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chakan2 chakan2
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Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Unfortunately, that's all we got. There's not a cure all for this one. So, like cancer, cut away the bad parts, apply some chemo, and pray it doesn't come back.

    4/5 cops are good people. We don't have an answer for smashing all the bad ones at once.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • Yea...that cop is getting life in prison. There's no defense for that.

  • Kamala Harris Overtakes Trump in First Major Poll Since Biden Exit From Race
  • You know what would stop the massacre in Palestine...a ceasefire. Hamas isn't going to let that happen, and the Palestinian population largely supports them. It's not for the US to fix anymore.

  • Steve Kornacki: Harris’ campaign could draw undecided voters off the fence — in both directions
  • Great Value Cthulhu is great btw.

    The thing that's going to hurt her maybe is her kind of inconsistent record as a prosecutor. However, that's being spun into progressive before it was cool, so I think she'll be ok there.

    The other line of attack that might have some teeth is her dating the San Francisco mayor while he was estranged from his wife (for a decade), but the timeline of her promotions make that kind of a non issue.

    The only thing I'm really worried about is how Racist the US is. That might cost us this election, but if that's how we go out, so be it. I'd rather lose with a worthy candidate than lose because we ran the stunt double from Weekend at Bernie's.

  • Steve Kornacki: Harris’ campaign could draw undecided voters off the fence — in both directions
  • That's the game...did enough of them die off after Hilary's run to make a difference.

    Kamala at least makes this race exciting again. I can't tell you how ecstatic I am to hear a leader use full complex sentences and not stumble over big words.

  • Nancy Pelosi did what she’s always done
  • She IS a meme of old money greed. That's all it is.

  • you can set your watch to it
  • Well...yes... American politics is driven by hate.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • I'm ecstatic of Biden dropping. It's no longer a sure loss for the D's...there's a glimmer of hope for us after all.

  • Joe Biden faces increasing pressure to quit the race, but has spent a lifetime overcoming the odds
  • Diversity hires won't get the same protections in the general election.

  • Warren: Democrats ‘will suspend the filibuster’ to codify Roe v. Wade
  • Strangely...the R's haven't been bound by the rules of government. They cause havoc at will.

  • Warren: Democrats ‘will suspend the filibuster’ to codify Roe v. Wade
  • Yea...I wouldn't bring up the ACA anymore. It destroyed US healthcare in a bad way.

    It should have been universal healthcare and instead we got the most pro health insurance bill in history.

  • Joe Biden suddenly cancels speech, tests positive for COVID
  • No he's not...the D's will run his fucking corpse at this point rather than picking a viable candidate.

    At least his corpse can't fuck up softball questions.

  • Joe Biden suddenly cancels speech, tests positive for COVID
  • That might work...have him try it.

  • Biden to push for Supreme Court ethics reform, term limits and amendment to overturn immunity ruling, sources say
  • 3.5 years too late. Why the fuck wasn't this the first thing you did in office.

  • It's Only One Vote
  • How many of them were in counties that mattered?

  • Biden says his 'mental acuity has been pretty damn good' in defending his decision to stay in the race
  • The excerpts I've seen are pretty ugly. Biden can't seem to get through a whole sentence these days.

  • Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President
  • The election is over. Period...he's up 8 points, and I'm betting by Monday 12 points.

    You understand his base is voting FOR project 2025 and Agenda 47. That's what they want.

  • Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President
  • Jesus fucking Christ...what does it take to prove to Democrats that they are going to fucking lose?

    He's up 8 points before the shooting. That pic of him bloody and pumping his fist is all over EVERYTHING right now.

    This election was over in the first 10 minutes of the debate. This is absolute victory at this point, and I think we lose Congress too, in a bad way.

    If you're not freaking out...I don't know man...I just don't know.

  • Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup: POLL

    The president's ratings for the economy and immigration are at career lows, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.

    Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head matchup: POLL

    There was an article earlier about people smoking crack if they thing Trump is up 10 points.

    Well...he's up 10 points. The Democrats need to do something fairly drastic soon if they want to win 24.


    MTG shows Hunter Biden revenge porn for congress. Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress

    MAGA congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene once again caused chaos at a House hearing—this time by waving around X-rated images of the president’s son.

    Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress