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NataliePortland NataliePortland
Posts 99
Comments 433
Question about hybrid vegetables
  • Thank you for the reply. I’ll check that out

  • Question about hybrid vegetables
  • So when the breeder has a hybrid they like, let’s call that AB (F1), they want to grow and sell more of that variety. So the following year, they will use their reserve population of true AA and BB parents and hand pollinate them. But they still won’t know if the seeds produced will be anything like AB (F1), right? So are those hybrids only available for 1 year or as long as those original seeds remain viable?

  • Question About Bamboo
  • Some varieties are ‘runners’ which spread via underground rhizomes. Some varieties are ‘clumpers’ which also spread that way but much much slower. I would be wary of even planting a clumping type, because if you ever change your mind and want to remove it, it can still be challenging.

    People have great luck growing some smaller clumping varieties in containers which is probably the safest method. I’m actually trying to do that too just to jazz up an ugly concrete spot

  • Question about hybrid vegetables

    If hybrids produce seeds that aren’t ‘true-to-type’, then how do they keep making the same ones every year?

    This is a meme about beans
  • This is my understanding too. After the plant dies it can release that nitrogen. While the legume grows, the benefit of nitrogen is negligible and negated by the fact that the legume is competing in the ground for water and other nutrients. The Three Sisters is a nice idea but there is a reason it’s not common practice. See also ‘companion planting’, the astrology of gardening. What plants want most is room to grow roots.

    The best thing to do with legumes is till them under before they go to seed, or add them to compost.

  • My Hairy Manzanita is going through some things.
  • Sorry but I cannot divulge my rocktangle source.

  • It will look great in a month!
  • Hey Spacebar! Haven’t seen your garden since last year. Looks great! What tomato varieties do you have growing?

  • Let's have another friendly woodworking contest! Make your best planter box by August 1

    Thank you technomad and dubyakay for inspiring our third woodworking contest here. This contest will be to build a planter box or I guess a plant pot would work too.

    Submit your work as a post in this community by August 1 at the latest, and the post with the most votes will win. The image will be our new thumbnail picture and the user will be credited on our sidebar.

    I’ve noticed that posts often collect votes for up to like 3 days so I will wait until August 4 or something to announce the winner just to make sure everyone has had a chance to vote.

    Good luck everyone!

    Pyongyang Says It Will Send Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • I don’t want to see anybody get hurt. Those North Koreans should maybe just stay home.

  • do humans shed more skin when sunbathing?
  • That’s never happened to me unless I had maybe some dirt on my hands or on my body where I rubbed lotion on. Could that be what happened? Maybe some small dirt particles collected lotion and made little bits ?

  • When to dead head or leave for the birds
  • What I do is try to time it just right, deadhead until the blooming period starts to wrap up and then let the rest go to seed. It’s hard to do!

  • Hugelkultur poppin' up pollinators
  • Oh very interesting! Can you give some background about the hugulkultur bed? When did you make it? What kind of logs and how deep are they? Well rotted or more fresh? Is this the first year?

  • New ‘Detective Work’ on Butterfly Declines Reveals a Prime Suspect
  • She had antennae like black snakes, and right away I knew she was trouble.

  • Miami New Times runs slur-filled pro-Trump political ad on back cover
  • You know when you see a minivan completely covered in homemade signs about trump and Jesus and illuminati and stuff? Like it looks so unhinged that you just feel bad for the mental health of the person driving it?

    That’s what this ad looks like. It looks like how Trump thinks. Unwell.

  • Request: Mini truck or van racing toward a concrete pole, but never arrives.
  • Same! And then it even started the same way. I was already laughing at a good prank

  • The state of my garden right now
  • Never heard of Saskatoon before what’s that like

  • hey, why is there a coffin on the thumbnail?
  • Thank you yes that’s exactly what happened. Sorry it’s been so long. Let’s have another friendly woodworking contest! Then we can replace the spooky coffin 😁

  • hey, why is there a coffin on the thumbnail?
  • Hey I’m the moderator and yes that’s exactly what happened. It was an “autumn theme” woodworking contest. I was just thinking that it would be great to do another contest. Would you like to pick a theme? Could be something like “make a tissue box” or “make something Christmas themed”.

  • Damn kids, get off my lawn!
  • I called them that too. I think I remember a Flintstones one.

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • Well I for one did not know that actually!

  • The state of my garden right now

    Getting ready to change out the greens and garlic for cabbages and beets.


    June gardening tips from Portland Nursery June Gardening | Portland Nursery

    June Gardening at Portland Nursery and Garden Center in Portland, Vancouver, Lake Oswego.

    Web Comics NataliePortland

    Cheeky Bot


    TIL in the Carboniferous Period, no fungus existed to decompose trees. They just grew on top of each other up and up.

    The weight of the trees was so great that the ones on the bottom got squished and became coal. That’s where coal is from. Bonus fact: the whole time this was happening, sharks were hunting in the oceans. Sharks are older than trees and fungus!


    [OC] visited the Alvord Desert where they broke the land speed world record with rocket cars

    This is in Oregon and there is a hot springs nearby. It’s worth seeing but for a better time check out the French Glen Hotel and Malhuer wildlife refuge.

    Also RIP Jessi Combs who died breaking the record.


    Remember my birdhouse gourd I grew last fall? After drying all winter it’s ready now!

    I’m going to move it lower to the ground in an effort to attract house finches. Otherwise the sparrows will take it and they are invasive.

    I got a bunch of seeds from it. DM me your address and I’ll mail you a few for free. I’m happy to share


    I love making fun French cleats for my tools. Here’s some of my favorites

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    There are also some decorations of course. And a phone holder in cherry wood (but I’m using the phone). Got a salmon push stick, and the most important thing is a lid to keep dust out of my beverages.
