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Peppycito Peppycito
Posts 5
Comments 1.3K
Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides
  • It implies "free" in English too, the "fewer" meaning is probably from marketing people covering their ass. It's a play on stainless steel, in that it can still rust but mostly doesn't.

  • Two types of Medieval castle latrines
  • Option A is about job creation. The Poopsmith was an important part of the working class.

  • Blursed Bot
  • Believe it or not, there are quite a few of us.

  • Blursed Bot
  • I appreciate your response! Thanks! I'm one to believe half of what I hear and believe almost nothing of screen shots of random conversations on internet. I find it more likely that someone just made it for internet points.


  • Blursed Bot
  • With a password.

  • Blursed Bot
  • I am a cupcake batter making machine. Hold out your hands while I pull down my pants.

  • Blursed Bot
  • What would be crazy would be to let loose a propaganda-bot on the world without disabling such a simple vulnerability.

  • Blursed Bot
  • Making fake screenshots is not a new trend.

  • 󠁗󠁗󠁗󠁗󠁗󠁗
  • Lemmy is sure good at showing thriving communities I have absolutely zero interest in.

  • In the Forrest
  • I can't see the forest for the buildings.

  • Elon Musk Reportedly Offered SpaceX Employees Sperm to Seed Mars Colony
  • I would like to sign up for a life of indentured servitude on Mars! The silver lining is it will be a short life.

  • Harris and Trump are tied, poll finds. Here's why strategists say that's good for Democrats
  • It's fucked how American politics is treated like a football game watched through a stock ticker.

  • Mark Zuckerberg open sources 3 new LLMs
  • He's been playing in the sun with sunglasses on.

  • Whale capsizes a boat off the coast of New Hampshire.
  • They must've got it confused with Old Hampshire.

  • Whale capsizes a boat off the coast of New Hampshire.
  • That's still colder than you are. I'm a skinny bitch, if it's not close to boiling I'll turn blue sooner or later.

  • Whale capsizes a boat off the coast of New Hampshire.
  • There's also that advice about never leaving your vessel until you absolutely have to.

  • Elon Musk backs down from $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn’t ‘subscribe to cult of personality’
  • While quite dangerous, the cornered rat may get a shovel to the head. Put on your rat kicking boots!

  • Whale capsizes a boat off the coast of New Hampshire.
  • "I don't need to wear my life jacket. I'm a strong swimmer."

  • Tough one
  • I couldn't resist

  • I don't think Boeing killed those guys

    Boeing is for sure a shit show and terribly managed, but I don't think they would blatantly kill guys like that. I think it's far more likely that the first guy did kill himself because he figured everybody would think Boeing whacked him and that would do far more damage to the company than his testimony would. Now any news falls under a suspicious gaze and here we are thinking some other guys unfortunate death is due to nefarious deeds.

    Or I'm wrong and Boeing has a CIA division ¯\\\(ツ)\


    Why don't posts I submitted show up in my profile?

    I've made a few posts, most about sync, but none show up in my profile under 'posts'. Even the ones I made in my own instance. What's up?


    Ahoy Sailors!

    Welcome to another sailing community! Hopefully there's some crew around to liven the place up! Anything wind powered goes!


    The best race footage I've seen!

    I liked this guy's dodger so started following him. He's a cruiser but got invited to a regatta and filmed it. I think it gives a great perspective of what a sailboat race is like. I think more cruisers should go racing, it teaches you how to react under pressure and how to use your equipment. And tests your equipment, it's better to break stuff on a Wednesday night than 2 weeks out from port!


    Why does it take so many clicks to block communities?

    Click logo, miss logo enter thread by mistake, click logo again enter community page, scroll right, click block, confirm block at the bottom of the page.

    Why can't we block/subscribe from the hamburger menu on the post? Is it this difficult on purpose? Can we edit out a few of those actions? Blocking communities is a huge part of my lemmy experience.
