You have a time machine with a single round trip. You hate everyone. And you are lazy. What is the least you can do to completely screw over the world with your one trip through time?
Can I appear anywhere? Pop into white house or Kremlin during the Cuban missile crisis and say: I'm from the future, you must attack, or... Then travel back to the future without finishing the sentence.
Shoot Arch Duke Ferdinand. Few people even now about it today, but he was subject to a horribly mangled assassination attempt that many scholars belive would have set off a major war in Europe had he died.
Go back in time and do something to prevent Vasily Aleksandrovich Arkhipov from becoming the Executive Officer on the B-59 Soviet nuclear sub in October 1962. He's the guy who talked the Captain and the Political Officer out of launching the nukes when they thought they were being attacked by the US Navy during the Cuban Missile Crisis. His persuasiveness is generally considered to have avoided WWIII from starting then.
If I could divert the asteroid that resulted in the K-T event, that'd drastically change history. It may not have stopped dinosaurs from eventually going extinct, but it'd have given them 33 million more years more to evolve, and would certainly have affected mammalian evolutionary history. Maybe, just maybe, raptors would have gotten smart enough.
Ooh! Take back a lot of ravens. They're almost smart enough already. Heck, I wonder if taking ravens back even earlier would be enough for them to evolve into something dominant. Problem is, they're not particularly social, and I think that's been our greatest advantage.
Or: introduce modern octopus to ancient oceans.
Stopping the K-T event is my favorite, though. It would absolutely have changed how life on Earth has evolved since.
30M years between extinction events is about all you get, though.
Maybe? Like, how hard is it to put a Tsar Bomba on the asteroid when it's a light-year away? Or, if it came from the Oort cloud, a thousand years before whatever nudged it in, nudged it in?
I don't know. Putting a bomb on a timer on an asteroid seems pretty simple. If we're time traveling, we're also space traveling, because the solar system was about a third of the way around the galaxy at the K.T. event. In comparison, the shift to the impactor 1ly away would be margin-of-error stuff.
There were no constraints posted; no "you can only take a truckload of stuff", or, "you appear on the Earth where that point was at that point in time". I mean, if all you do is travel back in time 1 year without also traveling in space, you're going to be breathing hard vacuum when you come out.
So: I'm assuming:
I can choose where I come out
I can take anything I want with my - I'm not traveling Terminator-style
I can get my hands on a working Tsar Bomba before I go (that'd probably be the hardest, aside from violating the laws of physics)
However, for the other ideas? What's hard about transporting a murder of crows to the Triassic? I don't even have to go myself.
Go punt kick the first fish back into the ocean as it tries to waddle it's fat ass out of the water.
I know that's not how evolution works but I can dream... Life would likely be vastly different given such a long period of time with something like that changing either way.
I hate the 'hate' part (pardon the pun) of the question.
I'd rather go back in time and get Jesus and bring him back here so that he can go all 'temple money changers' on today's MAGA Christians asses, give them a proper yelling to.
If there's a jesus with powers in the first place, he could do the holy spirit thing that happened after his death where the apostles proselytized by speaking in languages they (previously) couldn't to people who couldn't understand the native tongue.
I really like this question. So: rather than killing Hitler, what if, instead, you killed Stalin? Was it inevitable that a strongman dictator would have taken over, and ruined the potential of communism? I guess we have evidence that the answer is "yes," in the form of Mao, but weren't the Chinese communist party(s) greatly influenced by the Soviet model? What if Russia had, instead, developed a more democratic system of government - was it possible, and couldn't it have affected how China's developed? But, maybe it is always inevitable that dictators emerge from internal revolutions like this.
Here's another scenario: what if you stopped Oswald, and prevented Kennedy from being assassinated? He was popular, and likely to win a second term. What would 4 (~5) more years of Kennedy look like?
My favorite version of "killing Hitler" is instead of murder, blackmail the school dean so Hitler gets admitted to art school. Goodbye genocidal tyrant, hello moderately successful landscape painter!
Wait until I'm about to die, then go back to when the first land-dwelling animals first started coming ashore. I'd bring a bunch of cockroaches with me and then I'd die there. Either the roaches or my decaying corpse will hopefully cause enough change to the timeline that humanity never develops in the first place.
I think that's the most I could screw over the (human) world.
If I ever got sick from something like COVID, I'd just go back to medieval Europe and let it spread like wildfire. I guarantee this modern disease would absolutely wipe out a large majority of Europe and everywhere else it spreads in the world. And little to no effort besides waiting for if I ever get it (which I thankfully never have had and hope I never will).
By eradicating one species, you're probably going to save the entire planet. I guess in 500 million years the descendants of modern crows could become the new dominant species and they'll end up nuking the planet sooner or later. You win some, you loose some.
Hmm I don't know. Probably go back to Germany 1940 and give them all the information needed to develop nuclear weapons first. You just know that Hitler would've pushed the red button a hundred times over if he had the chance.
I'm heading far into the future - say 1000 years or perhaps 100 if communication would be an issue. I'm going to grab all sorts of portable devices and tools to take back with me, and I will maintain the remainder of my life without sharing my goodies. The world is screwed because they get no fruits of my intense labor, but that is fine since I hate them anyway. For that afternoon of work, I get to live a great life while everyone else must suffer in modernity.
The biggest killer for indigenous people is said to be infections - bacteria and viruses. Collect some in this time - maybe a cold - and go back and presence will be enough.
It depends on how you interpret "screw over the world", but I guess "you hate everyone" implies humans. If you go back to the first humans from Africa, before spreading out, that may have the biggest impact - significant delay or suppression in development and spread, or eradication.
Go back 1000 years before Europe makes contact with the Americas. Infect everyone and let their populations get wiped out, but give time to recover so first contact with Europe doesn't go as poorly. Also give them horses much earlier.
Go back to the stone age and drop modern steel tools and weapons where a tribe could find them. That tribe would likely become dominant and perhaps change everything.