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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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GTA Online adds a quality-of-life feature players have wanted for years then upsets everyone by paywalling it: 'One of the slimiest things they've done in a while'
  • I got hooked on shark cards for a while when I played GTA:O, I probably spend thousands of SEK on them for months, then one day I realized what a fucking shit game it is, and uninstalled it.

    This was eight or so years ago now, and I have not played it since.

    I don't consider the money wasted though, I consider them part of my education, I learned from this, and can now see the signs before I spend money.

  • What are the major world news that you got from weird sources (and maybe wish you had heard first from legit news sources)?
  • I was living with a family in a suburb to Bath in the UK, the son in the family and me was with his friends Bristol for a day, when they suddenly started talking about bombs, yep this was the London bombings in 2005...

    At first I didn't realize what happened, I am Swede and English is my second language, so I had a bit of trouble actually understanding it all.

    When we got back home, I called my parents who were in Canada on vacation at the time, they were at a restaurant and had not heard the news yet, so they were very confused but happy that I was fine.

    I can just imagine them at a restaurant, getting a call from their son calling to say that he is ok and not to worry with zero context and then hearing about the attacks that way, that must have been quite surreal, but also ment that they was never worried.

  • Work from home
  • Right now I am on vacation, my work phone stays at home with an empty battery.

    They still have my private number if it is an absolute disaster at work and they need my help, but untill sunday evening I won't even charge my work phone, let alone check it for messages/calls.

    Work apps stay on the work phone, the ONLY exception to that rule I will ever make is work MFA apps.

    But I'd sooner get a new separate phone for that if I don't get a company phone.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Oh absolutely!

    Another point is that there are places outside Chernobyl and Fukashima that have higher background radiation that either exclusion zone, and that is places where people live normally, I seem to recall that being mentioned in the documentary I linked.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • Sigh, we know EXACTLY what to do with it.

    Dig a deep hole into the bedrock, put the waste in dry casks, put the casks in the hole, backfill with clay.

    This has been known for decades!

    I live in a suburb north of Stockholm in Sweden, here in Scandinavia we have a very stable bedrock, I would absolutely welcome a disposal site for nuclear waste in my suburb, and I am talking about a site that would accept waste from all over the world (for a fee obviously).

    It would be simple, create jobs, and allow us to keep using nuclear power to allow for quicker removal of fossil power plants.

    As for Chernobyl, TMI and Fukashima, Chernobyl was a bad design which was run by people who lacked access to information about past nuclear accidents, leading to bad management, TMI had a fail deadly indicator system, where a broken light bulb caused incorrect information to be acted on, and Fukashima was built in a bad location.

    I recommend you to watch this 2006 BBC Horizon documentary, it is called Nuclear Nightmares and talks about our fear of radiation, and weather or not it is warranted:

    A large coal power plant needs at least 10000 tons of coal every day according to Wikipedia.

    A nuclear plant needs about 25 tons per year.

    That is a huge, massive difference in logistics, pollution and use of resources, that is not even getting into the coal ash that is produced by cosl plants, according to the EPA, nearly 130 million tons of coal ash was generated in the US by coal power plants. None was generated by nuclear power plants.

    Please watch the documentary, it is a few years old, but the premise still holds.

  • a cool guide for police encounters
  • Yep, but putting your hand in your pocket, and pressing the lock button ten times is faster than taking your device out of your pocket, press vol+, press vol- and hold the lock button untill you get the prompt to turn off the device.

    Also, even after a restart like that I have had my iPhones still default to biometrics.

  • What's the coolest thing you found while metal detecting?
  • Untill someone makes a wood detector I don't think they are worried about it.

    The point is that a metal detector is specifically made to find stuff easier, and significantly cuts down on manpower needed to find stuff, increasing the risk of scavanging.

  • Telia vill belöna mig genom att sätta mig i en gyllene bur.

    Jag har varit kund of Telia i runt 20 år, jag betalar ca 550kr i månaden för mitt mobilabonnemang med obegränsad data, jag tjänar helt ok, och är en ganska nöjd kund.

    Jag gillar den enorma täckningen de har, och har egentligen inte haft några problem.

    Men nu har de börjat ringa mig med nya erbjudanden, det är väl ok, jag är kund hos dem, där de kan sänka min månadskostnad med ca 200kr, plus att jag även skulle få en ny mobil.

    Det låter ju toppen, vad är problemet?

    1. Jag vill själv bestämma över när jag skaffar ny mobil, jag vill inte köpa den från en operatör och riskera att den är låst till dem, jag vägrar absolut att köpa en något på avbetalning, jag gjorde det en gång och min mobil var helt slutkörd innan avbetalningen var klar så jag betalade fortfarande av telefonen efter att jag köpt min nya, visst bara ett par månader, men jag vägrar hamna i samma situation igen.
    2. Det stora problemet med erbjudandet är dock att jag skulle tvingas bli bunden till Telia i 24 månader. Hur fan kan det vara acceptabelt att "belöna" en trogen kund genom att låsa in dem? Helt djävla vansinnit!

    Så när de ringde mig första gången var jag tvungen att säga ifrån flera gånger att jag inte ville ha en mobil utskickad, eller att jag inte ville ha ett nytt abonnemang innan de gav med sig.

    Igår ringde de på nytt och jag sa i från direkt att jag inte vill ha något om det kräver inlåsning, önskade killen en trevlig dag och lade på.

    Jag har haft noll tankar på att byta från Telia, men att de anser att låsa in mig i ett två års avtal är att belöna mig är ren och skär idioti.

    Sänk månadskostnaden, skit i bindningstid och att skicka ut telefoner till mig, så ska de allt se att jag kommer rekommendera dem till höger och vänster!

    Sorry, jag ville bara skriva av mig lite här.


    Netwalk - a sysadmin puzzle game

    Networking is complex, you gotta keep track of subnets, vlans, firewalls, domain names, DHCP servers and more,

    Netwalk is simpler, rotate the pieces untill all computers have access to the server, but you can't create loops or have loose connections anywhere, every peice must be used.

    In the expert mode, connections wrap around to the other side.


    Street Photography With "The Bigma"


    The remake of Riven is being released on 2024-06-25

    That's it, I am getting into VR


    This is a morning kids show from Sweden in the 90s

    This was broadcast on state television in Sweden in the 90s...

    I remember watching it back then, having zero idea of what what going on but liking the bright colors...

    The main part is just a guy doing a one man show for kids on a terrible CGI background.

    There are also weird CGI shorts, music videos, puppetry, badly drawn cartoons, a weird gameshow with teddy bears, bad music videos.

    I realize that they are all speaking Swedish, but trust me, this is from an era just breaking out of heavy moralizing and the segments of the show are constantly overbaering with trying to tech kids stuff.

    It is not without it's charm though, I kinda like the gameshow part, even if the concept is a bit contrived... But I like the attention to detail and how nicely made it is.


    How could the US solve local public transport in their huge suburban neighbourhoods?

    I mean in those areas where it just identical houses along a road in huge blocks.

    How would you realisyicly solve it?


    Hur skulle du lösa problemet med gängkriminalitet i Sverige?

    Bra post på /r/Sweden idag, skammlöst stulen.

    Tänk dig att du imorgon blir anställd av polisen för att eliminera (eller minska drastiskt) gängkriminalitet i Sverige, vad skulle du göra?


    What actor is the modern day Schwartzenegger?

    In the 80s/90s Arnold was a huge movie star, playing huge men in both serious and comedy roles.

    I guess that what I am asking is; what actor today could occupy the same kind of decade defining place as Arnold did in the 80s/90s?

    They don't have to be a massive bodybuilder, but they should be the first name that anyone would think of when someone say "2010s/2020s".

    28 Här går Sverige, Norge och Finlands försvarstoppar i mål – efter nio mil på skidor

    Några timmar innan Ungerns parlament sade ja till Sveriges Natoansökan gick Sverige, Norge och Finlands högsta militärer i mål i Mora – efter nio mil tillsammans i Öppet spår.

    Här går Sverige, Norge och Finlands försvarstoppar i mål – efter nio mil på skidor

    Jag tycker det är roligt att se att våra ÖB har viljan och möjligheten att göra saker tillsammans i en avslappnad miljö över landsgränserna, det är lite gullit faktiskt


    Remember me from yesterday, I was the guy claiming to have a huge singleplayer creative map....

    Some told me "pics or it didn't happen", so I posted videos from the world, that got some attention, and here I am, posting the entire 3GB world to the public for anyone to download and try:

    Some may recognize it from a map posted to /r/minecraft years ago, that was also me.

    The first few weeks/months I set the difficulty to peaceful survival, but after hgaving lost my bed and dying only to respawn far away from the base, I recovered a shadow copy backup and cheated into creative mode, a few years later after being annoyed, I removed bats and clouds from the world so I could focus on building stuff.

    I never used any mods to enable me building faster or easier, apart from the above mentioned cheats this is vanilla minecraft, every block built in the last decade has been placed manually, every hole dug has been dug either manually or with TNT, often rigged to be synced with redstone if blasting horizontal.

    To see what I probably think is the most impressing stuff, find Plattform 7 at the huge trainstation and follow the tracks.

    BTW, the brick church is ginormous, go downstairs, and have a notebook to draw a map handy, it is a bizzare librarynth down there, and even I can't remember the way through.

    The main runway is mined.

    Look outside the wall(s)


    I have a singleplayer creative map that I have played on since 2014....

    During several years it was the main game I played, and I played it for hours every day.

    I have recovered the map from backups when it developed save errors, I have recovered the map from a hard drive that was about to crash, and I have done some normal migrations between computers.

    Most of the time spent in the map was spent in creative mode, all of the time spent has been spent playing without mods.

    The map has it all:

    1. Weird towers, many weird towers.
    2. Railroads, many railroads, soo many railroads, I am not kidding, there is a huge ammount of railroads, it is frankly ridiculous how many railroads I have built.
    3. Weird religious buildings, from classic chruches, to many, many strange halls dedicated to religious or cult iconography.
    4. A huge, confusing, underground maze of libraries.
    5. Huge geometrical structures that just keeps going.
    6. A lot of odd glass and light sculptures.
    7. Hugely long but super narrow buildings that just goes on and on and on.

    So my question is, if anyone would like to get a copy of this world and see what my mind has built over almost a decade.


    Här testar LTU embryot till sladdlös laddning av elbilar - Här testar LTU embryot till sladdlös laddning av elbilar

    Bara elva procent av Sveriges bilar var laddbara vid årsskiftet, men fler ska det bli. Forskarna vid LTU hoppas kunna erbjuda vägar och parkeringsplatser där bilarna kan ladda sladdlöst. Med hjälp av så kallad ”smart betong”.

    Här testar LTU embryot till sladdlös laddning av elbilar

    Rent slöseri med energi.

    Trådlös laddning slösar riktigt mycket energi vid överföringen, jämfört med en fysisk kabel.

    Visst handlar det om att kunna ladda under färd, men det är ett relativt litet problem i sammanhanget, då skulle jag hellre se bilar med kortade räckvidd men där det finns batteribytesstationer som typ bensinmackar, man kör in, en robot monterar ur batteriet, och monterar in ett nytt fullladdat, processen tar inte längre än att tanka.

    När batteriet sedan är bytt laddas det långsamt och skonsamt upp på macken i ett brandskyddat rum, testas och görs redo för nästa kund.


    Körde i diket första gången igår

    Jag är 37, tog körkort i december 2022, och skaffade min första bil i sommras.

    Det är en 2021 Seat Leon halvkombi, med riktigt bra dubbdäck.

    Igår var jag ute och körde på en liten väg bland bondgårdar i Uppland, jag såg en stor traktor svänga in på min väg och insåg att jag måste backa för att släppa fram den, ca 10 meter bakom mig fanns det en liten vägkorsning där jag tänkte vänta på traktorn, så jag började backa, det gick bra tills jag skulle köra in på vägen, då missade jag att jag först skulle kört frammåt bån decimeter och sedan svängt in, så jag svängde på för fullt och gled ned i diket.

    Men bonden var trevlig och jag fick hjälp att dra upp min bil, och jag kan inte se eller känna några skador på den.

    Jag lärde mig en hel del av mitt misstag som jag vill dela med mig.

    1. Problem kan inträffa vid alla hastigheter, även låga.
    2. Lita på lokalkännedommen hos bönder, traktorn stannade uppe vid korsningen, jag tolkade det som att han väntade på mig att skapa fri väg, men han väntade på att jag skulle köra upp mot honom där det fanns utrymme att passera, hade det inte varit snö så hade jag sett det.
    3. Ha bättre uppsikt över var du har bilen, diken finns kvar trots snön.
    4. Jag har en laddhybrid, så den har en automatväxel, lägg växellådan i N vid bogsering.
    5. Släpp fotbromsen vid bogsering.
    6. Tändningen måste vara igång så rattlåset släpper.
    7. Min bil har fäste för bogseringsögla både fram och bak.
    8. Skruva fast bogseringsöglan hela vägen.
    9. Lägg ur parkeringsbromsen vid bogsering.
    10. Jag behöver skaffa bogseringslinor, så de finns vid behov.
    11. Äldre svenska bönder är riktigt hjälpsamma vid mindre problem.