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chaosCruiser chaosCruiser


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Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete
  • That’s true for consumer electronics. However, more expensive things like cars are usually kept running for much longer.

  • Microsoft is discontinuing its HoloLens headsets
  • They can also leverage the ecosystem effect. If it’s well integrated with some enterprise products, companies might buy it anyway.

  • Solid-state batteries could power the next generation of wearable tech
  • Now that Samsung is doing it, you can expect the production to ramp up significantly. Hopefully this is going to be like time when Sony started manufacturing LIBs at large scale and changed to world.

  • What movie would have ended at the beginning if the people in it acted like normal people?
  • That would be an interesting start for a completely different saga.

    “Ok, so that plan didn’t work. Like, not even a little bit. Now the whole world is on fire, thanks to our genius shortcut. Any plans how we could fix that?“

  • What movie would have ended at the beginning if the people in it acted like normal people?
  • Lord of the rings

    “You know, I have these amazing birds, and we could use them to fly straight to the end of this trilogy.“

  • US public schools banned 10,000 books in most recent academic year
  • Is this a new tactic to encourage kids to read more?

  • 5G Glass Antenna Turns Windows Into Base Stations
  • Someone saw a window of opportunity.

  • Meta bans RT and other Russian state networks
  • I was thinking of Russian propaganda on Twitter. If Meta doesn’t like that sort of thing on their platforms, will Elon react the same way? Others have suggested that Twitter is perfectly fine with the propaganda.

  • Meta bans RT and other Russian state networks
  • Well, there goes all the Tuvalu state propaganda.

  • Meta bans RT and other Russian state networks
  • What about Twitter though? I wonder if Elon’s free speech absolutism also covers propaganda of a foreign state?

  • YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • Better switch to some horror film murder compilation video before answering the phone. At least I know it’s going to be all screams and blood splattering on the walls while I’m talking on the phone.

  • YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • Brave can also block YT ads, but I’m not so sure about the extensions. If all you care about is blocking ads, brave is good enough. If you care about sponsorblock and many other FF extensions, Orion is probably way better.

  • YouTube on TVs is cramming ads down your throat even when pausing videos
  • I’m going to show this real quick and then we’re going to move on, so pause the video if you want to take a closer look…

  • If you could time travel, what would you change ?
  • I would go back in time and meet the people who wrote the first ever USB standard. Then I would convince them that all USB connectors have to be reversible from day one so that nobody will ever need to struggle with the 20/80 odds of getting it right on the first try. Come on, it’s two possibilities and the probability of the wrong one is at least 80%. What’s the deal with a connector like that?

  • Finland to build world’s largest air-to-water heat pump plant
  • And Helen is also pulling heat from waste water. The latest heat pump was just the next logical step.

  • what addiction have you kicked? no matter how insignificant you feel it was
  • I really like to have some variety in my daily liter of tea I drink. Puerh can be steeped very many times, but oolong is pretty good too. Green and white are a completely different ballgame, but I enjoy them as well.

    If you keep your daily caffeine dose very low, you can actually get a noticeable boost when you need it. I used to be like that, and next week I’ll start reducing my caffeine intake in order to get to that state again.

  • Costs Less? When That Happened?
  • Speaking is copying, soon after the iMac became popular, everyone was making iThis and iThat products. That was just hilarious!