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Quill7513 The Quuuuuill

Alt account of @[email protected] for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

Posts 2
Comments 571
Harris' candidacy has led to surge in Black voter enthusiasm. It could make a difference in swing states - ABC News
  • Funny how that keeps both happening and needing to happen. Its almost like founding a country steeped in racism may have consequences and we should restructure basically everything

  • Applied for a job and was asked to do a live interview. But all I get is this.
  • I have a bachelor of the arts in computer science. Landing that first job was so hard because companies filtered out my resume because they were looking for a bachelor of the sciences. Fuck me I guess for my college mandating I take at least one class a year about how the world works instead of just computer stuff

  • Applied for a job and was asked to do a live interview. But all I get is this.
  • They have changed. This is pretty typical shit these days. Usually its a calendly link

  • “City Experiments with Reusable Cups at Starbucks, Taco Bell and 30 Other Restaurants–with Return Bins all over town”
  • Still. I think it's a step in the right direction. Maybe it would really incentivize people if there was a small deposit

  • Hyprland is a toxic community
  • Sorry to be dragging a comment out of the aether as I read into Hyprland controversies, but its absolutely wild this guy was rude across the span of an entire week about a pretty typical issue request, and then later down the road was like "it was one bad comment I might have been having a bad day" and its like... Dude it was 7 days

  • Nearly 40K new voters registered in 48 hours after Biden’s exit
  • Also re-reading my apology for getting lost in the sauce of my own bias of how I viewed 2022 I realize i might come across as being snarky when legitimately I forgot how that year went for everyone else because I was so frustrated watching both sides in VA say one of the candidates was exactly like Trump. I wasn't being sarcastic in my prior comment. Legitimately. I goofed up and I'm sorry

  • Nearly 40K new voters registered in 48 hours after Biden’s exit
  • Sorry I was living in a state where the DNC was experimenting with what the grand plan would be for 2024 and the result was Trump-lite in a stupid little fleece vest became governor and in the years since Virginia has become a much less safe place to be a person of color, queer, or a woman.

  • Nearly 40K new voters registered in 48 hours after Biden’s exit
  • It almost seems possible the democratic leadership might have potentially possibly maybe learned something perhaps and came up with a strategy for how to deal with trump that doesn't hinge on trying to do the same things that worked in 2020 (and then failed miserably in 2022). Good for them! Maybe next they'll learn they don't have to court moderate republican voters to switch sides, and instead focus on the vast swath of Americans who feel so disenchanted with American Politics that they don't vote, or even really pay attention to politics, because the Democrats are, globally, conservative, and the Republicans are, globally, insane

  • Ohio is not Appalachia.
  • Good. Good good good. That's. A relief, tbh

  • Ohio is not Appalachia.
    1. You gotta get political news from more sources than here, this place is biased as hell
    2. Appalachia is a geographic, socioeconomic, and cultural region of the united States
    3. JD Vance claims to be as Appalachian as they come
    4. JD Vance is from west of Cincinnati, well outside if Appalachia
    5. JD Vance is a carpetbagging piece of shit
    6. A carpetbagger is an opportunistic colonial entering the region of the south or Appalachia (context dependent) to make a quick buck exploiting the poor of the region through various forms of grift, theft, and violence
  • Flowchart for STEM
  • It falls into both Science and Math

  • Flowchart for STEM
  • I kiss ass so I can get rich while my boss gets richer off me. Perhaps I'll work harder with a gun in my back for a bowl of rice a day.

  • If Clinton, Trump, and Did Not Vote were presidential candidates in 2016
  • I have a former roommate that her reason for not voting is that she doesn't think it effects her. She thinks she can live an apolitical life because she just doesn't want to deal with it. Meanwhile she can't afford anything because our state makes it really hard to get food stamps

  • Tough choice
  • Ah. Someone who found what worked for them a long time ago and has developed an expertise in something esoteric. I'm sure we'll have much to discuss

  • Tough choice
  • What distro, terminal emulator, shell, and text editor does this person like? We might have stuff to talk about. If the answers to any of the above are Fedora, XTerm, Bash, or Pico then we have nothing to talk about and I'll take the wolves

  • What is a stupid question?
  • Yup. So go out there and make the world a smarter place by asking about things you don't know about. Just don't use this as a license to be a JAQ-off

  • ‘It affects everything’: why is Hollywood so scared to tackle the climate crisis?
  • You joke, but probably. That's how you get people producing the sorts of propaganda that works best for conservatives. Its not about anything, its about how just checking out and going along with it is fine. And there's a ton of parents right now who really believe you can tell the story of humanity without telling about hierarchy, slavery, genocide, and war

  • What is a stupid question?
  • The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask. The full name of this community should be understood to be "[There are] no stupid questions"

  • Beehaw is also down, but they elected to do it Beehaw (@[email protected])

    Hi Beeple! I (Lionir) have shut down the server until further notice. There seems to be a big vulnerability in Lemmy at the moment that is propagating at an alarming rate. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Hope this doesn't last too long.

    Lionir elected to prevent any potential data leaks by shutting down Beehaw until the issues and are identified and resolved

    13 Fairphone 4—the repairable, sustainable smartphone—is coming to the US

    Fairphone teams up with the developer of the /e/ Android fork to enable US sales.

    Fairphone 4—the repairable, sustainable smartphone—is coming to the US

    Not much to add. Saw it in another technology forum and thought it also belonged here for the solarpunks
