People who watched Homestar Runner back in the day: If you have watched any of the sbemails on the website, which sbemail is your favorite of the bunch?
I haven't been able to find it in years, but SB got an email from some chick who wanted to bone him (or whatever PG-13 lingo they used), and accidently deleted it. He panics, then gets another email that's all broken English, but claiming to be the same person. At first excited, he then says:
"You are not [name]! You are not even literate!" And let me tell you, my 10 year old ass laughed until I dang near pissed myself
Then he'd dream about who's hotter. Ali or Ali's sister. And you could click on the pictures and they would cycle through women from Leisure Suit Larry.
"Virus" comes to mind as well as a particularly good showcase of Flash animation. Some of the magic is lost now that Flash is dead and you're probably going to view the cartoon in a video player, but as originally presented they really pulled off some great interface screws like having Homestar pick apart the links at the bottom.
I really miss the Flash era, it felt so much more creative. Hell just having "cartoon or game" as a sliding scale was cool; Homestar Runner cartoons were all at least slightly interactive in ways no one does anymore for lack of a suitable media.
Some of the very first ones were great; Trevor the vampire, and the one that birthed Homsar (possibly the very first one?). Stuck with it for all the classics; lightswitch rave, Trogdor, teen girl squad, 20X6, Sweet Cuppin' Cakes (I still bring up Eh, Steve! to this day).
Eventually they started getting longer and longer and lost a lot of the punchiness and I stopped watching.
I think my favourite is probably Trogdor. The way Strong Mad has just carved 'DAGRON' into the table always makes me chuckle for some reason.
That was the "sisters" sbemail, where Strong Bad gets a message from Ali asking if he has a girlfriend, and that there's two of them, implying she has a sister. Strong Bad talks in a romantic voice, and ends up accidentally deleting Ali's message.
The intro to #41, Invisibility, has always been a favorite.
Don't need this anymore. Don't need THIS anymore 'smacks computer off desk'
I had a trogdor polo shirt, with a little trogdor embroidered where the polo guy usually is. I think my ex covertly threw it away at some point while we dating for 7 years.
There's one where someone asks him how to start a metal band(?). Gotta be ugly or else hot glue cornflakes to your face and use words that start with 'DE' like decrepit or decompose. Except maybe...
It’s a website from the early 2000’s that had absurdist flash animations centered around weird cartoon characters in a fiction small town. It was kind of like a weird interactive TV show for a while.
The one where he talks about hot gluing corn flakes to your face, singing from the bowels of your lungs, and creeping rusty meat in reference to death metal is good.