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Sunny Sunny' 🌻
Posts 129
Comments 844
brewing @ work?
  • Just plain old boring office coffee unfortunately. But defo coming straight home to a cup of aeropress usually ☕

  • It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • Fixing the loose ethernet cables that I've stretched across the house properly along the walls, so it looks more neat. Going shopping for more plants to fill the house and office with. And heading out with some friends for a few drinks 👍

  • Immutable distro on a PC. Thoughts and experience?
  • I asked the same question a few months ago and landed on installing Bazzite myself. Couldn't be happier! It's a very hassle free experience and everything just works as intended. Love how the system and software just automatically updates upon a reboot. Wholeheartedly recommended! 🙌

  • No Rest for the Wicked - The Crucible Update Trailer
  • Yeah same here, been following it for a bit. Just waiting for it to mature a bit :)

  • WhatsApp and Signal messages at risk of surveillance following EncroChat ruling, court hears | Computer Weekly

    Police could lawfully use bulk surveillance techniques to access messages from encrypted communications platforms such as WhatsApp and Signal, following a ruling by the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), a court has heard.

    WhatsApp and Signal messages at risk of surveillance following EncroChat ruling, court hears | Computer Weekly

    > Police could lawfully use bulk surveillance techniques to access messages from encrypted communications platforms such as WhatsApp and Signal, following a ruling by the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), a court has heard.

    No Rest for the Wicked - The Crucible Update Trailer
  • Man this game looks like it packs a punch! Can't wait to get my hands on it!

  • Funtoo Linux Ended
  • What was Funtoo?

  • Tailscale now opens for ControlD integration!
  • You csn use whatever custom solution you want too

  • Perfect
  • Oh wow yeah, I must have misread it completely the first time, mb! 🤦

  • Tailscale now opens for ControlD integration! Control D and Tailscale: Granular DNS for every device on your network

    We’re excited to announce an integration with Control D, a customizable DNS service. With Control D and Tailscale, every device on your tailnet can be protected from internet threats, unwanted and malicious content, or ads.

    Control D and Tailscale: Granular DNS for every device on your network
  • Looking at the clouds on both first pictures, they clearly took the picture right after each other..

  • Good game soundtracks?
  • Nothing hits harder then good old Zelda Music! Best of the best in my books ;)

  • The theme update
  • This is really great! Thanks a bunch for adding this <3

  • Getting varied download speeds in Qbittorrent normal?
  • Thank you, I believe I did do this but will definitely double check 👍

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week?
  • Cats and Coffee :)

    Also finished unpacking everything for the new home we've moved into, that was a nice relief :)

  • Getting varied download speeds in Qbittorrent normal?
  • Ok thanks for the clarification!

  • Getting varied download speeds in Qbittorrent normal?
  • It's actually the extension called;

    This is my config:

  • What are the best ways to stay up on what's happening in the OSS world?
  • I prefer to do it via podcasts myself. The JupiterBroadcasting family have a bunch of variety to choose from in terms of what you like.

  • Specific Websites are loading weirdly?

    Hi there, just started using Librewolf and when im using a terminal via the browser Librewolf is loading it rather weirdly. How can I fix this? This website in specific is supposed to load my terminal.


    What are some good name suggestions for the rebranding of OpenSuse? Open Letter to the openSUSE Board, Project and Community (Final) - openSUSE Project

    Dear all, Let me first define a couple of things that the community is being faced with: - Our current governance is not working. With the things we're facing and the current model / Board rules……

    Open Letter to the openSUSE Board, Project and Community (Final) - openSUSE Project

    Considering the recent news/proposal from SUSE about OpenSUSE rebranding - what do you think would be some fitting names for the distro/community?


    New Network Stack with an Unknown Issue..?

    Update: It was DNS... its always DNS...

    Hello there! I'm in a bit of a pickle.. I've recently bought the full budget Tp-link omada stack for my homelab. I got the following devices in my stack:

    • ER605 Router
    • OC200 Controller
    • SG2008P PoE Switch
    • EAP610 Wireless AP
    • EAP625 Wireless AP (getting soon)

    I've set it all up and it was working fine for the first few days of using it. However, last few days it's been working very much on and off randomly(?) . Basically devices will state they are connected to WiFi/Ethernet, but they are not actually getting it. (As seen in the picture). This is happening with our phones(Pixel7+S23U) and my server(NAS:Unraid), have not noticed any problems on our desktop PCs. So it is happening on both wired and wireless, as my server and desktop PC is connected to the switch.

    I haven't done many configurations in the omada software yet, but am assuming it's something I have done that causes this... Would greatly appreciate any advice to solve/troubleshoot this!


    Question about default browser settings - LibreWolf

    Hiya, just switched to LibreWolf due to Mozilla's recent actions... Just quickly wondering why these two "privacy preferences" are off by default? Are they not worth ticking off? Or is this another "part" of ones fingerprint that makes it more unique?


    How is OLED+HDR on Linux? Dell Alienware AW2725DF Review

    The Dell AW2725DF is a 27-inch 1440p premium gaming monitor with a QD-OLED display. It's one of several new QD-OLEDS of this size that are entering the market in...

    Dell Alienware AW2725DF Review

    Considering buying the Dell Alienware AW2725DF Monitor, but am a little unsure how well it perform on a Linux(Bazzite) system. Are there any issues with this at all these days?


    Tips for getting rid of cat sand/litter smell?


    So curious if anyone has any tips regarding this. We have our cat litter in the washroom of the house. The current cat sand we use has a distinct smell. While we are experimenting with different types of sand, they all, so far, have some sort of smell to them. Obviously it will also smell extra bad whenever the cats use the litter box. While we do remove the litter as soon as possible, we are curious if there are ways to at least mask the smell of the sand with something else... Anyone got any tips?


    What's been your favourite headset for gaming so far?

    Am looking for a new pair of headphones, mostly for gaming. The two aspects I care mostly about are comfort and good audio. Therefore wondering about people's recommendations and experiences with headphones. What's been your best headphones so far and why?


    Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times?

    I believe this is a slightly controversial topic, at least from what I have gathered so far. Some say its best to leave the server on to spare the life time of the spinning rust. Other seem to prefer to save power and boot the server off each night. So wanted to chip in and hear what folks here do and why do what you do.

    Bonus question; Do you guys have a UPS? Is it a must have for a homelab, or does it just depend on the usecase?




    Aeropress has easily become my favourite way to brew coffee ☕


    What's the best way to perserve bread?

    What's the general consensus on storing bread? In a bread box? In the fridge? In a drawer? Room temp? Looking for ways to increase the number of days a bread can last for both store bought and homemade bread 🍞


    Bamboo plant growing too tall?

    Hiya, have got these very simple bamboo plants in my bathrooms as they really like it there. However this one is now well over 2 years old and clearly has grown a lot. How can I safely trim the plant and is it possible to keep the leftover part in a glass of water to make it grow roots? I don't have much experience with these types of plants. Any suggestions are appreciated! 🙌


    Thinking about getting into OSRS again..

    Hi there,

    I've used to play OSRS many many years ago and enjoyed it at the time. I never maxed an account nor did I get too familiar with the whole world, as I only played free to play version. However, ever now and again I think about start playing again but I can't really make it stick.. As in, I keep loosing interest after a short while. Anyway, I wanted to ask for some recommendations for what could keep me playing..

    I don't remember any of my accounts, so I'll start fresh. Should I pay for membership straight of the bat? Or should I try to complete all free to play quests first? Is there anything in particular that keeps you coming back to OSRS that you would share?

    Appreciate any tips!


    Networking Dilemma

    Hi there good folk,

    The new place i am moving into has the internet come into the house on the other side of where I am planning to have my office + my NAS(which needs ethernet). I much prefer having my stuff connected through ethernet, but not sure what do now, as I cant really run cables across the house. Am also renting the place so cant drill holes in walls etc.. As far as I know, there are two ways for me to get ethernet in my office:

    1. COAX to POE: The place does not have ethernet ports in the walls either, but it does have some wallmounted coax sockets. Is it worth looking into coax to poe adapters for either end of the sockets? Not sure how much of a fan I am of this due to the amount of cables this ends up being.

    2. The other way would be to have a WiFi-extender in my office, but i guess this will sacrafice some more speed than the other solution(?). This way I would have a small switch connected to the extender which will get me some more ports too.

    I am planning on buying into the Unifi prodcuts, specifically the Unifi Express device as a router. While expensive, I love the polish and feature set and control it brings. What other Unifi devices should I get into, considering probably wont be able to use PoE?

    Lemmy know your thoughts, opinions and the rest - am open for all sorts of solutions!


    Am already a Proton Unlimited Subscriber, why am I seeing upgrade "ads"....?

    Honestly... this isnt the first time this has happened either. Been a paying customer for a long time now, and occasionally I get these upgrade buttons, which I am hoping are just bugs, as otherwise it would be very weird as I cannot upgrade to anything higher than Unlimited.


    Issue with MX Master 3 on Linux

    Hiya, got a very small, but annoying issue with this mouse. Every time I put the computer to sleep, and wake it up again the scrollwheel will barely scroll on websites and applications. To fix this i just have to turn the mouse on and off again, but am still wondering what causes this to be an issue or if there are any known fixes for this?

    Appriciate any suggestions!


    What are your favourite Low-Tech Content Creators?

    Be it on YT or just blog posts from a website, please do share any low-tech focused content creators :)


    Tailscale running at full force during the night?

    I keep having my phone completely drained of battery over night, and im not sure why.. Each night the phone will easy chew through 30-40% battery. Only thing that helps is putting it in battery saving mode. But feels like a temporary solution.

    The second most used app is at 7% percent usage.

    Am running GrapheneOS, anyone else struggling with this?
