A list of casual communities on Lemmy (that aren't just tech news or politics)
I posted this on the other site but I thought I'd copy over here too, lots of good communities around to subscribe to if you want a more casual/fun frontpage that isn't just tech news, elon musk, or politics.
note: all of these communities have posts. If they appear empty, it simply means nobody on the instance you use has visited them before (or you might have blocked them and forgot, I've done it before, lol)! I will try to keep this thread updated over time.
Note: if you wish to auto-subscribe to all of the communities below, I have a post in the comments that describes how to do so.
Thanks so much for this! Been trying to replace the other site but it's been hard since most of the hot stuff on here is tech or politics (which is fine, but I don't want only that stuff haha)
Bonus: don't have time and want to just auto-subscribe to all (please note this isn't reversible without manually unsubbing yourself, there's a lot of niche communities here that may not appeal to you - you can remove them from the JSON file if needed)?
Unzip folder, run file. Lemmy Migration Tool will now be open, like in this pic.
Note: in the Settings tab, you may wish to untick everything except Upload Community Subscriptions. Failure to do so may result in your Lemmy settings being changed.
Click the Upload tab. Then, enter your instance name and login details, click the upload button and upload the JSON file.
It'll automatically subscribe you to them all. If it looks like it's frozen, it hasn't. Just let it run. If you're on a small instance, you may need to re-run it a couple times (it can error if your instance hasn't discovered the community yet, this is solved on a rerun).
Of course, some may not be of interest or may overload your feed (meme communities can do this). Unsubscribe as needed.
I wrote this list for a curious person on the other site. It took me awhile, figured I'd share. Finding these places takes more time than I'd care to admit so... hopefully it saves you some, Lol.
It's not an exhaustive list by any means, but is mostly places I find of interest and/or I think has good content. But there's definitely others out there I have missed (either intentionally or not). Lemmyverse is a great resource for finding new places.
My rough criterion was:
Of interest to me or a wide audience
Has a decent amount of activity, at least a single page worth of posts.
I'm surprised this doesn't clobber your existing subscriptions - I assume LASIM is smart enough to add the 'followed' list to what is already 'followed' rather than replace it?
LASIM author here - you are correct. I explicitly made it "additive" to avoid accidents where you could end up erasing a bunch of subscriptions.
Right now LASIM only calls the subscribe API interface so it's actually impossible for it to unsubscribe you from anything.
I am considering adding a "destructive" sync in the future which, if toggled on, would unsubscribe you from anything not in the JSON file. But it's not implemented yet!
Correct, though I'd be careful about adding such a list unless you're certain you won't mind all of these communities being added to your subscription list.
The meme communities can overload your feed for example. Just a thought. Figured I'd add it anyway, they can easily be removed from the json before using it though so there is that.
I hadn't even considered this use case for LASIM, but that's really neat.
I've been thinking about a settings page where you can toggle what to sync, among a few other future features. I'll definitely add an option in the future to NOT sync the profile settings.
The latest version of LASIM (0.2.1) has a Settings tab that allows you to choose what you want to upload.
If you are using the JSON file posted above, you'd want to choose just "Upload Community Subscriptions" on this tab so that your profile settings, etc. are not changed.
Honestly I avoided even looking for music communities for this list. After gathering a list of British music communities elsewhere, I couldn't bare to look again, Lol, but the music ones you mentioned are on that list.
Thank you! I automatically block political communities and also news (because it's mostly American shitfuckery) and I don't like seeing it, it makes me feel like shit.
Thanks for posting up some great suggestions.
This is awesome. I hope you guys don't mind, heres a link to one of the bigger pro-wrestling "subs" on the fediverse. It's on Kbin instead of Lemmy, but there's more than a few Lemmy users among us. Here's the link:
This is a great list. Note, though, that lemmyverse.net (and by extension, [email protected]) are less useful at the current moment than before because lemmyverse needs an update before it can crawl the increasing numbers of instances on 0.19.4 or above.
maybe that's blatant self-advertising, but you might want to have a look at my origami community I created a few weeks ago (and if it isn't something for you, others might find it interesting)... no drama, no politics, just simple paper folding, I promise :)
There is also: [email protected], for those interested in all sharing their experiences and findings when going foraging. Feel free to join now that the foraging season is starting again! 🍄🫐🌰
Also, thanks for sharing this list, added a bunch I was interested in 🙌
I really really hate the polarised politics, Elon Musk hatred and web integrity thing that gets showered here day in and day out. Honestly I'm tired of blocking the communities and users of that type
There's also [email protected] and [email protected] on an instance I host if anyone is interested in those niches. But all in all this is a super amazing list thanks for taking the time to put it together!