding outward from a central point, like an explosion. Instead, the space between the things is getting bigger.
The balloon analogy gets thrown around a lot, but I find it misleading- It's not about the balloon getting bigger, expanding outward from the center of the sphere. It's more about the surface of that balloon stretching.
The rubber sheet analogy helps. Scatter a bunch of things on a infinite rubber sheet. Now stretch that in all directions - the things get further apart, but are not moving away from a central point.
Proof that the universe is an egg. Armageddon will come when the Christian God's sperm comes to fertilize us and we'll be reborn into Heaven unless climate change aborts us as a foetus
Some say that the universe only exists insofar as it is perceived. This is true, but we are not the observers. All of the world is a grand eye and that eye is spread across itself again and again. We are all but figments in the eye of the world, floaters thinking themselves eyes and seeing nothing. This is all to say that the elf on the shelf is REAL and this image PROVES IT!
I mean, isn't it obvious? Christianity has traditionally believed that Earth is the center of the Universe. Everything in the Universe is moving away from us, as if we are sitting at the very spot where "Let There Be Light" resulted in light being let. Physics has proven that we are at the literal single unique geometric center of the Universe. /s