Nochmal einen draufsetzen.
Die Wahlkampfmisogynie fängt früh an.
I don't really know this talk.
What kebab would you recommend for this lovely day? Me and my company take the best canned beer you can acquire, as well.
echo "Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this. Now there is a whole train of folks masturbating together at this. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this NSFW."
MoViNg tO tHe sUbUrB/cOuNtRySiDe fOr tHe kIdS
A woman who saw him walking alongside the road—speed limit: 25 in some places, 35 in others—asked him if he was OK. He said yes.
Nevertheless, she called the police.
The plan (from child protective services) would also require Patterson to download an app onto her son's phone allowing for his location to be monitored.
If I were the child, I'd forget my phone at home very often. A town like that probably has a no-phone school anyways.
People don't care about children apparently. Spatial appropriation is an important aspect of childrens' development. Children cannot lobby for themselves in the same way most adult social groups can do.
It doesn't matter who owns the coal mine, oil refinery, LNG terminal, gas station or gas stove.
It simply has to go fast.
Billionaires are not going to solve our problems, even if we expropriate them. Marxists¹ of all people should know this.
Most ENERGY used from fossil fuels is used for energy-inefficient transportation (you know, our millions of cars), most EMISSIONS stem from power plants (likely owned by a local state body, ie our votes).
¹(ie people who heard the term class consciousness before)
I'd argue that at this point, sticking to the collective vs individual dichotomy of climate attribution and action potential is climate action delayist. When your argument relies you or your group intentionally doing absolutely nothing to combat climate change, you don't really have climate change in mind.
Leftism sometimes cares more about class than its very foundation, the environment, to understand why there is a problem with blame-shifting.
I've seen this in a similar fashion in relationship advice forums: Commenters not engaging with the issue or person, but knee-jerk reacting with advising instant breakup.
I haven't been on reddit for over a year, but I cannot imagine that topics like say atheism don't polarise. What makes you think it is the case?
I don't quite understand your point. Do you maybe have some examples to understand better?
Bis dahin ist zB die Westantarktis (ca. 3,3m Meeresspiegelanstieg), fast egal was wir jetzt noch groß anstellen, längst aufgetaut (wenn wir gut sind vielleicht sogar noch in den nächsten Jahrhunderten).
Ich persönlich würde gegenanstinken, aber das ist auch nicht für Alle und vielleicht sogar kontraproduktiv.
I hope I don't lean into too much opinion, but I feel like expectations of outreach don't work too well just one-sided, so for example if he expects outreach from you, but you do not get to have the same expectation or face anger from him, that's not based on equal standing.
Labour sometimes creates emptiness (nothing to talk about, head empty) or puts stress into free time, but I feel like that isn't the case here, right?
When you needed emotional support though, you asked your friend for help naturally, so why do you think was he upset at that time?
Da war n Windrad im Weg.
Trikken sporet av og kjørte rett inn i Eplehuset midt i Oslo sentrum.
Dvster - Hexenwerk (EP, 2024)
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Women's boulder final | Genova 2024
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> The 2024 European Cup in Genova, Italy, will welcome climbers from all over the continent, for the last event of the season.
Gloomstone - Never See
Is the World Really Running Out of Sand? | Practical Engineering
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> > There’s a lot changing in the construction industry, and a lot of growth in the need for materials like sand and gravel. But I don’t think it’s fair to say the world is running out of those materials. We’re just more aware of all the costs involved in procuring them, and hopefully taking more account for how they affect our future and the environment.
Is the World Really Running Out of Sand? | Practical Engineering
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> There’s a lot changing in the construction industry, and a lot of growth in the need for materials like sand and gravel. But I don’t think it’s fair to say the world is running out of those materials. We’re just more aware of all the costs involved in procuring them, and hopefully taking more account for how they affect our future and the environment.
jwidaw - Inévita (w/ eriance)
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Das System Hamas | Doku | ARTE
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> Der Terrorangriff des siebten Oktobers 2023 auf Israel hat die Welt verändert: Es ist das größte Verbrechen an Juden seit dem Holocaust der Nationalsozialisten – verübt von palästinensischen Terroristen unter Führung der Hamas. Doch welche Ziele verfolgt die Hamas? Wer finanziert sie und wie schafft es die Organisation über Jahrzehnte, immer neue Terroristen zu rekrutieren?
Verfügbar bis 2024-12-23.
Künstlerin stellt SUVs aus verrottendem Material ein Jahr lang in München aus
Drei Kompost-Autos stehen seit dem Wochenende ein Jahr lang in der Stadt. Was eine Berliner Künstlerin damit zu tun hat.
> Ein Jahr lang soll man den Skulpturen dabei zuschauen, wie sie langsam verrotten. "Bestenfalls wachsen Pflanzen daraus", so Köbberling. Für sie sehen die Skulpturen aus "wie Relikte aus einer anderen Zeit, als wären sie ausgegraben worden". > > Sie bestehen aus Holz, Lehmaushub, Wolle und Weizen. Nach dreizehn Monaten werden die drei zu Erde verwandelten Skulpturen in einer Art Prozession zu einer entsiegelten Fläche gebracht. Dann sind sie "reines Rohmaterial und ein hervorragender Dünger", sagt die Künstlerin.
Climate change-triggered landslide unleashed a 200 meter tsunami in a narrow fjord in 2023 (seiche)
In September 2023, scientists around the world detected a mysterious seismic signal that lasted for nine straight days. An international team of scientists, including seismologists Alice Gabriel and Carl Ebeling of UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography came together to solve the mystery...
Four women who shared a room in Buenos Aires were attacked with a Molotov cocktail and only one survived. Members of the LGBTQI+ community ask for justice and warn against the increase in hate speech
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Drei lesbische Frauen verbrennen in ihrer Wohnung in Buenos Aires, ihr Nachbar hat das Feuer gelegt. Wie die Regierung Milei Hasskriminalität anheizt.
What actual purpose does atheism have in our lives?
Imagine a world without organised religion, where it doesn't affect people's lives, but atheism still exists. What purpose would atheism fill in this scenario?
Die Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft schlägt Alarm: Die Bürokratie sei so ausgeufert, dass sie die Beschäftigten von der eigentlichen Arbeit abhalte. Ein Besuch auf einer Intensivstation. Von Andre Kartschall.
> Reyle-Hahn fasst den Verdacht, den viele im Krankenhaus hätten, so zusammen: "Das Gefühl der Arbeitenden und beteiligten Ärzte und Pflegekräfte ist: Es geht nicht um die Frage, ob wir die Qualität erfüllen, sondern eher um die Suche nach Schwachstellen, um bestimmte Leistungen, die uns eigentlich zustehen, nicht erfüllen zu müssen."