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Sanctus Sanctus
Posts 18
Comments 5.1K
Do you think animals have thoughts? Are they capable of hearing that little voice that we humans have in our heads?
  • I would say all living things have some form of thought and consciousness. Even those that lack brains like plants.

  • There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent
  • At that rate I'll make a keychain out of it. It sucks cause its above my normal price range and was a gift.

  • What is a product you would never recommend?
  • I have never had a good time with Asus anything and their customer service is abysmal.

  • There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent
  • I have one in the box from Christmas. Kinda scared to use it.

  • New Series: Rooster Fighter | adult swim
  • I'm looking forward to this

  • Men in their 40s, what’s one piece of advice for men in their 20s?
  • Yeah a lot of people in there twenties can't even spare 5%. I'm thirty and I can't.

  • Anons Super Power
  • That SRT looks like the Chrome Hounds anime that never was.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • Of course, there still are helpful innovations. I guess I should say it's obvious 85% of corporations are just profit chasing and rent seeking at this point. There is no global drive forward anymore. Everything is about squeezing the most profit out of whatever. Our infrastructure alone is proof of that.

  • ISPs seeking government handouts try to avoid offering low-cost broadband
  • Kill your ISPs. They are more trouble than they are worth.

  • How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours
  • Conservatives just consider that as political prosecution. That fact is ignored harder than climate change

  • It's incredibly affordable too
  • You know what? Sign me up.

  • Eye on the investment
  • Like a mural viewed through a kaleidoscope, we are all aspects of one.

  • How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours
  • I dont. Dude is rich as fuck. If he wants to be an idiot, too, at least he's proving its through sheer luck and happenstance instead of any merit.

  • Eye on the investment
  • Ah, so chain smoking is a quality of all divine beings?

  • How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours
  • He insisted her having access to the Biden-Harris campaign funds was illegal so they shut down the campaign. Not even joking. I even searched it in front of him, nothing came up but her 2020 stuff, and he still insisted.

  • The blackest black metal album cover ever
  • Cycled Suffering - Blackest Black

  • How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours
  • No she didn't! My boss swears she dropped out already! Cause "umm ackshually its illegal". Thats how scared they are of her, they can't look at reality right now.

  • I take it there’s no Lemmy app?
  • They really are. Use whatever you want newcomers. Voyager, Connect, Thunder, Jerboa, all valid and beautiful.

  • I swear I check them often enough!
  • I actually use the feature that groups them when inactive long enough. If I save a tab on my computer I'm never going back to it but, for some reason, I do eventually get to it on my phone before closing. Usually news articles in reader mode.

  • SAG-AFTRA Calls Strike Against Major Video Game Companies After Nearly 2 Years Of Contract Talks
  • It looks brigaded. I mean one account is called SAG Is Sad.

  • She made it back!

    After 3 days. I can't describe how happy we are at my house. Someone found her behind a decorative vase by their front door.



    This is my family's cat Mimi. She is the sweetest and smallest cat we have ever had. I just needed to make a post about her. She is missing and I'm hoping with all my heart she is okay.


    Lemmy Recently

    They're just shirts


    My brother experienced an Eclipse

    Do not look down little dev, the dead can do nothing for you.


    Not breaking that cycle is an integral part of the design.


    And I will remember your story


    Just a little tired


    This place used to be so familiar


    You were dumb too

    One of these things is not like the others.


    Pioneer II


    you've forgotten where you began


    It Waddles My Dees


    So they say


    Breakfast Terror


    Synthwave City

    First rice ever. Thought I'd post it after getting the ropes on Arch.


    Distro: Arch

    WM: i3

    Terminal: Kitty

    Compositor: Picom

    Bar: Polybar (with Font Awesome 5)

    The dotfiles are here.


    Me forcing my brother to do his data structures & algorithms homework

