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TransplantedSconie TransplantedSconie
Posts 73
Comments 2.7K

The D. O. Double G!

They'll sell us the rope we hang ourselves with
  • Tell me about it. Every ad during X-Files on Comet (TV channel on Sling) is viaga or blue chew (more viaga).

    My dong works just fine Comet! Stop making me sad!

  • Data privacy after Dobbs: Is period tracking safe?
  • If the Republicans win, it will be sent to JD Vance's office every day.

  • Trump meets with Netanyahu for first time since departing White House
  • JD Vance is a weird fucker too. He wants your mom's, your wives, and your daughters menstrual data sent to his desk every day.

    That's some weird ass shit right there.

  • Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview
  • God damn lol.

    Trump never had this douche-canoe vetted, and it shows with horrible clip after horrible clip just pouring out.

    I feel for the Harris campaign staffers who have to listen to hours apon hours of his podcast horror shows, but they are doing the lords work. This stuff is campaign gold.

  • Trump calls Kamala Harris statement on Gaza war ‘disrespectful’
  • Jesus Christ, look at that thumbnail pic.

    He's so fucking old.

    He should drop out of the race.

  • California's largest wildfire doubles in size to 164,000 acres, shows explosive growth
  • Maybe he was going through a divorce, and the wife wanted the car?

    Whatever the reason the guy is absolutely fucked.

  • Trump struggles to find line of attack against Harris: ‘They are literally grasping at straws’
  • Would it help excite you and retain your attention if she sprinkled some spicy memes in the powerpoint?

    One would think that a Project 2025 fascist government that has no qualms about shooting protesters should be enough to keep your attention about it. But if it takes memes, I'm sure she'd do it.

  • Trump struggles to find line of attack against Harris: ‘They are literally grasping at straws’
  • If he's not going to debate her then Harris should literally give a 90 minute PowerPoint on project 2025 and what it will do to your pay your healthcare, your environment everything..

  • The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 26.07.24
  • I'll tell you what they don't have:

  • Harris pushes cease-fire after Netanyahu meets with her, Biden separately
  • Judging from her comments, I'm sure she told him to take the deal and stop fucking over the families of the hostages and the Palestinian people.

    Right now, she has no power over the military. After November 5th it will be a different story. I hope the people of Dearborn watched her today.

  • Chinese and Russian bombers patrolling off Alaska raise concerns about growing military cooperation
  • Just send a Ukrainian in a T-shirt and gym shorts armed with a MANPADS. He'll shoot both down then go back to doin' his thing.

  • A Jet Ski that was converted to an attack USV washed ashore in Turkey.
  • God damn geniuses those Ukrainian people are lmao.

    Imagine trying to shoot this little fucker while its screaming at you with such a low profile?

  • Oregon fire is the largest burning in the US. Thunderstorms and high winds are exacerbating it
  • I was quickly scrolling, and I didn't see the "exacer" part of "exacerbating."

    I thought it said: Oregon Fire Is The Largest Burning In The US. Thunderstorms And High Winds Are Berating It.

    and I was like, "That's not nice thunderstorm. It's trying it's best."

  • Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    What a weak ass loser.

    Has Netanyahu finally lost America?
  • Jerry Nadler called it the same and went further because he rightfully said, " he wishes the war the continue because if it does not, he will lose power and be voted out. He cares nothing for those hostages and cares only about staying in power."

    He went on to call it a shameful display and call it a worthless speech.

  • Biden says he’ll call for Supreme Court reform in final months in office
  • Who wouldn't?

    Out in the fresh air, soil in your hands, working the land to bring forth food.


    Court intrigue, back stabbing (literally sometimes), mountains of paperwork, assholes attacking your country at times. That shit would get old quick.

  • Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters announces guidelines for Bible usage.
  • The amendment limits the actions of all state and local officials and also those acting on behalf of such officials.

  • Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    It's got to hurt to see.

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Her face probably feels like a used saddlebag.

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Holy balls, would it be amazing. One last twist of the knife by Diamond Joe.

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Fucking clownshoes. Y'all better vote in America 'cause the Heritage Foundation is full of crazy.

    22 Beryl weakens to tropical storm after sweeping into Texas as Cat 1 hurricane

    The storm made landfall in Texas as a Category 1 hurricane before weakening to a tropical storm.

    Beryl weakens to tropical storm after sweeping into Texas as Cat 1 hurricane
    Political Memes TransplantedSconie


    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    I'm gonna get wicked smashed tonight to put it all behind me. No 'tussin though.


    I mean....come on, man!

    24 Military flees Bolivia government palace after coup attempt fails

    Armored vehicles rammed into the doors of Bolivia's government palace Wednesday as President Luis Arce said the country faced an attempted coup.

    Military flees Bolivia government palace after coup attempt fails

    Collecting sex-crazed zombie cicadas on speed: Scientists track a bug-controlling super-sized fungus. Collecting sex-crazed zombie cicadas on speed: Scientists track a bug-controlling super-sized fungus

    With their bulging red eyes and their alien-like mating sound, periodical cicadas can seem scary and weird enough.

    Collecting sex-crazed zombie cicadas on speed: Scientists track a bug-controlling super-sized fungus

    Holy title, Batman!

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Some talking heads say they just want tax breaks for the rich. This is the real platform.

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Zero amount of fun. It's like your humor gland divided by zero and poof disappeared.

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Don't let history repeat itself!

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    May his ulcers have ulcers.

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Keep it up Two Scoops! That report will be a doozy!

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Twas like sweet nectar from the Gods

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    Get fucked Two Scoops. Those gag order violations can come back to bite you.

    Political Memes TransplantedSconie

    It's uncanny!
