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SpaceCadet DefederateLemmyMl
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  • Ukraine supporter ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ
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  • Dutch speaker !
Posts 2
Comments 456
Too spicy?
  • Thanks for the neatly summarized overview.

  • Too spicy?
  • I'm not an expert on the American justice system, and I guess it shows, but in most countries prosecutors are magistrates who are part of the judiciary and who are independent from the executive branch. For example in my country it's like this:

    IIRC, this comes from the Napoleonic Code which many countries used as a basis for their legal system.

  • Too spicy?
  • Weird system. In most countries public prosecutors are firmly in the judicial branch, because they are expected to be impartial and independent from the executive branch.

  • Is it feasible to turn manufacturing most simple products into open source? Is this the future?
  • Interesting idea, but wouldn't it mean that people who have the means of production would get even more power?

  • Too spicy?
  • How is she a "cop" if she was a prosecutor? They're not even in the same branch of government. Police is executive branch, a prosecutor is judicial branch.

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • liberalism is right-wing

    Liberalism has several meanings, it depends on the context whether it's right or left leaning.

    Typically, in Europe, the traditional right leaning parties would call themselves "liberal". Their philosophy is classic liberalism, which places an emphasis on economic freedoms, like a free market, limited government, laissez-faire policies,... It is basically the equivalent of what they call "libertarianism" in the US.

    When conservatives in the US call people "damn libruls", they are usually referring to people with a philosophy of social liberalism, which places an emphasis on social justice, political freedoms, civil rights, individual autonomy, ... and other progressive themes. This is the left leaning version of liberalism. Tankies are also against this because individual and political freedoms are the opposite of the authoritarian philosophy they stand for.

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • You got banned for a month because you posted an off topic anti-China meme

    I didn't post a meme. Someone else posted a meme, I merely commented on it.

    The ban expired a month ago so I guess feel free to go back.

    No thanks. Good luck with your shithole of an instance.

    Mental note: need to check out how to block users entirely.

  • KDE Plasma 6 reboots on video playback
  • Sounds like it could be something like hardware video decoding messing up the state of your GPU, which then crashes plasma.

    You could try to switch your video player to software decoding, and see if that makes the issue go away. It's less efficient but a 3700x should be able to handle any video you throw at it.

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • When they are actively censoring and banning people who make critical comments about the PRC, the USSR, or even present day Russia, I don't care where they come from.

    I was banned from myself for saying something about the Tiananmen Square massacre.

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • That's a no true Scotsman argument.

    There are plenty of actual tankies here. In fact, the Lemmy software is created by tankies and one of the larger Lemmy instances is run by them.

  • The homeopaths of spin
  • Their nick is the Dutch word for left lane, so I would assume they are Dutch.

  • "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again
  • Yup, but that's already mentioned in the article. Thought I'd give people the exact userpref, so they can modify their custom user.js if they have one.

  • "Privacy-Preserving" Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again
  • To disable:

    user_pref("dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled", false);
  • Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News
  • I just booted up a Windows 2000 VM to check ... it's there in the disk management tool. It looks a bit weird with the drive icon in Explorer, but ok.

  • Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News
  • Yeah, I believe that was introduced as far back as Windows 2000. It never really caught on though.

  • Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News
  • Well keep dreaming then. If that is what keeping you on Windows, you will never leave Windows. Nobody in their right mind is ever going to create a new OS with drive letters.


  • Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News
  • The thing is, you are absolutely free to use a /c,/d,/e mounting scheme, but you are not shackled to it like you are in Windows. Personally I like to organize my data in one big root (/) file system on my NVME drive and then /data for my bulk storage on HDD and /nas for my NAS shares. I never have any problems knowing where my data is.

    BTW, I notice all your complaints revolve around "OMG it's different" and "OMG the user can choose to do things differently... so complicated". That is kind of the point of Linux you know?

    At some point you just have to accept that it's different and move on, or decide that it's too complicated for you and use something else.

    BTW, I wonder why people never make this complaint about Apple devices? It also has a hierarchical file structure without drive letters, after all it is also a Unix variant.

  • Microsoft is not done yet: more ads spotted in latest Windows 11 build - gHacks Tech News
  • I know the filesystem is simple to Linux users, but the semantic form of physical drives getting a letter always made more sense to me.

    That's one of the things that semi-experienced Windows users need to wrap their head around, but I strongly disagree that drive letters are somehow inferior to a hierarchical file system structure. I mean, the A:, B:, C: ... convention was originally just intended for the first IBM PC with 1 or 2 floppy drives. It was never intended to support complex storage configurations, whereas the hierarchical file system was designed for Unix systems that had to handle multiple magnetic drives from the start. It is a much more flexible system to organize your file storage.

    On Linux, as best I understand it, if I have three drives, two of them are at /dev/hdd0 and hdd1. But theyโ€™re not actually there.

    That's because there is a difference between a block device and a mounted file system. Windows just obscures that difference from you with its archaic drive mapping system.

    All your block devices and partitions on your block devices will be in /dev with a meaningful name. You can list them with the lsblk command. If a partition contains a file system that Linux knows how to use, you can mount it anywhere you like.

    theyโ€™re accessed at /media/hdd0 after mounting them

    No that's not "convention" at all. Some desktop environments may decide to mount undefined drives there, but there really is no convention, ultimately you mount it where you want it to be mounted.

    If you place an item in /home/documents/notporn, then who knows which drive itโ€™s on because you donโ€™t know what symlinks someone set up to make that folder.

    If your unsure, df /home/documents/notporn should tell you exactly what drive it's on, but ultimately it's up to you to know how you've organized your storage.

    BTW I've said this before, but Linux is probably harder for users who know Windows just well enough to be dangerous than it is for relative beginners, because there are so many concepts and things they take for granted that they have to unlearn.

  • tankie censorship problem

    I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as tankies. This wouldn't be much of an issue if they didn't regularly abuse their admin/mod status to censor and silence people who dissent with their political beliefs and for example, post things critical of China, Russia, the USSR, socialism, ...

    As an example, there was a thread today about the anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. When I was reading it, there were mostly posts critical of China in the thread and some whataboutist/denialist replies critical of the USA and the west. In terms of votes, the posts critical of China were definitely getting the most support.

    I posted a comment in this thread linking to "" (WARNING: graphical content), which describes aspects of the atrocities that aren't widely known even in the West, and supporting evidence. My comment was promptly removed for violating the "Be nice and civil" rule. When I looked back at the thread, I noticed that all posts critical of China had been removed while the whataboutist and denialist comments were left in place.

    This is what the modlog of the instance looks like:


    Definitely a trend there wouldn't you say?

    When I called them out on their one sided censorship, with a screenshot of the modlog above, I promptly received a community ban on all communities on that I had ever participated in.



    So many of you will now probably think something like: "So what, it's the fediverse, you can use another instance."

    The problem with this reasoning is that many of the popular communities are actually on, and they're not so easy to replace. I mean, in terms of content and engagement lemmy is already a pretty small place as it is. So it's rather pointless sitting for example in /c/[email protected] where there's nobody to discuss anything with.

    I'm not sure if there's a solution here, but I'd like to urge people to avoid hosted communities in favor of communities on more reasonable instances.


    LVM volume group offline after reboot

    I have a small server in my closet which is running 4 Debian 12 virtual machines under kvm/libvirt. The virtual machines have been running fine for months. They have unattended-upgrades enabled, and I generally leave them alone. I only reboot them periodically, so that the latest kernel upgrades get applied.

    All the machines have an LVM configuration. Generally it's a debian-vg volume group on /dev/vda for the operating system, which has been configured automatically by the installer, and a vgdata volume group on /dev/vdb for everything else. All file systems are simple ext4, so nothing fancy. (*)

    A couple of days ago, one of the virtual machines didn't come up after a routine reboot and dumped me into a maintenance shell. It complained that it couldn't mount filesystems that were on vgdata. First I tried simply rebooting the machine, but it kept dumping me into maintenance. Investigating a bit deeper, I noticed that vgdata and the block device /dev/vdb were detected but the volume group was inactive, and none of the logical volumes were found. I ran vgchange -a y vgdata and that brought it back online. After several test reboots, the problem didn't reoccur, so it seemed to be fixed permanently.

    I was willing to write it off as a glitch, but then a day later I rebooted one of the other virtual machines, and it also dumped me into maintenance with the same error on its vgdata. Again, running vgchange -y vgdata fixed the problem. I think two times in two days the same error with different virtual machines is not a coincidence, so something is going on here, but I can't figure out what.

    I looked at the host logs, but I didn't find anything suspicious that could indicate a hardware error for example. I should also mention that the virtual disks of both machines live on entirely different physical disks: VM1 is on an HDD and VM2 on an SSD.

    I also checked if these VMs had been running kernel 6.1.64-1 with the recent ext4 corruption bug at any point, but this does not appear to be the case.

    Below is an excerpt of the systemd journal on the failed boot of the second VM, with what I think are the relevant parts. Full pastebin of the log can be found here.

    Dec 16 14:40:35 omega lvm[307]: PV /dev/vdb online, VG vgdata is complete. Dec 16 14:40:35 omega lvm[307]: VG vgdata finished ... Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: dev-vgdata-lvbinaries.device: Job dev-vgdata-lvbinaries.device/start timed out. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device dev-vgdata-lvbinaries.device - /dev/vgdata/lvbinaries. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: Dependency failed for binaries.mount - /binaries. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: Dependency failed for - Local File Systems. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: Job failed with result 'dependency'. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: binaries.mount: Job binaries.mount/start failed with result 'dependency'. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: dev-vgdata-lvbinaries.device: Job dev-vgdata-lvbinaries.device/start failed with result 'timeout'. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: dev-vgdata-lvdata.device: Job dev-vgdata-lvdata.device/start timed out. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device dev-vgdata-lvdata.device - /dev/vgdata/lvdata. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: Dependency failed for data.mount - /data. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: data.mount: Job data.mount/start failed with result 'dependency'. Dec 16 14:42:05 omega systemd[1]: dev-vgdata-lvdata.device: Job dev-vgdata-lvdata.device/start failed with result 'timeout'.

    (*) For reference, the disk layout on the affected machine is as follows: ````


    NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS vda 254:0 0 20G 0 disk โ”œโ”€vda1 254:1 0 487M 0 part /boot โ”œโ”€vda2 254:2 0 1K 0 part โ””โ”€vda5 254:5 0 19.5G 0 part โ”œโ”€debian--vg-root 253:2 0 18.6G 0 lvm / โ””โ”€debian--vg-swap_1 253:3 0 980M 0 lvm [SWAP] vdb 254:16 0 50G 0 disk โ”œโ”€vgdata-lvbinaries 253:0 0 20G 0 lvm /binaries โ””โ”€vgdata-lvdata 253:1 0 30G 0 lvm /data


    VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree debian-vg 1 2 0 wz--n- <19.52g 0 vgdata 1 2 0 wz--n- <50.00g 0


    PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree /dev/vda5 debian-vg lvm2 a-- <19.52g 0 /dev/vdb vgdata lvm2 a-- <50.00g 0


    LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert root debian-vg -wi-ao---- 18.56g swap_1 debian-vg -wi-ao---- 980.00m lvbinaries vgdata -wi-ao---- 20.00g lvdata vgdata -wi-ao---- <30.00g ````
