In a normal society, there would be high pressure against this kind of behavior, and people would need to be tested at least once a year to stay educated. You don't really have free will if you can't make rational choices.
Joe Rogan is a caveman, but I hate this mentality.
I've had a ton of horrible experiences with doctors. Misdiagnosis, given bad medication, bad medical advice, etc. A common trait all of them had extreme arrogance. They all thought they had all the answers, and that modern medicine was infallible.
If you had an issue they couldn't put a clear label on fairly quick or weren't responding to treatment in a textbook way, then that was somehow your fault. Either you were lying, or exaggerating, or it was all just in your head.
I'm not alone in this experience. Basically every American with any sort of complex health issues has had a bad experience at the hands of someone who claims to be an expert. That's on top of the medical establishment letting bad medicine go on for years, because they are extremely reluctant to admit they don't have all the answers.
Obviously, none of that makes Joe Rogan any sort of intellectual or trusted authority on anything except bro science. How you can't expect people to have unflinching trust in doctors when doctors let people down so often.
I think on this particular example, the focus was less on the medical doctor aspect and more on the PhD. The woman has achieved the pinnacle of institutional knowledge in her field by fostering her intellect while dog breath across the table talks down to her about muscly podcast man who told everyone to take horse dewormer for COVID.
I agree using "doctor" as an indicator of intellect can fall short, I think that is tangential to the point her husband was making. Also, good husband stepping up to bat when the coworker starts mansplaining to his wife...
I gave up on getting tested for ADHD. They would not even run the tests! I don't really care if I have it, I just want to be sure, so I know what to do about whatever is wrong with me.
I'm sorry to hear that! My PCP referred me to testing based on a very short conversation and ultimately just because I wanted to be tested and know. I hope you can find a better doctor!
Doctors sadly are drilled to produce results in an industrial manner. Strange edge cases are relegated to research, but if a doctor has to work off many patients, a patient who needs thought or patience is just irritating.
Um... if you look at the post again, you will find that the doctor in question is a PhD, admittedly in neuroscience, which does produce results used by medical doctors. But there is no indication the woman in question has ever, or will ever, practise medicine in a clinical setting. For that matter, there is only the inference from the mention of a US podcast that she is even American, mmm?
But, then, I infer from your userrname that you are male, and from your post that you are American. So I am not, at this point in history, terribly surprised if you have jumped to a wrong conclusion about the actual content of a woman's doctorate.
Signed, another woman with a doctorate that has nothing whatsoever to do with practising medicine in the USA, although you'd never know it from the number of Americans who immediately tell me their symptoms upon introduction. (Ah, yes! I think Napoleon died of something similar on Ste. Helena. Or possibly he was poisoned. But then French history is not my field, either.)
I think any of us who have worked in academia can say something very similar about the other kind of doctor. I do feel like it may be a situation where it's just that the more vocal ones are ruining it for everyone, but we're getting heavy into anecdotal data at that point.
It sucks, but the anti intellectual crowd does legitimately have a lot of places to point some fingers.
Yeah, doctors aren't perfect. Does that mean that my doctor, who says that you should get vaccinated, is on equal footing with RFK Jr., who says you shouldn't? No.
I don't have "unflinching trust" in anybody, but I'd trust a board-certified doctor before I trusted somebody like RFK Jr.
While hilarious...that's what's breeding the rise of the shit show of anti-science. We can't just call morons morons anymore. They go back to truth social, find all the other morons and pretend like they know better.
Classic Lemmy downvoting shit they don't like to hear when it's true.
I fucking hate Joe Rogan and think he's a total cunt, especially as of late, but at the beginning of the pandemic and prior, he did have some great guests like Michael Osterholm.
We need to be better at explaining to people what their education equates to. If you stopped taking hard sciences when you graduated high school you don’t have a good to great understanding of those subjects rather you have the absolute basic understanding.
I learned a lot of great scientific facts and rules in high school. I could predict things that would happen in the real world, like a projectile’s motion or a chemical reaction.
But it was in college, and media that I sought for myself, where I learned about how research is done, how important it is to prevent the million distant cognitive biases we have including subconscious ones, and basically HOW we even determine what is objective truth in the first place.
There aren’t simple “f=ma” equations for that shit. It is all complex messy human activity that requires oversight and continuous improvement forever.
Even if you aced science in highschool, I'd argue that's not the case. AP sciences, maybe, but after seeing the current basic curriculum...oh hell no. Worse if you went to a Christian science school.
College taught me I didn't have a basic understanding of anything really, and there will always be someone out there who knows more. College research also gave me the critical thinking and research skills to wade through most of the bullshit we are being fed daily.
The kids who stop at highschool or go into a trade really don't get that level of problem solving and critical analysis.
What about me I'm not educated technically to anything beyond high school level education and even I understand that the Earth isn't flat, time dilation is a thing, an atom doesn't look like a small solar system, and perpetual motion machines are impossible.
Mostly because I actually paid attention in science class.
Also if the Earth wasn't one centimeter closer to the sun we wouldn't all burn up, but that's based on simple observation that small hills exist.
The key is not to be intentionally ignorant. These people aren't stupid because they're uninformed, they are stupid by choice.
I schooled another man about my wife's competence. A doctor's a doctor! - title of this as a moderately upvoted repost on reddit with mostly positive, supportive comments
Thank you to all the good men who defend their wives like DH did for me! We love you! - title of a less upvoted and commented on reddit repost the next day
OP: My husband's nazi coworker was blatantly sexist to me at a company dinner - "where do you live dumb cunt imma swat your house," "men are people too, not everything is nazis, feminist bitch" brigade, "why are you dividing the movement for equality" Civilized Discussion and Debate, redditcares messages in her inbox
Pride of Ignorance. Its something we should bully out of people. Nobody should be so proud to be so dumb. Its fine to be dumb, but nobody should revel in it.
Legit, I've used why wife as a honest detector for mechanics, ended up finding a mechanic for life (he had the chance to quote us to replace half used brakes way too early and instead was honest and just blew the dust off for free, told us it wasn't necessary)
I recently did. I didn't realize she was a mechanic at first but it was a lovely conversation that touched heavily on being women in male dominated careers.
i was more successful selling cars to women than men and it was because I presumed the person who told me they looked into multiple cars and chose this line actually knew what they wanted in that car.
There is nothing admirable about letting a fascist rant about hate and nonsense, while the ape of a host goes “never thought of it that way, interesting” while legitimizing the nonsense
The problem with this world is that a lot of people enjoy EVERYTHING on a surface level.
I keep getting reminded of my "gamer" years when I played league of legends. When I started, I was clueless and bad. And I found a YouTube channel which made fun educational videos.
Initially I learned a lot but over time, I realized how bad the advice was at times, which changed my consumption of the content. At the end, the content didn't teach me anything and the suggestions of the creator seemed to be focused on messing with bad players and not actually playing good.
I started to watch better players and learned more from them.
To me, fans of these guys stopped at the first step. They want educational content but they don't actually want to learn and so don't actually think about the content and can't outgrow it.
Rogan, Peterson (and probably even Shapiro, I dunno) do give good info or advice once in awhile, but it's not anything that you couldn't get somewhere else without all of the baggage.
They grew up being told the answer and these guys specialize in telling people “the answer”. The issue is they are frequently providing the wrong answer.
Joe Rogan has no content. He is not an expert, but somehow he is able to make the podcast, populated by morons, enjoyable by it's audience. So if a person has to choose between Rogan, with a pseudoscientist in it, or a PhD, which is extremely prepared but does not know how to present his knowledge (either overcomplicated for the general masses, or plain boring), 90% of the people will watch Rogan.
Going to your LoL: the most successful streamers where not the best players, but the pros who manage to keep the chat entertained.
Another example are university professors: the most knowledgeable are usually not the best teachers, because knowing a subject and presenting it are two completely different skill sets.
Shapiro and Peterson both have post graduate degrees. Peterson actually taught at a university level. They are intellectuals they are also just wrong about many of their opinions
Edit: I get hating benny shaps but this is easily verified
“…He then attended Harvard Law School, where he studied under liberal law professors Lani Guinier and Randall Kennedy.[10][11] In 2007, Shapiro graduated from Harvard with a Juris Doctor, cum laude.[12]”
Shapiro only has a B.A.
Peterson is fully qualified to talk on psychological markers for alcoholism, and a broad range of clinical psychology, and not much else.
They are both (educated) bullshit merchants, not intellectuals. Intellectuals are honest.
One of the wisest things I've ever heard is "White people should be lucky that black people only want equality, revenge would be perfectly understandable at this point."
The more I learn about black history, as in the history of what white people have been doing to black people since the latter was dragged kicking and screaming to America, the more I appreciate the phrase. It's honestly some of the most horrific shit I've ever had the displeasure of learning.
And just to clarify. I'm not black, I'm a pale transchick from the 90's who's whiter than sour cream, I've seen Wayne's World 69,420 times and it keeps getting funnier every time I see it.
Still doing it, even the Liberals who think they're anti-Racist, because huge levels of discrimination on the basis of wealth and very low social mobility are core to preserving the oppression of the descendants of people such as freed slaves and inflicting on them the constante suffering which is a live of poverty in a Capitalist system:
When released, the slaves were poor compared to the rest and, because of being poor they and their children had to live in worse places, were not part of the landowner class and did not have access to the same opportinities as the rest (all the while the active discrimination on the color of their skin continued, making things worse). Fast forward to the modern days and whilst direct discrimination on the color of their skin is a lot less than a mere 50 years ago, you still have lots of Afro-Americans living in ghettos, oppressed via their poverty and with their children having far fewer opportunities to improve their lot in life than the rest.
This is why the fight against Inequality must include fighting Wealth Inequality and Discrimination on the basis of Wealth: even if other kinds of inequality of treatment were magically eliminated tomorrow, Wealth Discrimination is by far the main mechanism of hurting those victims and their descendants (poor people live much more painful lives, from the quality of their dwellings and even the bed they sleep in, to that of their food and their personal safety, to the point that their Life Expectancy is a at least a decade less than rich people) and Wealth Inequality bakes in the past injustices (by denying the same opportunities to the descendants of those who are past victims of other kinds of discrimination, for example because poor neighbourhoods have worse schools and poored people don't have the same access to universities when those institutions are private and have high attendance fees and non-meritocratic components to their selection process).
In summary, people pushed down the Wealth scale (or never allowed to move up) by other kinds of Discrimination are inflicted pain and suffering via the mechanisms of Wealth Discrimination and their descendants are denied the same opportunities that others have to improve their lot in life by the very same mechanisms.
In practice American Liberals are a mix of hypocrites and useful idiots because, whilst claiming to be against discrimination, they refuse to address the biggest one, which is the main pathway for inflicting life-long suffering to the victims of other kinds of widespread discrimination and for transmitting that status of victim down the generations long after the original kind of discrimination has lessened or even dissapeared.
All of this. It also must include environmental for all the reasons above as well. Exposure to toxic environmental factors (e.g. chemicals, temperature, pollution etc.) more prevalent on the poor and minorities.
You want to see a nation that has an even more horrible history? Look up the history of Haiti post slave rebellion. That’s a nation the USA and France owe trillions to.
Unpopular opinion: the massive African slave trade was only made possible because the coastal kingdoms of the continent (Mali, Benin, Dahomey, Mozambique, etc), saw a golden opportunity to gain goods and weapons they otherwise had no access to. The Europeans (and muslims, too, Oman was a big slave trading kingdom) obviously have their well deserved share of the responsibility, defending said kingdoms and for essentially turning the slave trade into an industry and a massacre, but don't erase or ignore the Africans' own responsibility in the process, because it was them who ventured into the continent to hunt and capture people to be sold at the ports.
Some people believe that they are taking just that, hence all the terror around Great Replacement theory, or the moral downfall of society because people aren't partaking of mass in purest Latin.
And just to clarify. I’m not black, I’m a pale transchick from the 90’s who’s whiter than sour cream, I’ve seen Wayne’s World 69,420 times and it keeps getting funnier every time I see it.
I'm sorry ma'am, you're under arrest for excessive whiteness.
It depends on what they're talking about. I'll listen to and generally heed a doctors medical opinion, for example. Their political opinion? Eh..
Joe Rogan, who has doesn't have expertise in anything comparable to a doctors expertise in medicine, no way I'm talking anything he says at face value.
In my experience doctors can have some of the absolute worst opinions. Especially highly educated speciality doctors who have spent 1/3 of their life doing nothing but studying their very specific field. Lawyers too.
I work in IT and they can be some of the worst users to work with.
Specialists are experts in their field. Much like many of the IT people they fall into the trap of “Im smart because my job requires it so therefore every opinion I have is intelligent” and that simply isn’t how it really works.
Honestly this is true of many smart people in specialized professions
Infamously software developers are fucking knuckle dragging morons about anything that has nothing to do with what they're good at, but they think they're god kings and think the world works like a computer
The only hallmark of intelligence I subscribe to is when someone just acknowledges they don't know everything and listen. Everyone else is doom spiraling into thought terminating patterns while thinking they're right
Maybe. But i've never actually met or talked to anyone that says shit like that. Do you guys discuss podcasts like this with friends, or even worse, randoms? It's like taking about some reality show or something, who cares what an idiot has to say about a subject. It boggles my mind.
This kind of wordvomit has to be related to close to 2 decades of 140 character limit "discussions" online. I never understood why anyone would want twitter, and i get a greater feeling of justification in my belief for every day that passes.
maybe it's less of a flat circle and more of a downward spiral.. or maybe things are just getting more and more stupid every day.. or maybe it's a cyclical decline.. or maybe THE PRESIDENT IS SELLING CARS AT THE WHITE HOUSE
One negative thing about Reddit's slow downfall is that all the same shitty actors will start to come over here and employ their same old boring karma farming tactics. Hopefully the way lemmy is federated keeps things from getting too shitty. Reddit's corporate overlords are getting more and more controlling. On lemmy, at least for now, you can just hop instances if you start getting cranky.
Idk, the US is currently run by a Nazi admirer who is famous for bankrupting businesses, yet hosted a celebrity reality TV series about running a business, and while being a known adulterer is somehow generally supported by Christians in the country.
That doesn't even begin to get into the DOGE shit show... Reality right now is a massive #thathappened
I wish people would stop giving the Joe Rogans and Rush Limbaughs of the world more attention than they deserve. Debating whether they're right or wrong about anything just gives them more legitimacy than they deserve. They're a sideshow. They're hucksters waving their hands and making noise to make a buck.
They're hucksters waving their hands and making noise to make a buck.
They've learned that doing outrageous things and pissing people off makes the line go up and so they're going to keep doing that regardless of the consequences to discourse in society because it puts money in their pocket
This is a bit embarrassing maybe, but I have actually enjoyed listening to a couple of episodes of the Joe Rogan podcast. In the few episodes I have listened to he has been able to get some good conversations going.
One could easily and rightfully criticize him platforming a lot of his guests, but this is where it gets a bit tricky.
He gives a voice to people that has interesting things to say, that in some way contribute in society or contributes to a discussion, and people that are completely psychotic. The latter should not be platformed, both for their own good and society. Alex Jones was an example of that. Joe Rogan should have stopped that episode in its tracks, or not have aired it.
I stopped listening more as a sort of boycott, not because I could not find any sort of value in his episodes sometimes.
Edit: The reply is probably correct. Joe Rogan does tend to not be skeptical and does platform a lot of evil people as well. The people in his podcast rarely meets any real opposition from Joe.
He more often gives platforms to people who say nothing, and a whole lot of it that. He also tends to platform insane and downright evil people and lets them say whatever bullshit they want with zero questions, zero feedback, zero incredulity, thus making them look legitimate in the eyes of his followers.
I stopped listening because a few of the doctors or scientists he has had on before. Rogan hadn't read their book, didn't know anything about them nor could be keep any sort of useful conversation going and I found other podcasts of actual smart people who can converse and have discourse with intellectuals and I can learn something. Jordan Harbinger is the best example of this.
Neuroscientists aren't medics (not all, not even the majority). They can't pump you full of anything. Furthermore, if a psychologist detects that you need medication, they will refer you to a psychiatrist to prescribe you drugs. They're not to make you dumb, they're to prevent you from hurting yourself and others, and improve mood and cognitive function.
Maybe surprisingly for you, many women are not able to restrain themselves from killing.
With that said, whenever anyone overgeneralizes, I know immediately they're either willfully ignorant or just dumb, and any opinion they voice should simply be taken with a mountain of salt.
This is so cringe. Things like this with people upvoting this junk really does make Dems look like radical fascist as well just itching to censor people & take away free speech. One person said that letting other people speak is a good thing, but the supposed doctor who insists she is smarter than everyone else cause she's a doctor, is celebrating the idea of preventing people from speaking.
You lot need to get over yourselves. Not everything is about your dems and republicans reality show excuse for politics. Take that shit back to Reddit.