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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Nike’s self-lacing Adapt BB sneakers are losing their remote control mobile app
  • Honestly if they got the cost down and figured out a better interaction mechanism than an app, I could see it being useful for older or disabled individuals.

    For example, imagine someone is 55. They are still with it, and decently active for this age. However they have arthritis in their hands that makes tasks that require dexterity mildly uncomfortable. These kinds of shoes would be a pretty big boon for them in terms of staying active.

    The issue is that they tried to make it some cool fashion accessory for Gen Z sneaker heads to buy.

  • What's a traditional / archaic concept that actually happens to be right, just not for the reason originally thought?
  • Midwives did not understand germ theory, but still washed their hands and cleaned the delivery areas for delivery due to tradition.

    Fun fact:

    A Hungarian doctor tried to combine midwife tradition with his knowledge of modern medicine to get even better results. He required his nurses to clean on a regular basis, and required doctors to wash their hands with a chlorine solution before all medical procedures.

    The result was a resounding success, with the complication rate as his facility being better than both the midwives and other doctors. However his methods violated social conventions at the time, so he was shunned from society and considered a disgrace. He died in an insane asylum.

  • LGBTQ+ orgs blast Joe Biden's "cowardly" statement opposing surgeries for trans youth
  • Here's some feedback

    • Make it more clear this is a bot in beta mode
    • Better formatting.
    • A small blurb of what the bot does. No acronyms
    • Instead of putting a warning, have it fire on all sources. Use some sort of color coding to differentiate quality in the better formatted message.
  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • If by "the people", you mean "a minority of voters in the democratic primaries, which historically are a lot more amicable to progressive candidates such as Bernie than the general electorate" then sure.

    Bernie dropped out because there was no realistic way for him to win the primaries. He'd get bodied in the general election.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • I think you all have a delusionally inflated opinion of both Bernie Sanders and progressive politics as a whole.

    Bernie is a self described socialist. He lost in the primaries to middling candidates in both 2016 and 2020. He in particular has dismal performance among women over 30 and black people as a whole.

    The progressive movement as a whole is even worse. At least Bernie makes an attempt to win hearts and minds. Progressives are obsessed with insane purity tests and horrible messaging that alienates everyone who doesn't already agree with them.

    Look at this tweet. The whole "anyone remotely to the right of me on Israel/Palestine is morally repugnant" stuff works in echo chambers, but would get you absolutely rocked in an election.

  • xkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
  • I feel like this is directed towards ICE vs EV cars. If that's the case, it's sort of frustrating.

    EVs have some very real drawbacks. Even if those drawbacks are solvable problems, they are still problems right now. Pushing this narrative that EVs are universally better or that the biggest hurdle to adoption is irrational consumer sentiment will just make people feel gaslit. It'll also make people more hesitant to adopt later on, because they'll be skeptical of positive reviews that are honest.

  • POTUS is in Los Angeles tonight...
  • Honestly if he was just like "yeah I was a complete asshole 20 years ago. I apologize" I wouldn't hold it against him. I believe in the capacity for people to change.

    However when asked about the Man Show he claimed it was supposed to be intricate satire, the fact that the audience genuinely liked it disgusted him, and he hated every second of it.

    Kimmel was the creator, producer, and head writer. He could have easily changed the format if he truly despised it. Or just got rid of the part where he had scantily clad women dance on trampolines.

  • McDonalds removes AI drive-throughs after order errors
  • You can tell the exec who greenlit this was a boomer because they went with IBM.

    An AI drive through was always going to be difficult. IBM simply isn't the company that can do stuff like that anymore, and they haven't been for decades at this point.

  • POTUS is in Los Angeles tonight...
  • I feel like there's a decent chunk of comedians who base their platform off progressive politics because that helps distract people from the fact they aren't really funny.

    Jimmy Kimmel is like their patron saint. Not only has he elevated his career beyond his talent level, but he managed to completely avoid getting canceled for all that racist and sexist shit he did on The Man Show. Like even if you can excuse most of it as a product of the time, straight up blackface wasn't considered politically correct in the 2000s either.

  • Electric Cars Are Suddenly Becoming Affordable
  • I agree, but with a small caveat. I think that a lot of 2010s bloggers were wannabe authors who only got into journalism because it was a lot easier to break into blogging versus literature in that era.

  • Electric Cars Are Suddenly Becoming Affordable
  • I get what you're saying but yeah it is surprising. It would be one thing if their coverage was bad as in the sense the author doesn't do legwork or add anything of value when compared to some YouTuber. However their coverage feels like it's written by someone who doesn't particularly like cars and doesn't really follow this stuff outside of when their editor assigns it to them.

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • There is absolutely nothing in Klingon society that indicates that they'd be accepting of trans individuals. There are a million things in Klingon society that, while not explicitly anti trans, heavily hint at a society that would not be accepting.

    I feel like you like Star Trek and want every aspect of it to be explicitly pro trans. However instead of just acknowledging that Klingons were portrayed as extremely regressive anyway, you invent a headcanon and grasp as straws to justify it.

  • Electric Cars Are Suddenly Becoming Affordable
  • You know in 2021 I thought that the MSM was deliberately ignoring the issues with EVs and promoting overly rosy timelines as part of a political agenda.

    After seeing the massive amount of FUD they published about EVs over the past year, I think they are just bad at their jobs.

    It feels like the media covers EVs based on vibes versus doing actual research. As a result they've consistently publish articles that are either borderline nonsense hopium or complete doomerism.

    IMO I still think hybrids will be instrumental tech over the next decade. Those 300 mile EVs often get much worse range in weather conditions that are common in many parts of the country. It's also simply going to take considerable time for fast charging infrastructure to become ubiquitous enough to truly address range anxiety.

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • That's just one example. There are others.

    A huge part of the Klingon civil war arc is that the Duras family had no male heir. They eventually just dig one out of the brothels. At no point is it considered a viable option for either of the sisters to openly lead.

    When Worf wanted to get married to Jadzia, they needed Martok's wife's approval due to the extremely stratified gender roles. When they had trouble getting said approval, Martok basically said that it wasn't his place to interfere and sort it out himself. A huge portion of the reason why Jadzia had trouble getting approval is because she doesn't behave like you'd expect a Klingon women to. All of this friction is in spite of the fact that Martok is a lot more open minded than most other Klingons.

    Klingon society is regressive in a million other ways. They are governed by a glorified aristocracy. Worf installed Martok as chancellor by killing Gowron in a casual death battle. They advised crusher to help Worf kill himselves when he was paralyzed. The society is still fairly religious. A popular coming of age ceremony involves repeatedly getting shocked with pain sticks.

    All of that's just off the top of my head. There's probably more. The idea that Klingon society is ass backwards in a million different ways but super tolerant of trans individuals stretches all belief and feels more akin to Tumblr headcanon than any actual reality.

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • Did you watch DS9?

    I ask because the show makes it extremely clear on multiple occasions that while Curzon and Jadzia Dax share memories and a lot of personality traits, they are ultimately distinct people. This distinction becomes even more clear when Ezri Dax is introduced.

    This is explicitly mentioned in the episode you are referencing. Jadzia Dax is not bound by the Klingon blood oath Curzon took. While Kor sees her and Curzon as identical, the other two Klingons don't and are reluctant to let her come. One also makes frequent comments that Jadzia is incapable on account of her being a woman.

    As a sidenote, Klingon society is extremely regressive. Part of this is the presence of strong gender roles. I highly doubt they'd be accepting of trans individuals.

    Discovery has a non-binary Trill/Symbiote pair. They are non binary because the host identifies as such. They also consider themselves a different person than previous pairs, some of whom are non binary and some of who are cisgendered.

  • Kristi Noem defends killing her own puppy
  • I get that social media seems to be a constant stream of outrage with nobody actually caring, but I think this story might actually derail her.

    There are articles in Fox News, NY Post, and other conservative media outlets about this. They are fairly critical. The fox news one includes tweets from a "country boy" who is like "there's a difference between taking an old animal out back and a fucking puppy".

  • The tech job market is supposed to be getting better. How does that match up with your Experience?

    5 YOE. Not looking, but also getting no real interest. Also haven't updated my linkedin in a good while.

    Any other experiences?
