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KillingAndKindess kora


Posts 10
Comments 330
Unions who think Republicans are warming to labor rights are getting played
  • In some, I do honestly think they have just been shown what looks like a potential solution, and they are tired or in financial turmoil to the point of trusting the scorpion. Union leaders are people too, and even the "corrupt" ones still benefit from the entire workerbase being lifted up... basically its not the big draw to evil people like being a cop or politician is.

    I don't know how best to solve this issue in the age of WFH and companies with massive regional presence, but, we need our unions to have faces, to have a hand to shake and a smiling face to speak with.

  • PSA: New Samsung phones block sideloading by default. Here's how to re-enable it
  • Thatsthejoke.jpg


    I'm just pointing out that the entirety of Samsung's Android adds literally nothing of value to the user to the android experience and only serves to, at best, annoy. Not just this one particular feature.

  • PSA: New Samsung phones block sideloading by default. Here's how to re-enable it
  • it is, the useless annoyance is what Samsung 's Version of Android is introducing.

  • What's that song you adore but you're too embarrassed to make anyone else listen to?
  • While You Sleep - The Bamboo's

    It captures a mood and moment that I can't describe all that well, but that I can imagine crystal clear.

  • What's that song you adore but you're too embarrassed to make anyone else listen to?
  • Just make sure you listen to her new stuff, she gets nothing from the old stuff, I think.

    New stuff is wild though, she certainly aged alongside me and I'm hear for it.

  • forced to buy an echo for new house. any suggestions?
  • #ProblemsOfTheUpper-Lowers

    Because I want to helpful: if you are moving to a home large enough for you to feel that an intercom is needed, then the cost associated with having a simple system installed would be the best way to maintain your privacy, well, your privacy to those without physical access to your home at least.

    I can't think of any intercom-related reason that outweighs the needless additional network load, nightmarish privacy policies, and instant gratification through retail buttons, that a network of echo's could provide.

  • forced to buy an echo for new house. any suggestions?
  • You should hire a nicely-dressed and polite person to simply relay your messages in person. And while not needed, they could be tending to other tasks, like your laundry or maybe tending the garden...

  • Lemmings of ...uh... Lemmy who ate ramen noodles dry, whaddup wit dat?
  • This exact thing is very popular in prison according to some family members.

  • 8-hour rule
  • To some degree, yes. But its also a direct product of the systems starting point as well. Arguably, not changing anything is the best thing to keep the system in their favor for as long as possible.

    What I'd argue is the "decision" they individually make, is to what degree they allow the suffering caused by their actions to be actually linked to them in the public eye. You have people like elon who are on the extreme end of unapologetic assholery, and then there are the people of equal or greater wealth who we cannot even name. I think that's the core decision that the ultra wealthy make that affects society the most. Loud out and proud makes for a very clear and, to some degree understood, target for everything from legislation to pitchforks and torches. Quiet and Guarded makes for less "fun" and likely drives some of the large losses in wealth (chasing the big number for its brain feels gets increasingly risky).

    I could go on and on about my amatuer class theory, but I'll spare the rest. While all of this is important to consider at times of great change, I'd like to point out that I don't find this aspect of examining class warfare to be helpful without the will and leadership to enact change.

  • 8-hour rule
  • I think this and similar ideas were more of an post-implementation discovery that now drives refused change of said systems. The idea that some grand plan has been in effect from any starting point is where absurdity is introduced.

    The wealthy, ie the powerful, cannot even agree within their circle on much, and the entire personality that reaches said level isn't known for thorough meticulous loyalty to a group plan.

  • Too many checkmarks
  • I seem to be alright with the daily 500+

    So I'm sure I'm an outlier

  • From 'quiet quitting' to 'coffee badging' — why employees are less interested in work
  • The question is, how much can they truly defend?

    Sure, a few derps they already pay would stay and defend them, but how many are we really talking? How many will stand against the turning tide of just and equitable voices?

    Eat the rich

  • Do people still sculpt? Any sculptors here on Lemmy?
  • Hi, I used to a lot, but lack the financial means to currently.

    I started in school, and I loved it so much I had my teacher fail me twice just so I could retake it. My retakes were a mix of TA work and whatever project I felt like doing.

    Since then, Ive made a few clay based projects, as well as dabbling in wooden sculpture. I'm currently unhoused, but I imagine it will again be a part of my life once I'm back on my feet.

  • send a chocolate box to your FBI agent
  • If i'm not on several already, then I'm not doing things right as it is.

    Eat the rich!

  • (Major event happens) "I should post immediately without first checking if there are already 30 other posts about this"
  • Especially this kind of Info... I want it blasted all over my ti.... feed.

  • Reaganomics rule
  • In my heaven, Reagan an his ilk get lots and lots of "trickle" down

  • Nearly 90% Amazon India workers don’t get time for bathroom breaks, survey finds
  • Doubtful. People would just reframe whatever was necessary in order to not challenge their opinion of their own experience, because changing such a thing is seen so negatively by so many people.

    The "We'll change things if we make it visable" approach has clearly failed.

  • Nearly 90% Amazon India workers don’t get time for bathroom breaks, survey finds
  • Because we're all underpaid and both morals and suffering are relative.

    That fact is so damned motivating in every aspect of our lives EXCEPT as a common starting point for us to get along enough to actually do anything about it.

  • Pffft. Don't tempt me with a good time!


    Well, I promised I would, so here's the first public photo of me I've ever shared IMG-20240602-094634 hosted at ImgBB

    Image IMG-20240602-094634 hosted in ImgBB

    IMG-20240602-094634 hosted at ImgBB

    As promised yesterday, here's probably the first photo I've ever posted of myself


    EMF Protection Costume Design for becoming (Rule)r of all porn after the flare strikes.



    I guess googleads sucks even more than I thought

    Love the app! Bought the adfree for reddit, plan on buying this one too once I move out of my car.


    Those who hold/held out hope for the acceptance of a loved one: How do/should you let go of it in a healthy way?

    Found out tonight that my mom is in the hospital and been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. I've been low contact with her since shortly after coming out. It sounds like they don't expect her to leave.

    3 After some consideration I decided to ask for the help I need. This is my Gofundme, please do not feel obligated to click or donate. - Blåhaj Lemmy

    After helping some others on here, I realized its both OK, and a good idea for me to ask for help with my current situation. I’ve posted some details about my situation before, but I tried to write a more concise explanation on my fundraising page. Thanks for even bothering to read this, and for any...


    After some consideration I decided to ask for the help I need. This is my Gofundme, please do not feel obligated to click or donate.

    After helping some others on here, I realized its both OK, and a good idea for me to ask for help with my current situation. I've posted some details about my situation before, but I tried to write a more concise explanation on my fundraising page.

    Thanks for even bothering to read this, and for any help you may be able to give. Thank you 💜💜💜
