I think RFK is the Horseman of Plague. Guess the role of Famine goes to Musk, and War belongs to Trump. I am not yet sure who is Death, but they will reveal themselves soon enough.
Not supporting this dude, but I watched the whole video and he never once said it would be better if everyone got measles. Maybe I missed it; if so, please correct me.
He mentioned a waning effect with the vaccine vs full-blown infection, which I highly doubt is accurate (I'll research it later), but that's a massive stretch to get to the headline. He even recommended vaccines and said they will be available for free to anyone that needs them.
I've gotten a little lazy in fact checking left leaning stuff because I always felt it was a little more trustworthy. I'm just starting to wonder how much I've been blindly accepting because it conforms to my biases.
Thanks for watching it and writing this. Good to know it's not as stupid as it's made out to be.
I've actually got fed up with left-leaning outrage news because any time I check it it's twisted out of shape or plain wrong. I'm sure there's plenty the same in right-leaning-outrage-news, I just don't see it in the first place!
I wish people who want a world of truth and science wouldn't lie to get support.
The written article also doesn’t say it would be better if everyone got measles. I listened to the interview long enough to see the article is quoting him accurately and fairly. At least for that.
Then he spent probably too much time talking about vitamin A, and I didn’t listen to the rest
It’s really just a lying outrage headline - from the written article
“The measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Sean Hannity on Fox News.
Wouldn't it be great if there was something else that gave you protection against measles infection, without you actually having to have measles? If only ...
The measles vaccine is literally a weakened version of the measles virus. It’s just an attenuated measles infection that allows your body to build antibodies against it without a full on infection.
As I said in a different thread recently, the only issue is that the name "vaccine" has been tainted in the minds of idiots. Rebrand it as "natural immune system therapy" or something, and market it as something the establishment is firmly against, and they'd be lining up to get it.
None of these people understand what vaccines actually do.
That was the theory behind COVID as well, and while it did happen at a 2:1 ratio, it wasn't enough to impact the election in any way.
Edit: I'll mention it needs to happen in a statistically significant margin, within the swing states exclusively. Diseases and viruses unfortunately don't operate off electoral maps...If it was just a general vote, it wouldn't be an issue.
Shit — This week — I have a relative that had to wait 3 days in the ER to be transferred to a bigger hospital. The big hospital didn’t have a bed.
The hospital system in America has been overwhelmed for over a month and a half straight now.
Anymore stress beyond the current quademic (and whatever the unknown illness is — have we figured that out yet?) and we will have to bring back keeping people outside and firing up the refrigerator trucks again.
Vaccines are not 100% effective. They reduce the likelihood of infection if you are exposed. The whole point of trying to get everyone vaccinated is to reduce the infection rate so that there's less likely to be an outbreak. With a vaccinated population, the virus can't spread fast enough to maintain a pool of infected people to keep spreading it. But that doesn't mean nobody gets sick.
Vaccines are not as effective on some people. There's a range of effectiveness.
Not everyone can get vaccinated. People with certain allergies or compromised immune systems in particular.
Some parts of the population have higher risk factors than others and when they get sick it can be much more serious. Usually the very old and the very young. And again, people with compromised immune systems, or other conditions that complicate the illness.
Kids whose parents refuse to get them vaccinated are put at elevated risk through no fault of their own.
I could probably keep going, but hopefully you get the idea why that's just not a viable approach.
They perhaps don't need to. The staff in hospitals only got a few token coins as reward for the previous pandemic, and didn't get much raise or better working conditions since then. People are already walking away because overworked and underpaid. It's likely a lot of them just quit when a new pandemic would start and the hospitals can barely function.
As a bonus for contracting measles, you'll get all your previous vaccines and earned immunities deleted by the measles virus attacking your immune cells dedicated to remembering how to effectively fight past pathogens.
So you can think of measles as THE antivaccine. No wonder the antivaxxers love it so much!
My father had measles when he was a little boy, sometime in the 1940s. It nearly killed him. Measles is no joke. Anyone trying to spread it around on purpose should get a bullet in the brain before they have a chance to harm others.
Agreed, FACTUAL EVIDENCE of a conspiracy theory is collected by reputable Johns Hopkins University and George Washington University and crickets. People flock to conspiracies with no evidence, but once one appears with authentic validation... nothing.
Troll accounts that had attempted to influence the US election had also been tweeting about vaccines, a study says. Many posted both pro- and anti-vaccination messages to create "false equivalency", the study found. It examined thousands of tweets sent between 2014 and 2017. Vaccination was being used by trolls and sophisticated bots as a "wedge issue", said Mark Dredze from Johns Hopkins University."A significant portion of the online discourse about vaccines may be generated by malicious actors with a range of hidden agendas," said David Broniatowski from George Washington University. The researchers reviewed more than 250 tweets about vaccination from accounts linked to the St Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency (IRA). In February the agency was named in a US indictment over alleged election meddling.
It's because people love feeling like they're privvy to a secret. The second it's validated and becomes public knowledge, it's no longer "privileged" knowledge and no longer makes them feel special for "knowing" a "secret truth"
Well, to be fair, it is still a conspiracy. It becomes a knowncriminal conspiracy. Criminal Conspiracy is still a crime. :)
but you’re right, it’s no longer a conspiracy theory.
(Unfortunately for all Americans, social murder by policy isn't usually a crimey crime. They might be more careful about killing us if they paid the cost personally)
If only there was some way we could train our immune systems to fight off Measles without having to actually infect ourselves with it. That way an immediate immune response could keep the disease from ever taking root to begin with! I blame those fucking scientists for not thinking of this already, they're probably too busy making fake climate change scare articles. /s
What if we only get, like, a little bit of measles? Like if I touch someone with measles very quickly. Just enough to get a small non-dangerous amount that is hardly noticeable by me but enough for my immune system to learn to fight it? Is there a possibility that that would work?
What if we just, like, gave you a little part of the measles? Like whatever's on the outside of the virus, so your immune system can just know to attack that?
I'm still optimistic the lifers at HHS who stood firm and didn't resign are just slowly teaching Lil Bobby what a vaccine is:
While RFK Jr. recently shifted his stance to concede that vaccinations are actually pretty useful, he has still stopped short of urging skeptics to go and get it. And in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity that aired Tuesday night, he appeared to still favor natural immunity through exposure to the virus.
"It used to be, when I were a kid, that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection,” he said, then taking a swipe at the vaccine. “The vaccine doesn’t do that. The vaccine is effective for some people for life, but for many people it wanes.”
Like, he is damn close to understanding a measles vaccine is measles, just a hindered version that won't be able to reproduce and cause harm. And real close to understanding the need for booster shots.
He's still not there, and it seems to be taking weeks for what can be covered in depth in 15 minutes.
This is how I feel RFK jr has always operated. He does/proposes/thinks progressive things right up until it really goes off the rails. Like, he argued there are medical biases against Black Americans (very much true and well researched), but then segued into the COVID-19 vaccines being medical experiments on minorities and tried to discourage vaccination that way. He usually starts with a good cause but inevitably drags it into conspiracy territory. Also someone is sanewashing his Wikipedia article because there’s a lot of his bullshit missing from a few months ago.
I mean, let's assume he's right, and let's assume that a vaccine only protects you for, say, 20 years. Just measles induced encephalitis alone has a lethality of 0.1%. How many cases of anything more than a mild fever did any vaccine ever cause? He's not even claiming it's causing autism or death or transformation into Space Godzilla. So why not just vaccinate? It's stupid even in his own world.
I get it. By giving everyone a measles infection, their immune system will be trained on the pathogen, and learn how to fight it in the future so you don't get infected again. That's a brilliant idea, but maybe we can play it safe by giving them just a little bit of measles so they don't have to deal with the associated risks?
People who subscribe to this approach toward immunity acquisition REALLY need to read Chapter 41 (Hygiene Hypothesis) in Immune by Philipp Dettmer. Also, here's a fun and terrifying excerpt specifically about measles:
I think this is a legitimate route our medical community needs to take. Stupid people are instantly turned off by the word vaccine because of bullshit associations with the word.
Like how idiots hated Obamacare but loved the ACA.
Vaccines just need a re-brand. Something like, "Brawndo, it's got what T-cells need!"
The only correct answer to RFK saying that is: "No it wouldn't."
There is zero scientific evidence that supports his claim. Him saying this is about akin to someone saying that we should build only brick houses because the sky hates the color red which is why it is blue. It makes no sense and so does his argument. But that's to be expected from someone who quite literally has zero formal training in medicine.
Thank you so much America and RFK. Vaccines have become contested as scientific fact, and the only way to truly show the world the truth, is to rip away vaccines from a country that has them, and count the dead before and after. Your willingness to sacrifice potentially thousands of American lives to prove your opponents' point, is almost Christ-like in its self-sacrificial nature, and Trump-like in its mythical level of stupidity and disregard for the value of human life. The rest of the world thanks you for ridding our countries of any traction vaccine skeptics might ever have had. We thank you for your service.
No, don't interpret the Pubelicans words. They mean exactly what they say. There is no hidden meaning or "what he really means". For years the news and media did the "what he probably means" with Trump and it was not true, he literally meant what he said. Don't do that for this piece of shit, if he can't speak clearly and truthfully then he's unfit for his position. We as a people should not have to read between the lines.
RFK Jr: "It used to be that everybody got measles. And the measles gave you lifetime protection against measles infection. The vaccine doesn't do that ... it used to be that very young kids were protected by breast milk. Women who get vaccinated do not provide that level of immunity."