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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
Comments 1.3K
Should I be concerned that my HDD, which seems to be working fine, is 8 years old?
  • a HDD can fail at any given time. It could fail within a week of buying it, could last over a decade.

    What I'm saying is, if you have data you don't want to lose, yes you should be worried. Keeping backups is the only safe option.

  • little chat with HR, Frodo
  • at least in lord of the rings and the hobbit

    On the other hand Tolkien was quite clear on that the story was told from the perspective of the protagonists. Not least through the strong insinuation that the in-universe book that Bilbo started, Frodo continued, and Sam finished, is if not the book we are reading, at least an important source for it.

    Lord of the rings telling them as evil mostly shows that's how the fellowship saw them.

  • um, wut?

    Vilket land är det i såfall inte blockerat i?


    Is there a vnc client for android that supports forwarding special key combos, such as super+return?

    I’ve been looking around, and with every vnc cliend I can find, when I press for example super+return, the vnc client gets backgrounded and the android “desktop” is shown.

    Does anyone know of a client that actually captures the keyboard?


    Question: Is there a way in the settings to show separate upvote and downvote counts instead of the summed total?

    Reddit used to work like this but nuked it many years ago. I like it because it gives much more information about the consensus at a glance.
