Left half of my face black, right half of my face white. Then I could fight those no good people who have a black right side of their face and white left side.
I was thinking of this - thanks, I couldn’t remember the condition. I’d want somewhat random information after a so it can’t become another version of racism
Humans actually have stripes but they're usually invisible unless you are a human chimera or have some other fetal development issues. They trace the path that embryonic stem cells took to make your skin in the womb.
This doesn't answer your question, but I just had a great idea for an art project which includes detailed applications of different protection levels of sunblock, and a tanning bed.
I guess stripes would be an easy place to start. Who wants to try it?
You can completely pattern your skin thanks to tattoo technology already. I'd go for the pattern I have now anyhow: A cheesy white t-shirt pattern on my torso and a brown face and and arms.
I already develop a defined pattern during summer when my outer arms, legs, and back tan significantly faster and darker then my inner and chest regardless of how much sun I get. I think I'd like the same style but with a defined color difference, like Nigerian on the outside and Polish on the inside. Though if I got to pick Unnatural colors I'd go for charcoal grey outside and porcelain inside. Really accent my natural affinity for tattoos.
I'd be down to be white and brown like a cow or horse, except that I know what vitiligo looks like with human skin and it doesn't really look good so I'd prefer just a solid color (don't care which color though).