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Emmie Emmie
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Comments 389
Chinese Government Expands Criminalization of Taiwanese Identity
  • Wow to think that some folks defend this shitty, genocidal, authoritarian country…

  • Exclusive: Firms weigh removing Taiwan staff from China after death penalty threat
  • What a shithole of a country jesus. That some people defend it all and spew Chinese propaganda for free even maybe…

  • Cursed wretched marketing
  • Weird but if I focus my mind so to say it appears white but then if I relax then again red

  • Cursed wretched marketing
  • Wow it became white again and changes color

  • 2meirl4meirl
  • It’s called one milion dollars

  • lobotomite rule
  • What radicalised you? /j

  • Penguins ❤️
  • Homosexuality is natural. I don’t know about you but this is very soothing sentence in my mind after years of all sorts of morality figures saying the opposite. I want to like repeat it and savour it

  • Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales?
  • Don’t mention it. I am a natural beacon of wholesomeness, always ready to help

  • "cool" and "hot" are both compliments
  • People are cool and hot but bodies are cold or warm

  • Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales?
  • No because my wallet hasn’t tasted the sweetness of money in weeks.

    I shall make my own sales, in time.

    Also I am not a patient gamer because I wait until a price drop. I am a patient gamer because new AAA games are fucking shit.

  • Eminem serving food to customers at his Mom's Spaghetti restaurant, 2021 in Detroit, Michigan
  • Shut it cheems, this isn’t your private sandbox where you can spew some random shit. people have to actually look at this and bleed their eyes out

  • ruletation
  • You would move a finger and pluck your own eye out accidentally. Or lick your lips but suddenly it’s your own anus

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • Happy cake day

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • I don’t need your agreement. I was joking about plane crash that killed all our government, the day after it occurred.
    Probably the key is to not have anyone you care about in it so to say because that would definitely make you sad for few weeks and also obv choose your audience in a sane manner

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • It’s not the time that makes stuff funny but the skill of the comedian

    I remember there were funny jokes about 9/11 10 years ago. something with plane and dumb terrorists I can’t remember now but it was hilarious

  • Pretend I posted this in December.
  • Palette sounds too french for my English soul

  • Mozilla restores Firefox add-ons banned in Russia
  • God, I hate fanboyism. Maybe, maybe the criticism was warranted? idk just a thought. If someone fucks up everyone can point it out. Of course there are always people who will defend and deny anything no matter what… like star citizen fans or hardcore apple fans

    Now we can see that they corrected some of their mistakes, very good

    But nah some ripcord must try to stir shit instead of enjoying the good news. Apparently being still salty about bad comments smearing their favourite company…

    Yeah well Mozilla is probably on of the more ok things to fanboy if someone absolutely can’t live without that but it’s still a bit cringe

  • Grandma’s church says Trump is all of us. She liked and shared. #LIBSinPRISON
  • This gives me idea of post apocalyptic America where trump forced scientists to put his dna into a virus, release it and the country is filled with these horrific mutants. There are like weird fringe trump worship cults warring with each other as isolated pocket nations in the wasteland.

  • Sorry, Matilda.
  • Judaism is a religion, unless it is a joke and I didn’t get it lol

  • YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • We are already better than the nazis and alt right by huge margins but let it not stop us from improvement.

    You can’t just sit there all content looking at poop and think how much better you are than this poop. You need to develop, constantly. Read classic masters, poetry, political manifestos. Refine your music taste. Improve your artistic skill. Languages perhaps however better is to learn culture and language. History of course.

    Social skills also are very high priority, maybe the highest. Art of speech, gaining sympathy and leadership.
    Nothing else matters if you cannot convince other people that you are worth listening to.

    Perfect physical condition for sufficient oxygen nourishment of the brain. Antioxidants. And now, now you are competent enough to vote.

    It is not easy and perfection is impossible but the strive is what matters. The act of being on this never-ending path is a destination itself.